“Wouldn’t it be more honourable, noble, and plain better for the planet to adopt then rather than add another human to the pile?”
”...prefer to add another human to this screwed up planet…”
These points, although valid from a logical standpoint, very rarely figure into the actual process of having a family, which for most of us was much more visceral and organic. “Honourable and noble” were not words that crossed my mind when I thought about having children.
Adoption is hard. It’s not like picking up a kitten outside of Safeway. Leaving the decision about whether or not one would make a good enough parent up to strangers can be daunting, lengthy and expensive.
Family is intimate. There is no shame in wanting to raise a child from infancy, as adopting older children can be fraught with problems with which most of us are unequipped to deal.
Yes, we have free will and are able to see beyond the biological imperative, but some of us choose not to, the same way some choose to adopt, some choose not to raise children at all, and some choose to give up children for adoption.
There seems to be a trend these days to criticize having biological offspring, buying puppies, etc. Instead of questioning why people choose to do these things, I think the real questions are: why are more people not working to prevent unwanted pregnancies (including accessible birth control for all), why are there not stiff penalties for abandoning children and animals? How can we streamline the processes for family building?
There are some seriously quality posts in this thread, @SQUEEKY2, I hope you have a better understanding now. We are trying to raise our children mindfully, to make the world a better place,