Brazilian Waxing: Anyone been there, done that?
I’m getting my first full Brazilian wax done this Saturday. I picked a salon with a good reputation and I’ve opted for sugar waxing as opposed to traditional hot wax. I’m planning on taking an Advil or something about an hour before my appointment, as suggested by the salon website. I’ll wear loose clothing and I’ll obviously be nice and clean when I go in there.
For those of you that have gotten it done, do you have any tips for me?
Of course, I’m nervous about the pain, but I’m way more nervous about being embarrassed. Logically, I know they’ve seen a lot worse than what I’ve got, but I’m definitely not looking forward to getting in awkward positions and having my hairy business in some stranger’s face.
My only specific question is this: I plan to shave my legs before I go in there, but I’m not sure how far up on the inner thigh I should shave. How far onto the leg do they go, or do they just stick to what’s under the bikini bottoms?
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49 Answers
Why? Why would you do that?
1. We are civilized humans, not apes.
2. Quality of oral sex is inversely proportionate to pubic hair volume.
@SecondHandStoke 1) We were born to have hair, it’s natural. 2) Being in a lesbian relationship, I can assure you that you are incorrect.
And, of course, in addition to the expense and discomfort, there’s an increased risk of sexually transmitted Molluscum contagiosum and other sexually tansmitted diseases, skin infections, ingrown hairs, burns, and scarring.
Whatever floats your boat, but porn has a long history of creating false impressions and unrealistic expectations.
What does that have to do with anything?
You can let go of the following preconceived notions:
1. That I use mainstream pornography as some sort of guide to real world sexual intimacy.
2. That receiving oral sex from the same gender guarantees that you are in the hands (or mouth) of an expert.
3. That rendering the area bald must result in various forms of irritation.
You could have simply called me on the fact that I presented my case above as absolute, which I know it isn’t. How could it be?
Instead you went with the inexplicable homosexuals just know better tack.
Odd that.
Well that took a turn. To answer your question, @syz, I’m doing it because I want to.
That did take a turn. To be honest, as a guy, I’d love to be working my way down a woman’s body and find it waxed. I think I could do a really good job with a waxed lower region.
@livelaughlove21 Wow. You’re so much braver than I am. I’d love to go full Brazilian, but I cringe when I think about the ordeal. Also, I’m too modest to bare it all and let someone do the job.
@SadieMartinPaul Well, I’ve been to the gynecologist way more often than I care to admit in my short 24 years of life, so I figure it’s not all that different. I’m more modest with my husband than my gynecologist. Ha!
Wow you are brave! I shave mine everyday with a brand new razor and put antibacterial salve on after. Never had any irritations, etc. I’m way too scared and embarrassed to have it waxed! Let us know what it was like.I too, am not into pubic hair. It’s a personal choice.
MY friends love it but say it hurts. You can buy wax & pot at the beauty supply stores too, do it all at home.
Did you lose a bet or something? ~
Ugh, people, get over it. I’m not the first and I won’t be the last.
@KNOWITALL Doing it at home is generally not advised, according to my research. Waxing that area when you’re inexperienced can end badly. I’d prefer a professional for things like this.
I had a bikini wax once, never Brazilian. It hurt, as wax always does. They had to go over the area a couple of times, because the hairs down there grow in a few different direction on me, so they didn’t all pull out at once. Being embarrassed was not a concern for me at all, so I can’t really help with that I don’t think, except that they probably will give you a drape of some sort so you are not totally exposed naked all at once. I personally think waxing that area isn’t worth it. It painful, it grows back, and costs money. However, the pain is not so bad that it is a major deterrent, it is all the negatives coupled together. I would not discourage you from trying it once if you are so inclined, because maybe you will be very happy with it. I can see waxing for a vacation, or some sort of special event.
I also have done laser for bikini, and electrolysis.
@JLeslie I’m actually doing it for a vacation. We’re going at the end of next month, so I wanted to do a trial run just in case I have a bad reaction. Then, if everything goes well, I’ll have it redone in five weeks.
I’ll pay $50 every month or so to not have to shave. Shaving isn’t a big deal until I try to do it more than once a week. That pain doesn’t go away soon after I’m done like the pain from waxing should. I’m not saying I’ll continue waxing after the vacation is over (we’ll see), but I can see why some women choose to do it that way.
If I were you I would wax the first time two weeks before your vacation. That way if you never want to do it again, you still are smooth for the vacation.
The thing about waxing is you have to let it grow in at least a little to wax it, I’m sure you know that already from what you wrote. It probably won’t be $50 a month, more like every six weeks, because it isn’t just having some length to wax the hairs, they don’t have to be very long, it is that you want as many hairs as possible back above the skin, or you will wax and then have strays still finally growing out from the previous wax.
I’m too cheap to do it. I was really happy with my laser, which wasn’t cheap either, but over time it is cheaper.
@SecondHandStoke Porn has to do with this because it created the image of the hairless woman as more desirable. No, this doesn’t mean that people consciously use porn as a guide to real world sex – I would guess that few do, at least after the first time – but that porn has influenced societal perception of pubic hair.
As to @syz‘s comment about being in a lesbian relationship, I read it as a reference to people in lesbian relationships usually being assumed to have greater experience with cunnunlingus than the general population, not as some kind of arbitrary claim of rightness based on being gay. That would be ridiculous, and syz is very rarely ridiculous. Rather, she was calling you on your presentation of your argument as absolute, by providing a data point to the contrary.
As a followup, I too can provide a data point that contradicts your second claim in your initial post. 20% of my sexual partners, all men, preferred hair down there for oral; found it more sexy and complained when I trimmed the edges, even.
As for your point 3, if you have found a way to scorch the earth that does not inevitably result in irritation, more power to ya. But this has not been my own experience, nor that of many other people. Skin and sensitivity vary a lot from person to person.
@JLeslie If I don’t have a reaction to it, I’m going to do it again regardless of the pain. I was advised by two salons to do a trial run, so that’s why I opted to do it this way. Since I’m getting a sugar wax, the hair only needs to be 1/16 of an inch long to get waxed. My hair there grows pretty fast, but the average time between waxes is 3–6 weeks. That’s why I put this one 5 weeks out from the next one.
@others To be clear, I’m doing this because I prefer it bare. Though my husband does prefer little to no hair down there, he’ll take it any way he can get it and he’s made that perfectly clear. I have issues with being self-conscious during sex, especially oral sex (to the point where I very rarely let him do it). I just want to be able to let myself go on our last pre-baby vacation without thinking about hair. Believe me, I’m not doing this to please a sexual partner or because I believe hairless is how a woman “should” be or even that it’s more attractive for women to be hairless. I don’t care what other people do with their body hair, so I find it odd that at least one of you takes issue with what I want to do with mine. You don’t have to look at it, touch it, go near it, etc., so who cares?
I’ve been on Fluther long enough to know that these things belong in General, eh?
@livelaughlove21 Do you wax your eyebrows already? If so I doubt you will have a bad reaction, but I understand why you want to do a trial run. It’s more irritating after the fact than eyebrow waxing. I think mostly because the eyebrow is near the bone, and the skin is easily pulled taught. Also, more hair is being pulled at once. Let us know how it goes. I think you’ll most likely be happy.
@JLeslie Yes, I’ve had my eyebrows waxed many times with no issues. I don’t know if you recall, though, but I have a bit of a sensitive skin issue in this particular area already, so I don’t want to take any chances. I’m not expecting a reaction, but you never know.
@wildpotato are you perhaps seeing the world through american eyes? I have never been with anybody that likes pubes, but again, its between me and me I guess——I just noticed you said 20pc of partners like it.ok
I have to say I find it annoying when men prefer no pubes, and now it seems younger women prefer it too. I do think porn and girly mags have a ton to do with it. Pubic hairs are protective as someone pointed out above.
However, to each his own. It is the trend to get rid of pubic hair.
@livelaughlove21 Well, depilation as fashion is an interesting phenomenon; always has been. It’s natural for people to explore the issue and air their views here in Social. I think it’s cool, anthropologically, to watch depilation evolve as a practice, even though I find it personally creepifying that so many men display such an overt preference for female genitals that look like those of prepubescent girls. So that’s the context in which I “care.” Has nothing to do with trying to tell you what to do with your body, just exploring reasons people might engage in the practice.
@trailsillustrated I’m a bit confused about your question. What is it you think I’m looking at through American eyes? Most American men dislike pubes on women, and my mini-study (with no controls and far too few data points) supports this claim. Dudes that actually like pubes are few and far between, agreed. My very favorite take on the whole issue does come from an American, true.
Its a personal choice, having nothing to do with porn or any other shite. It’s like, what way you style your hair. No one’s going to complain about someone’s hair on their head, are they? Let the bald flags fly Or the hairy ones..
I absolutely complain about hair styles! America is all obsessed with adding length and fullness with extensions in the media, and now all of us with our natural hair are inferior. To keep up on trend it takes money and time.
ehhh… dont have that problem either. Leave it grow long! on me head anyways
@trailsillustrated Of course it’s a personal choice. That doesn’t mean it has nothing to do with porn. Personal preferences and perceptions of attractiveness are socially conditioned. And plenty of people complained about the hair on my head back when I had dreadlocks, because of their socially conditioned perceptions of dirtiness and unattractiveness.
That perception is mediated by culture and society renders perception no less real or valuable. But it does no good to deny that preference does not just spring full-grown from within. That’s a nice myth that allows us to assure ourselves of the sovereignty of our own minds and inclinations, but realistically our preferences are tied up with the environment we live in.
@wildpotato i’m sorry you had that experience. Again, it is not porn related. Some people love hairy snatches. I don’t, my partner doesn’t, and I probably wouldn’t be slobbering all over his balls if they were hairy. Please stop with the porn thing. Jesus h
@wildpotato Why would they think of dirtiness and unattractiveness? Although now you’ve put the thought of dreadlocks and pubes together in my head.
Well it would make for some interest flossing? Multitasking at it’s best.
Sorry. I’m just really bad lately.
Blame it on wildpotato. for putting the thought in my head. And it’s good dental hygiene. Now let’s underail L’s question.
@trailsillustrated Thanks for your support, my friend, but I’m actually not sorry I had that experience. I liked my dreads a lot and thought I looked cute with them, and luckily for me many others agreed. I was only bringing it up to illistrate that people do many things with their own bodies, none of which I think can be characterized as “wrong,” but there are always going to be people who take issue with it.
As for just stopping with the porn thing – well, argue me out of it, don’t just sit there repeating the claim that there’s no relation between porn and body fashion because you personally prefer one body fashion style over another. I am confused about how the conclusion follows from the premise in that argument. But I’m probably misinterpreting your point, right? Lay it on me :)
so glad i’m not in class with you It’s body hair or not, simple. Nothing to argue about ehhhhhh headache territory
As it was pointed out, our perceptions are molded by society and the environment – that’s pretty much all decisions, not just whether or not you want to wax/shave your pubic hair. I certainly didn’t get the idea from pornography, but it’s certainly possible that the industry had something to do with the “craze,” if you can call it that. So, maybe that’s the origin and maybe it’s not. But…who cares? Must we sit here and think about why we’re making all of our decisions and what outside force has influenced that decision? I don’t know about you, but I don’t have that kind of time in my day.
I painted my toenails pink last weekend – now, let’s analyze why I thought it was a good idea to paint my toenails in the first place – is it the media’s fault again? And why did I choose pink? I guess I’ve been programmed to make some imaginary connection between pink and femininity. I should be a rebel and paint them black. Oh wait, that’s a trend now, too. How about I just put white-out on them, or is that idea influenced by the media as well? I can’t win! Who determines which influences are okay and which are disgusting or perverted in nature?
If you ask me, not doing something because it’s a common thing to do, regardless of the reason, can be more cliche than doing it. I’m not getting a wax because other people do it, or because I’m after the Jenna Jameson look. I’m doing it because I prefer it that way, for my own reasons. Yeah, of course I was influenced by my environment in making that decision, just like with any other decision I make. And…!?
@livelaughlove21 Fuck culture, fuck what anyone else thinks. If you want to do it then do it. To not do anything because of what others think is ridiculous. When we die we don’t win points for conforming.
@livelaughlove21 Exactly right. We all are influenced somewhat by what we see, and then we pick and choose what we like. Don’t give the nay sayers a second thought, do what you want. You aren’t harming anyone, it’s a personal choice in the end.
Yes. Do blame it on @wildpotato:
I am completely in pornography’s thrall.
Why? Because @wildpotato has simply said so.
beginning , middle and end: I know all about shaming. But, I am not physically attracted to hairy genitals. or fat people. I have a right, as does @livelaughlove21 , to choose what she’s attracted to. End of. effffff
Update: I did it. The part I was nervous about was a piece of cake, but the pain was worse than I expected, as was the redness and irritation afterward. They say that the first time is the worst. We’ll see. I already have my next one scheduled for three days before I leave on vacation.
@trailsillustrated What do fat people have to do with anything?
@livelaughlove21 I think @trailsillustrated is just commenting on physical attributes people are attracted to or repelled by.
How long did the redness last?
I don’t think it will get less painful, but I hope it does for you.
I’ll mention again that you might want to consider laser.
@JLeslie The redness lasted 2–3 days, along with some soreness, sensitivity, and some bumps. By Tuesday I was back to normal. It also dried my skin out a bit, but there’s no pain so it’s fine. Nothing a little Eucerin can’t handle.
Turns out I was supposed to have two weeks worth of growth and I only had one. The length was fine, but they explained to me that I’d get prickly sooner this time because hair grows in cycles and there was new growth that wax wouldn’t get at that time. She was right, there is hair growing, but it’s not all that visible. She said the results get better as you get a couple more waxes and “catch up” with the cycles.
Pretty much every person I’ve talked to and every site about Brazilian waxes say the first is the most painful by far. So I suspect there’s some truth to it.
If I had enough money to spare, I’d certainly consider laser. No such luck, though.
Ok, so I am concerned you that are doing the next wax just three days before your vacation. Maybe you should change it to 4 or 5. You also confirmed what I said about needing to let it grow before you can wax and that if some hairs still are below the skin or barely showing the wax won’t catch it and you will have growth during your vacation, although minimal growth, which you can easily shave a little if you need to.
How much is the brazilian wax? The one time I did a bikini wax I think it was $25 many years ago. Laser is usually $100 a visit, usually needing about 6 visits to get the majority of the hair gone. You would have to still shave or electrolysis for the strays though, AND you are young so you will continue to produce new hairs.
@JLeslie Even if it’s not better the next time, I don’t expect it to be worse. By day 3, I was fine this time. I don’t see why I wouldn’t be fine by day 3 next time. By the time I go again, I won’t have shaved at all (they told me not to touch it with a razor between now and then, and I won’t) and the results will last longer that time. So, if there’s growth during my vacation, it won’t even be as much as I’m experiencing now, which isn’t enough to make me self conscious or keep me from doing anything in bed.
The place I went charges $35 for a regular Brazilian, but I paid $50 to get a sugar wax instead (all-natural products are best for my sensitive skin, plus they say the results last longer and it’s a tiny bit less painful). I know the laser would be cheaper in the long run, but it would be more out of my pocket in a shorter time frame, which I can’t really swing right now. I may end up doing something more permanent down the road, and I may not even continue with Brazilians after my vacation, but this is fine for now.
I’m glad overall you are happy with the results. :)
&Livelaugh Viva la oral, you can relax & enjoy, good for you. ;) Now are you gonna get your man in there too? lol
@KNOWITALL Ha, definitely not! I actually prefer him to keep the hair he’s got – aside from the balls, which he shaves. I don’t like how men’s genitals look hairless and he’s happy to just keep it trimmed. The lady that waxed me said that men are huge babies when they come in there for a wax; I don’t find that too hard to believe. I know what Josh is like when he gets his eyebrows waxed – not pretty. To me, an eyebrow wax is a piece of cake, but you’d think someone was trying to kill him when he gets one. Silly boys.
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