Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

Do any of these traits describe you?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) August 25th, 2014

Here is the link.

They all describe me, except for:
“15. The entirety of your being is a conundrum, so needless to say, indecisiveness is your Achilles’ Heel.”

I am not, in any way, indecisive unless there is a reason to be. Then I write it down, pros and cons, come to a decision and follow through.

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6 Answers

downtide's avatar

Only one; the one about liking to hang out in coffee-shops and similar places (I usually choose a pub that serves good craft beer). I’m kind of the total opposite to an outgoing introvert; I’m a reserved extrovert. I don’t need solitude to re-charge after social activity; I need social activity to re-charge after solitude otherwise I go stir-crazy. But sometimes I just like to be surrounded by people and not have to actually talk to them.

longgone's avatar

Just two – the traits of introverts:

“Social gatherings [...] like prom and dances are just not for you. You don’t understand it. You want nothing to do with it.”

I attend, but I hardly enjoy a second of it all. Except for cake, and an occasional song, maybe.

“You retain an air of mysteriousness about you, completely unintentionally. (There’s no mystery.)”

Yep, I’ve done that.

Coloma's avatar

Yep, as an ENTP personalty my Meyers Briggs type is known to be the most introverted of the extroverts. I am either super “on” or completely in hermit mode. I’m a comedienne at heart and love to zing around humor and play to an audience but also selectively social.
I do not like small talk, get to something interesting and stimulating or humorous, I could give a flying fuck what you had for dinner last night or hearing about your daily chore list.

Spare me the mundane details.
If you can’t play with me go away, I’d rather be alone. lol

Dutchess_III's avatar

I can see all that in you @Coloma.

downtide's avatar

Ahah! I’m ENTP too. I didn’t realise it was the most introverted of extroverts but it makes total sense. I usually score around 55% extroverted. And I hate small-talk with a passion. “I’m sorry, love to stop and chat but I’m on my way to the pub!”

Dutchess_III's avatar

I hate small talk too.

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