Social Question

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

In life is it better to be a ”has been” as oppose to a ”never was”??

Asked by Hypocrisy_Central (26879points) September 1st, 2014

I suppose there can be advantages or benefits to both; if you were a ”never was” you will not have to deal with people comparing you to who you use to be, and asking what happened that diminished or took away your fame or prestige. If you were a ”never was”, you don’t have the pain of loss, or the idea you are less now than in the past. If you were a ”has been”, at least you can say you did do something or achieved something even if you were not able to sustain it. What you did do is history and no one can take it from you especially if it is the record, or history book. Family can at least say someone in the family did something. Over all, in your opinion, is it better to be a ”has been” or a “never was”?

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6 Answers

chagak's avatar

To me, it’s better to be a “has-been”. At least you did something with your life that was, once upon a time, of value.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I choose to be “has been”. At least the misdeed I went through had something to teach me about life.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Hard to say. Never was a has been.

Coloma's avatar

Has been.

snowberry's avatar

Those are both negatives- “Has been” and “never was”. I don’t define my life with negatives, so neither apply.

ucme's avatar

Better to have tried & failed than never to have tried at all.
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