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What are your answers to questions raised by a mildly eye-popping (for lack of a better word) video?
The things you run into on Youtube, when they say you can find nearly everything there; I guess they were not kidding. I am not sure how I stumbled upon this video, but the second was a link off the 1st. To see the process for me was quite engaging, usually one would see just the finish, and by these videos not even know you were seeing the finish. Several questions came to my mind as I viewed these videos:
• How did they learn to apply the makeup correctly? For instance, trial and error, older sister, mother, books, Youtube, etc.?
• Are they straight doing it for fun (heaven knows why), or do they have identity issues going on?
• Do you think their mother knows and what do you believe she thinks about it?
• Does dad know, and what does he think about it.
• When you see a woman with lots of makeup do you wonder who is really under all of that?
• (Being completely honest with yourself) If you passed by them at the mall, big box store, on the street or in a dark club (You may have even had a fake I.D. so don’t be silly and think they would never be in a club), you would not question they were female?
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