I couldn’t do a direct link to their section about bats cuz I’m on my old iPhone so this is just their intro page. But there’s a whole section about how much they love bats.
If you scroll down, there is also a link to a list of wildlife rehabilitaors for NY State if you need to find someone closer to you. (I grew up in NY so I’m aware of how large a state it really is :)
Contact these guys. They are one of the few bat rescue groups in your area.
I bet they’ll know someone who would be willing to come and catch and rescue this bat.It might even be the person who answers your inquiry.
Please don’t kill or shoot the bat if it isn’t necessary. Bats are very beneficial for the environment and eat millions of insects.
These guys love bats and know a lot about them. I’d be greatly surprised if they didn’t help you out for free.
I’ll also give you a little anecdote. When one of my cats had gotten herself trapped behind a wall, I didn’t know what to do.
But I was on a mailing list for the small shelter where I had adopted one of my cats.
I remembered an article in the lady newsletter about some local electricians who were cat lovers and had organized a fundraising event.
So, on a hunch I looked up the number for the electricians
union to see if they could give me any advice.
The guy whom I spoke to offered to come over and see what he could do (without my even asking).
He brought a Sawzall and some other tools and started cutting a hole in the closet wall.
Animal lovers of all types are great people willing to go the extra mile to help an animal in distress.
Contact this org. and I’ll bet there’s a much better solution than killing the poor bat. He didn’t go into the building with evil intent to infect anyone with rabies. He just wandered in and got trapped. Give him a break.