@downtide well I could go by way of the usual Fluther response and blow all of that off because there is no fact to say any of it happened or would happen the way you illustrated. However, I am more expanded of mind to see each of those situations as plausible, with that, I will address it as such.
He sometimes wonders what it would be like to go out in public dressed as a woman; the idea excites him but the one time he tried it, he received a lot of hateful comments so he doesn’t bother, and only does it at home now. He sometimes wonders what it would be like to go out in public dressed as a woman; the idea excites him but the one time he tried it, he received a lot of hateful comments so he doesn’t bother, and only does it at home now.
Would he be going out merely as a ”man in a frock”, or trying to be a convincing woman? If it is simply excitement going out dressed in women’s clothes, would he go the extra 9 yards to try to be undetectable as a man but seen as 100% woman?
He had fun pretending to flirt with some other boys and then finally telling them “gotcha! I’m a boy!” Since then he’s done this on a regular basis, for a laugh and because he likes to see the look of horror on the other lad’s faces when they find out he’s not a real girl.
Then I suspect he figures never to end up like Maria, in some capacity. It would be similar to a story I heard from some sailors about a trip to Asia where one who was new on the voyage did not know about a particular ”Billyboy” that worked the bars frequented by military men. This newbe, thinking it was a real girl, spent most of the night sucking face with his he/she trying to cop a feel, but was being blocked. That is until way late in the evening when I guess the Billyboy was too trunk and let his/her defenses down and the newbe got a feel of 3rd base and found a man on it. Let’s just say the shore patrol had to show up before he dismantled the bar after pummeling this poor Billyboy into the middle of the week after next.
He’s bisexual but prefers women and when he’s in “girl-mode” he says he’s a lesbian.
I may get attacked for saying so, but that is to me, just a straight man that is confused, no different than a gal saying she is bi sexual but don’t want to date or be intimate with males; she is gay but trying to avoid saying it.
No-one was surprised when she came out as a lesbian at 15, but even then, she felt that something was wrong and she didn’t fit.
To me that is more a byproduct of her not feeling like a girl but unable to be a boy. Being seen as a lesbian she would still be by most to be seen as a girl who like girls; ”That is just Clair, she is into women”. It doesn’t speak to me as a girl trying to fit into society as a guy and being known by only that, which would not work with anyone who knows who she is. Just as the guys in the videos, it would only really work if they were playing to a crowd that did not know them, and/or never seen both of them all dolled up like that. If Clair cropped her hair, wore boy’s clothes, stuffed a rolled sock in her crotch, and manufactured a believable male voice, then I would say she was equal to the guys in the video because she was trying to pull off ”guy”, and not girl dressed as guy.
He dresses in drag for performances at his local gay cabaret and even when he’s not performing his manner of dress is still very feminine.
Dressed in drag is dramatic and over the top. Even if his dress is feminine, or leans that way, I am sure no one would mistake him for a woman, nor would he be trying to pass, as the guys in the aforementioned video seems to attempt, by my opinion.
Maria has sex with men in her line of work but she hates it; she hates all men and everything about them because all they ever do is abuse her.
What type of men? Even if she has breast and feminine features, the dumbstick is still there, so guys having sex with her must be gay, but not wanting to appear gay because the penis is wrapped in long hair, breast, hips, and lipstick.
Though the fake eyelashes on the second one look totally ridiculous and I question why he is trying to look so sexualised at 13 years old.
All I can say, is if they are in the US, the media, and filtered down through friends, is that the more boinkable you are the better accepted, and desirable you are. To not have any one want to get naked with you makes you less than, or some trollish ghoul, hideous monstrosity, or cretin.