Social Question

Team partner from hell, who would that be?
Inspired by @Hypocrisy_Central question :P
Imagine you have to work with certain people because your school/workplace has a project which requires people to work together, or simply because they are in the same room as you… What kind of people would annoy you the most during the work? For example, the person who refuses to work and constantly makes excuse for their laziness, the person who thinks they are a “know-it-all” and dismisses everything you have to say, the person who is very bossy and loves telling everyone what to do, the person who chooses all the “noticeable” work so that they can be noticed and get all the credit when the work is done…
People say teamwork is necessary because it enhances partnership and improves the work’s result, but sometimes there are people who just make you wish you could just do the work all alone. It has happened to me. Has it happened to you?