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JLeslie's avatar

Will you comment on this article about the Palestinian people and the history of Palestine?

Asked by JLeslie (65942points) August 10th, 2014

I was interested in the claim I have heard more than once that Arafat invented the Palestinian people. I found this article, which is obviously written by someone who is pro-Israel. I know many jellies here know much more about the history of the middle east than I, and also have more sympathy for the Palestinian cause, and I was hoping to get the collectives take on the idea that there never was a Palestine. Also, if you accept that Arafat did invent the Palestinians then do you think that has actually hurt them in the long run?

This is really a historical question more than anything regarding the Palestinian people as a group and if their ever was a Palestine, but any discussion about the article is welcome.

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8 Answers

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stanleybmanly's avatar

The article tosses its credibility into the toilet at the very outset. Palestine has existed for better than 2000 years. The Romans created the region as an object lesson after suppressing the Jewish revolt in Judea. Judea was wiped from the maps, and the land was razed to the ground and left uninhabitable. Titus thought that razing the place might abolish pesky Judaism from the empire. It actually had the opposite effect. The Jews dispersed throughout the empire, and subsequently the world. They became ubiquitous in virtually every occupation in the vast Roman Empire. Their religion may have been despised, but as people they enjoyed the full benefits guaranteed every Roman citizen. So Palestine was around before there were Rabbis. In fact Rabbis owe their own existence to the diaspora resulting from the catastrophe of Masada.

I don’t even want to bother with the silly allegation that Palestine was an empty land devoid of inhabitants. It is exactly the same argument we made here in the states regarding our own “Palestinians” As I said before, Israel“s problem is that it was incorporated 150 years too late. We had the luxury of exterminating our Palestinians. Unfortunately, Israel came to be in an era where colonization was rapidly going out of fashion. The Israelis having been denied a “final solution” regarding the Palestinians are now in the uncomfortable position of watching them multiply geometrically. It is this demographic fact that renders the country’s long term prospects beyond problematic.

ragingloli's avatar

Racist tosh, that is what it is.
Also, what stanley said.

Kropotkin's avatar

What’s conveniently missing from the narrative is that Israel was formed through terrorism and ethnic cleansing. Hundreds of thousands of Arabs were displaced and hundreds of villages were destroyed to make way for a Jewish state.

Nationalist Zionists forwent all desire for peace and security when they chose to form a racist, colonial state. They have embittered and tormented generations of Arabs—and have the gall to expect no violent repercussions for what they have done.

Jaxk's avatar

I think it fairly represents what I remember since 1967. The truth is the Palestinians would be better served by joining Israel rather than fighting to destroy them. Israel has taken a worthless strip of desert and created the most prosperous country in the middle east. The Palestinians have devoted all their time and youth to death and destruction. They have reaped what they sow. If they choose to follow murdering thugs, it is hard not to see them as murdering thugs.

filmfann's avatar

According to the Bible, this is the Jewish territory. In the Bible, God punished the Jews for not following his instruction, and clearing that land of all other religions.
That the Jews are not doing that now shows great restraint, in my opinion.

dappled_leaves's avatar

@filmfann The Jews are not doing that now?

filmfann's avatar

No. Still lots of Muslim temples, and large areas like Gaza for those of that faith.
Of course, I would aqueous to Zen on this subject.

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