General Question

jlm11f's avatar

What is the minimum price I should sell a 5th generation iPod Nano for?

Asked by jlm11f (12421points) July 8th, 2008

It’s 60 GB. I am selling it for a friend and since I own a mp3 player (creative zen), iPod is not my area. She bought it the year that generation came out, and as soon as she bought it she put it in an iPod cover so it’s scratch free and works perfectly. I was thinking of putting it up on a couple of sites but want to get her as much money as possible. So what range do you suggest?

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45 Answers

waterskier2007's avatar

wait what, a 60 gig ipod nano, not possible
its gotta be an ipod photo or ipod video

jlm11f's avatar

ugh. really. h/o. let me call her.

Edit – nevermind. It’s 60 GB iPod Classic. Sorry about the confusion people!

wildflower's avatar

The nano’s are currently on 3rd gen. The ‘classic’ on the other hand came after the iPod 5th gen. The 5th gen was a 60GB model.

My suggestion would be to check what similar ones go for on eBay

Allie's avatar

Yea, it sounds like you’re thinking about the classic which comes in 60G or 80G and in 5th generation.
Does it look like this?

waterskier2007's avatar

the classic does not come in 60 and 80, but in 80 and 160

jlm11f's avatar

@ allie – i don’t have it with me right now (and don’t know what it looks like). but i called her and she said it’s the classic with 60gb.

Allie's avatar

waterskier: right, sorry

waterskier2007's avatar

again, classic doesnt come in 60, it could be the ipod video, but they just changed the name over to the ipod classic and went to 80/160

wildflower's avatar

If you’re not clear on the specs, ask your friend to check the model number against this

Allie's avatar

Friggin’ Apple. Haha. Pick a stupid name.

waterskier2007's avatar

why is it a stupid name

wildflower's avatar

At least Apple’s had more success with their ‘Classic’ than Coca Cola did…

jlm11f's avatar

ugh. iPods in general make me angry lol. okay, i checked wildflower’s link, and i am pretty sure it’s this one which would make it iPod Video I imagine…

waterskier2007's avatar

k then i would probably list it around 150, but thats just my opinion. and i tend to think low cus its old and used

Allie's avatar

waterskier: I meant they should pick a name and stick with it. Video, Classic, whatever.. Just keep it consistent. There’s a bajillion different iPods, no wonder people get confused.

wildflower: Very true.

PnL: Yeah, that’s probably a 60G iPod Video then. =) (Yay! Finally figured it out!)

jlm11f's avatar

haha i love how my question wasn’t even “what iPod am i trying to sell?” i blame the lack of information on her (friend)

waterskier2007's avatar

yeah but PnL we have to know what it is in order to recommend a price

Allie's avatar

By the way, where are you trying to sell it? If it’s through a local paper or something it might go for a different price on eBay or something..
I don’t know. Just a thought.
Good luck, and I hope for all the work you’re doing you get to keep the cash.

wildflower's avatar

Looking at eBay I’d aim at ≈$100

jlm11f's avatar

waterskier: i know. i just feel silly posting an incomplete question. i am not blaming the people who helped me figure it out.
@ allie – no i don’t, but that’s ok, she needs it right now.
@ everyone who helped so far – thank you!

Edit: @ wildflower – wow! 100$ for 60 gb. these things have depreciated a lot. that’s a pretty good deal for any iPod seeker.

wildflower's avatar

Yea, once it’s been used and there’s a newer model available…...that seems to be the way it goes.

Allie's avatar

(Sigh.) So it goes.

Allie's avatar

By the way, just saw this and there is/was a 5th generation 60G iPod Classic.

jlm11f's avatar

ooh cool. good to know at least she knew what she was talking about. thanks for finding that allie ! and lurve to all 3 for helping me out!

PupnTaco's avatar

Ok, I have to ask: what don’t you like about the iPod and why do you prefer the Creative Zen?

wildflower's avatar

Valid Q PnT! Personally I wouldn’t trade any of my 5 iPods for a Zen.

waterskier2007's avatar

@allie, that wikipedia article is wrong, apple just started using the name iPod Classic for the most recent release. it may be the “classic iPod” but it is not an iPod Classic

iwamoto's avatar

you have a 5th generation, the ipod video, i have one too, the price at which i would sell is around 120 euro’s max. , which is around 180 dollars, if it’s in mint condition mind you, otherwise i’d pitch it a little lower

Allie's avatar

waterskier: What? ..but Wiki sourced Apple. Is Apple wrong about Apple products?

Oh well. Aaannnyways..

iwamoto's avatar

well, 60 gb can only be a video (5th) at max, the classic only started at 80 gigs

waterskier2007's avatar

@allie, i believe they got the information from apple but made their own table, using the classic label on the side

Allie's avatar

Ok, so it’s a 60G 5th generation iPod Video? Correct? No “Classic”

waterskier2007's avatar

yes, if the information from PnL is correct it is a 5th generation, 60 GB iPod Video. now that we have that down we can figure out a price, i say around 150 which lines up slightly with iwamoto, but i personally think his figure of 180 is a bit high

jlm11f's avatar

@ PnT – I have this mp3 player . I don’t like iPods because I find them all brand, but no quality. And I particularly dislike iTunes. My brother has an iPod so i have got to play around with it, but I feel that the Creative mp3 players give me better quality for less (or at a competitive price), and a lot more features. That’s just my opinion though.

waterskier2007's avatar

@PnL, you mention features, but dont explain what type of features. it is hard to take your post seriously when you really stay so broad and barely elaborate. for instance,

the iPod menu interface and click wheel are hardly matched by any type of menu and controller. Microsoft tried to get it with the zune but it just leaves people saying, why doesnt this wheel rotate like it should

second, the iPod is compatible with so many more formats and file types than any other music or video player that i know of.

the list goes on

shrubbery's avatar

She was just voicing her opinion waterskier

get over yourself

Allie's avatar

waterskier: I have an iPod and I love it, but the fact that PnL doesn’t like it is her own opinion. She was just answering PnT’s inquiry from above. She mentioned the price, the quality, the software that goes along with it..

waterskier2007's avatar

yeah i know its her own opinion and i am not trying to argue with it, but saying quality, is very vague, and saying she just doesnt like itunes is vague. im just trying to get an explanation as to why she doesnt like it.

@shrubbery, i never put her down or said anything negative about her opinion just wondering why she feels that way about it. deal with it

shrubbery's avatar

so why don’t you just aaaask her to elaborate more? PM her nicely to explain? Then when she’s answered you could also politely voice your opinion. ;)

jlm11f's avatar

@waterskier – i didn’t realize you cared so much about my opinion. if that’s the case, let me try to share my feelings with you. I have 6 main points right now, and each point follows with possible questions someone might feel the need to ask, with my answer to those Qs in italics. I hope this post is more satisfactory.

1) I don’t like the iPod wheel/menu interface.
Why? Because I don’t.
No really, but why? I just really really don’t.
I insist, there must be a reason! Oh okay. well I don’t find it particularly comfortable. I prefer the buttons on my Zen.
Yeah, but why? – ….....

2)When I got my first Zen, iPods didn’t have radio. Or at least the ones I could afford didn’t.
Psssh. Who cares about radio? Well I do. And the radio feature on the zen also allowed me to record the radio shows or any songs I like etc
That’s why, there’s for downloading stuff ! – Yes but I don’t like iTunes
But why? Well, it crashes easily, takes forever to load, and seriously slows down my computer. Though I have heard it has gotten better over the past months, but I wasn’t going to change my mp3 player for that.
Aha! I bet this is because you are on a PC :D. Do you REALLY want to go there?

3) I like the microphone feature on my Zen. I take my Zen to lectures at college and record them when I can’t stay awake or when it’s very important etc. The sound quality is perfect. And it helps me study to review the lectures.
“but saying quality, is very vague” Do you want me to explain the quality in physics terms of frequency, pitch and wavelength?
Yes. – …...

4) I also happen to prefer the video quality on my Zen. The screen is bigger (maybe not bigger, but wider, and i like that).
See 3) for argument about quality

5) I actually believe that my Zen is open to a lot more formats than the iPod. iPod is getting better now, but Zen takes all audio formats and also takes .avi video etc. No need for mp4.
You are wrong. I have proof that shows iPod accepts more formats now. I really don’t care
But…. No. seriously. don’t. care.

6) My current Zen is cute and tiny and credit card shaped.
That can’t possibly be a reason. Oh, but it is.
But, that’s just stupid. Maybe

7)Those are the ones I could think of right now. If you really want, I can post some more later.

shrubbery's avatar

PnL is my idol

PupnTaco's avatar

Good enough PnL, good enough!

waterskier2007's avatar

good argument i agree, and i do also feel that 6 is very valid. appearance is a very important part of the buying decision. i didnt expect that much detail from an argument but its good to see, and i like the rebuttles

charybdys's avatar

@PnL, I’m thinking of getting a Zen (I have similar needs and opinions, it seems). It’s music quality is better than iPod’s, I’ve heard.

Anyway, how do you load music into it: Windows Explorer, or their own software? Also what type of playlists does it accept? With videos, does their software do transcoding, or is it pretty liberal about what it accepts?

jlm11f's avatar

hey, you load music via explorer or their software. i have their software installed cuz it helps make life easier, but it isn’t anything complex or space consuming. their software transcodes any video you add automatically (ive added .avi, .mpeg so far). What do you mean by what type of playlists? I don’t understand that Q. Feel free to ask any further Qs you might have about it. <3 my zen :)

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