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longgone's avatar

How easily readable are you?

Asked by longgone (19875points) August 12th, 2014

Can people tell when you’re lying? Does your sadness/happiness/fear show immediately? Do you appear happier/calmer/more relaxed than you are?

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16 Answers

majorrich's avatar

My wife (among others) tell me I am a terrible liar. It’s apparently written all over my body an even my voice on the phone. I no longer even bother to try.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I can’t lie. It’s like there’s a sign flashing above my head. But I don’t let people in easily.

Coloma's avatar

I’m a terrible liar as well and don’t lie, nor do I want to create a reason to.
I am pretty damn transparent and genuine although when under great stress I tend to intellectualize my emotions from a rather divorced feeling state. I am a rational thinking personality type for a woman. I am a great reader of others and comfortable with their emotions but being who I am I prefer to not show a lot of vulnerability, although a couple people have seen me cry in recent months while I navigate some high stress life situations. I’m not much of a crier for a woman so when I do cry you know I am reaching a breaking point. haha

JLeslie's avatar

I don’t like to lie, I almost never do it, but I think I can do it pretty well. Having a boyfriend who cheated and lied for years helped me realize what lies are made of and I know the pitfalls.

As far as reading my emotions, I think I can fake it pretty well, but I don’t always walk around faking it. It depends on the situation. Thanks goodness I usually am somewhere between even keel and happy, so there isn’t much reason to fake anything.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Depends. I don’t lie much, but if I have to I think I’m convincing.

AshLeigh's avatar

I have very few facial expressions, even when I’m not trying to be unreadable.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh, for the other emotions, yes, I think I’m pretty open unless there is reason not to be. And I have a great poker face!

KNOWITALL's avatar

LIke @coloma, I read others they don’t necessarily read me unless I let them. I don’t lie even to my own detriment.

muppetish's avatar

People who know me well can read me well. If someone doesn’t know me, then they probably won’t be able to tell if I’m lying depending on what I’m trying to conceal and how badly I want to conceal it. The most common lie I tell is how I feel.

However, there are some lies that I try to tell myself that other people can see through quite readily.

El_Cadejo's avatar

I can’t keep a straight face when lying about non-important things. Oddly enough though if it’s something serious, you’ll never know I’m lying. Don’t know if that’s a good or bad thing….

As per my other emotions, people generally can’t tell unless it’s really far in one spectrum or another. I often get accused of seeming bored or disinterested in things when really I’m enjoying myself.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I’m not very readable, because my face is often contradict to my thoughts. People often have the wrong impression of my emotion based on my face. People think I’m telling the truth while I’m lying and vice versa. But I don’t really care because I myself don’t care for face expression after all.

cookieman's avatar

I have been told I am fairly opaque in my emotions or that I “look scary”.

ibstubro's avatar

The key to lying is consistency.

The key to telling the truth is consistency.

The difference is that a lie has to be believable. The truth is the truth.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

I’m pretty much transparent. I can lie if I’m joking. For instance, if I was teasing someone and there was no harm to them. I can’t lie seriously and if I’m upset, I find it very difficult to hide my emotions. I do tend to wear my heart on my sleeve. I wish I could have more of a poker face. Not to mislead people but to keep my feelings less visible. For instance, there are some people I don’t like, but have to work with. I wish I could make my dislike less visible. I’m not rude to them, but I’m sure my coldness towards them is very evident.

FireMadeFlesh's avatar

I’m quite good at it. Lying is an important skill to have. The key is to do it in a way that does not conflict with your morals. If you’re uneasy about your lying, it will always show. If you honestly believe that lying is the right course of action though, the sincerity in your voice will be mistaken for truthfulness.

Dutchess_III's avatar

”..because my face is often contradict to my thoughts…” Well, I have that problem too. My mouth has a natural downward set to it so that often people think I’m upset or angry when I’m not even close to being upset or angry. :(

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