Car trip companion from hell, who or what would that person be?
Imagine you had to take a trip in a vehicle between one hour and 2.5 hours, and the radio/CD player goes on the fritz. Who would you find being hell to travel with? For instance, a person who thinks they know better than the GPS in your phone since the GPS that is part of the radio/CD player is on the blink, a chatter box that won’t shut up or let you get a word in edge wise, a conspiracy theorist that tells you about the conspiracy in everything, a basically normal person but they get car sick and pass gas frequently, etc. What would be your worse scenario if the media center was on the blink and you had to be stuck with another person in the vehicle?
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22 Answers
We bought some stuff a while back from a guy now forever know to us as “Mr. Spitty”. He loved to talk, and never shut up. He had a speech impediment, and sprayed saliva with every word. He had bad breath and almost no sense of ‘personal space’, always just inches from you. He frequently touched us, even touching you when he was not within view.
I have the most vivid memory of my partner standing in the sun, Mr. Spitty inches away, spraying little silver orbs of saliva with every inane word.
I’ve already experienced the road-trip from hell. 3 hours in the rain in an MG midget, both of us were hung over and had terrible beer farts, and the heater was stuck full on. At the time it was hell, but now 25 years later it is a treasured memory.
A boss or employer and you going someplace in a car. He/She doesn’t want you to just sit there looking out the window while you roll along, he/she wants you to read the company manual to make your paid time worth while. And you get car sick while riding in a car and reading.
A 13 hour trip from North Carolina with my parents, who apparently have bladders the size of walnuts (we stopped 9 times), listening to oldies (how many times must I hear A Horse With No Name?), sharing the back seat with a flatulent geriatric doberman.
Laughing sooo hard. Especially the oldies thing… I really hate that.
Sad to say but my mother. With her dementia she is convinced that “they” are spying on her and that, no matter where we go or how long the trip, we are taking her to “A home”.
Any car that passes us is filming her for the record. Woe be unto us if we pass or are passed multiple times by the same car, man, the shit hits the fan then. How come someone with dementia can tell that it is the same car, fuck you traffic jams.
soooo funny. But not. I love these stories.
@kritiper He/She doesn’t want you to just sit there looking out the window while you roll along, he/she wants you to read the company manual to make your paid time worth while
WOW, that is < cough, cough petty cough, cough > unbelievable….....
Someone who talks a lot, and talks about nothing other than themselves. Their likes, their interests, their dislikes, their opinions, their life, their possessions, their good deeds, their accomplishments. Shoot me now. In a car, a lot of silence is not a bad thing.
Driver – Stevie Wonder
Passenger – Rutger Hauer
The people that annoy me most are the far left leaning, pseudo-intellectal with the holier than thou chip on their shoulder who won’t shut up about how stupid republicans are and how awesome Marx is. Or the opposite side of the spectrum that won’t shut about the gov’t conspiracies and judgment day, jesus and whatnot.
I’ve been on this trip. When my father in law died early July. Driver= My ex husband. Passenger = His new girlfriend… other passenger, our 9 year old child. Song on the radio = The Ramones, ‘I want to be sedated’. I had to bite my lip.
My mother. Even worse would be my mom and dad in the same car. Pure torture.
Yep, been there done that. 2 week road trip with a boyfriend in 2006. He criticized my driving, had the eating habits of a 4 year old and threw all his various snack wrappers all over my car.
By the time we got to Santa Fe N.M. from NorCal I got my own hotel room. That wasn’t the worst, he came down with a flue a few days later and we were trapped in a hotel room for 4 days and he was the biggest, whiney, pouty, moody. baby man.
Needless to say by the time we got back to CA. we were no longer lovers. haha
Teens 13–17, or the fictional characters from dumb and dumber.
My ex-mother-in-law. Truly a vile person. may she rot in hell.
I would not want to be in a car with Joel Osteen for any length of time, long or short.
We could get you Justin Beiber instead…....
Ted Cruz
How did this question lay dormant during the Republican Presidential primaries?
^ Mean would be if you were stuck with him and L’il Kim, both trying to out rap each other with Half Buck Chuck, Short Change, Ain’t even a Dollar, 50 cent trying to navigate.
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