Any ideas what a bat bite would look like?
I woke this morning with two parallel nicks on my wrist, about 3 to 4 mm long, and about a mm wide. We didn’t see anything last night or this AM, but it makes me a touch nervous. The nicks are exactly symmetrical, and about 4 mm apart. I suppose I could have done it in my sleep. Any thoughts? If I start foaming at the mouth someone put me down please. :).
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212 Answers
Did you sleep outside? I can’t imagine being bitten by a bat and not knowing it, but I have very little experience with bats.
No, in my bedroom, door shut and locked. I don’t think a bat got into the only other room off of the bedroom without us noticing, but those are weird marks.
I feel fine, but the incubation period for rabies takes a while.
@Adirondackwannabe Maybe you should see a doctor…
And I don’t want to see you foam in your mouth! ~
I’ll do some research today and then search the house tonight. I think it’s just two unusual scratches.
@Adirondackwannabe The bats that live in your region eat insects. They have no interest in a sleeping you. It’s far more likely to be an insect bite than a bat bite.
Also, please stop propagating stereotypes that vilify bats. Jeez.
Bats typically have a mouthful of teeth for crunching up bugs (keep in mind that those are tiny, tiny teeth in a tiny bat). I doubt a bite would look like what you describe (bats found in the North American continent are insectivores).
Sure it wasn’t a rat or a mouse? They’d be much more likely than a bat.
And just yesterday we were wondering where the vampires went.
Oh sure, and that’s supposed to be so much more reassuring. :)
Probably not the local rattlesnake either. (You’d know by now.)
I get small spider bites often but not usually by a pair of them.
I’ve had spider bites before. These aren’t puncture wounds. They’re rectangular scratches and equidistant apart.
Mine are small, red, itchy and round.
Yes, mine are usually the same.
@zenvelo Yes, yes we were wondering where the vampires went (evidently up into the NY area) and if we had been allowed, had it not been pulled, we could pursue it and find out from the source.
Thanks for the uplifting info. And joy, they’re starting to get a little red, but I think it’s just a normal reaction to the scratches.
Can you give us a picture of them?
Could have been caused by a unicorn’s horn.
@Dutchess_III what, the vampires?
No, of course not! They don’t photograph just like they don’t show up in the mirror!
Do any of these resemble your bite?
Oh shit. It looks exactly like the first few double bites in your pictures. But isn’t that from a vampire bat?
What were you reading before you went to bed?
If you put ‘bat bites images’ into Google, you’ll see pictures of (apparently) bat bites.
If you have been bitten by a bat, and I don’t get why you’d think you have been based on the locked house etc. you’d want to go and get medical attention. Bats here carry a deadly virus called Lyssavirus.
I just typed in “bat bite.” You’d best go to a doctor.
@Earthbound_Misfit Bats here carry a deadly virus called Lyssavirus
In Australia. The OP lives in the US.
I know that @dappled_leaves. My point is bats carry serious diseases. Or are bats disease free in the US? My understanding is bats are the most common source of rabies in the US (Lyssavirus is closely related to rabies).
No, it’s 10:08. I’ll call first thing in the morning.
Only if you want me to bite your ass. While I’m foaming.
Yeah. Foaming helps you brush your teeth ~
Seriously @Adirondackwannabe, you need to go see a doctor.
I am, first thing in the morning. Shit, what a bummer this could be.
If you seriously do think it could have been a bat, I’d call a doctor and get some advice at least. Are you feeling okay?
@Earthbound_Misfit “My understanding is bats are the most common source of rabies in the US (Lyssavirus is closely related to rabies).”
Nope. Raccoons and skunks are both more likely to carry rabies. Yet somehow, people manage not to get hysterical about either of these species.
Might not be common, but the CDC suggest bats are the most likely carrier of rabies.
“Rabies in humans is rare in the United States. There are usually only one or two human cases per year. But the most common source of human rabies in the United States is from bats. For example, among the 19 naturally acquired cases of rabies in humans in the United States from 1997–2006, 17 were associated with bats. Among these, 14 patients had known encounters with bats. Four people awoke because a bat landed on them and one person awoke because a bat bit him. In these cases, the bat was inside the home.”
I’m certainly not hysterical. I like bats. However, I also know they can carry disease and I wouldn’t want to take a chance that the bat that bit or scratched me was disease free.
You’re right. 17 cases of rabies from bats in the US over a 10-year period. What is that, 0.000005% of the population getting rabies from bats in ten years? Maybe @Adirondackwannabe is just that lucky.
I’m going to my doc tomorrow. Shit I don’t need this crap right now.
@dappled_leaves, if I’d been bitten/scratched by a bat I don’t think your dismissive attitude would comfort me. It’s likely, if @Adirondackwannabe has been injured by a bat, that it doesn’t carry the rabies virus, but it could. Personally, I’d always prefer to err on the side of caution and get medical advice. If he happens to be in that 0.000005% he’ll be glad he did speak to a Dr.
Sorry if this has added to your worries @Adirondackwannabe. It is most likely that you’re just fine, but if you do have reason to believe it was a bat, just get yourself checked and be sure. We have heaps of bats over here. Before we had so much knowledge about lyssavirus, I sat with a young bat draped across my chest, stroking it. They’re the cutest looking creatures, but now we know they do carry lyssavirus, which here is considered a serious problem and so perhaps the concern is more publicized than it is there. It’s crossed the species barrier and is responsible for Hendra virus which is deadly in humans and horses. I don’t think anyone has survived Hendra.
@zenvelo You’re bad. LOL.
@Adirondackwannabe I don’t think it is a bat, but I do think you should get it checked, if for anything just to calm your mind. Let us know what the doctor says.
My doctor is sending me to the ER for the rabies shots. She said it’s an animal bite, and you can’t take a chance with those. Shit. :(
Damn, sorry to hear that @Adirondackwannabe but I guess better safe than sorry. Did you see any evidence of bats in your home?
As unpleasant as that thought is, you’ll have had the shots and can hopefully stop worrying about these bites. I think you need to check around your house to try to work out how whatever it was got in to bite you.
That sucks.
Once you get those shots are you supposedly immune forever?
Aw @Adirondackwannabe….I hope it isn’t too bad. Can’t they draw blood and check for a disease first before they just shoot you? I mean, it’s too late now, obviously but still….
Well the good news is I was smart enough to call. The bad news is I now know what a pincushion feels like. At least six shots. 1 vaccine and 5 or 6 of an immune booster. Both arms and both cheeks of my butt twice. He took one look at the marks and said that’s a bat bite. I’ll need to follow up with public health for the follow up shots, days 3,7,14,& 28. But much better than the alternative. Next I’ll go after that little bastard that bit me.
That’s shocking; at least the treatments are not the excruciating ones of old. But still…
Do you have any idea of how the bat got into your bedroom?
Was there a question of which kind of bat? Or is there only one species in your neck of the woods?
Holy crap. My sister had to get rabies shots once. They had to put a needle into her stomach. :(
@Dutchess_III Needles. That was a long time ago. They aren’t in the stomach anymore, but the shot is still supposed to be a little painful because the liquid is thick or something.
Info on bats and rabies in NYS not sure what county you are in but it shows them all.
Info is old, only runs through 1999.
The good news! “In 1998 and 1999, testing 1,217 bats that bit or had other contact
with a person revealed that 96% of those bats were not rabid”
Thanks everyone. No idea what kind of bat it was. I think the bat got into the basement and then came up into the house. I left some openings in the basement to get some air in. I didn’t figure on wildlife. We have several species here. The vaccine shot wasn’t especially painful. It was just a regular shot. It did get a little old after the third or fourth shot. I can’t say I enjoy people sticking sharp things into me. But she was good with the needles. Although now I have two sore arms and a sore butt. I may start sleeping on the street down by my office. My place in the country keeps trying to kill me. It was two symmetrical oblong circles on my arm. Watch out for that.
Something to be said for concrete and smog.
Although, the city can have rabid animals also.
I know. Thank god for good healthcare.
I guess you’ll be spending time filling basement openings. We have fruit bats around here and (to my knowledge) they don’t try to get inside. Fairly easy to avoid. I hope you can ‘bat proof’ your house. I’m glad you’re okay too :-)
I think you need a screened in patio.
I think I need a bubble. :)
It’s one of the reasons I love living in Florida. I bubble in my pool and backyard. Slide open windows and doors that are inside the screen without worry, walk outside, no bees, no wasps, I love my bubble.
How can you not have bugs in FL? We get our respite in December.
@JLeslie Weasel. I love that. I was referring to Bubbleboy.
I’m glad to know you have taken yourself to the Dr. To prevent this again from happening, I’d suggest you put mesh over your windows, this way you can enjoy the nights cool air, without the extras..
Thanks, but all my windows have screens. They can’t get in there.
Glad to know you are OK now.
Have you searched everywhere in the house? I guess the bat entered your house when you opened the windows and somehow stayed in your house unoticed.
F THAT!! I’d have Animal Control come and take care of it, they know what to look for.
@Adirondackwannabe If your windows are screened why would you leave something without a screen ajar?
Bubble boy is even too extreme for me. LOL. I’m not even a big sunroom fan, because it feels closed in, I like screened in rooms. Although, if I lived in the Adirondacks I would have a sun room where I can open the windows (the windows would be screened) and hopefully an endless pool inside of the room. That’s my fantasy. The endless pool with multiple jets that can be a big jacuzzi. All that attached to a little house with a two car garage and a big barn garage unattached for my husband. Now you know what to buy me for Christimas.
How are you feeling?
I fell like shit today. My body hates it when it gets pumped full of stuff, and it got that big time yesterday. Plus I have two sore arms and a sore ass. I might prefer the rabies. :)
Sorry. :(.
I can’t believe you had to go through this. Thank goodness you had it checked. knowing me I would have just ignored it. I’ll die one day because of how I ignore things like that.
@JLeslie Thanks, :) That’s life. In a few days I’ll be better. They were just too symmetrical to be random scratches. If you see something like that get it looked at. He took one look and knew what it was. If one person learns from this I guess it was worth it. But oh man, I’d trade bodies with anyone today.
Can you take some ibuprofen?
I could if I was smart enough to have some in the office. :) If it keeps up I’ll walk over to the pharmacy and get some. Or call my doctor. This is mean. They don’t warn you about this. Probably because you’d pass on the shots.
Go get you some. Or, ask someone in the office if they have a stash. A woman might have a bottle of it in her desk. It takes about 50 mnutes for the drug to give you relief.
Okay, I went to three different offices and found a couple. And I creeped out the women on this floor. There goes my hopes for a date. :) But thank you.
Please keep us update about your condition.
By the way would you like me to bring you something ~
@Mimishu1995 My sense of humor and my perve side still work, so I’m guessing I’ll live.
@Adirondackwannabe Glad to hear you had it looked at, and despite the rigors of the shots, also glad you are being treated. And thanks for being in good humor, even with my smart ass remarks above.
That’s one more disease to cross off your bucket list.
@zenvelo We lose our sense of humor, and we’ve given up. The ibuprofen is taking the edge off. But wow, I didn’t see that side affect in the warnings. Anyone else that gets the shots, bring drugs, you’ll need them. And this from a guy that had a shattered collarbone and never took a thing.
We had a bat in the house the other morning, but I was asleep. Missed the battle.
Hmmm, so the doctor told you it was a bite from a bat. Can you be sure it wasn’t a bite from a more uncommon…creature? One you may have met recently?
Would he have had to invite that creature in?
Vampyres have a way of reading invites that are, let’s just say, subtle. You may not even realize you’ve extended an invitation, but we hear it just the same.
Well @Adirondackwannabe did mention how much he liked our vampire contingent on a Meta thread… perhaps that was enough.
@WickedVamp That thought also entered my mind. And I certainly have invited you in. I hope if it was that then the side affects are much less than the treatment for the bat. I’m doing better, but still hurting a bit.
Have you now become uber sensitive to light? Have you gone shopping at Home Depot for a casket to replace your bed?
Well the light was bothering me this morning. I thought it was cause I left my hat in the office. Keep up with the jokes funny people. I can channel bats or perchance something more ominous. I’m doing much better physically today. Just in time for my shot tomorrow morning. Yes the public health nurse is coming in on a Sunday to give me a shot. I guess they are pretty serious about this stuff. Joy. :)
Looks up, so how’s your appetite?
My appetite is much better today. Especially for things colored red.
@Mimishu, he won’t be needing those things..
@Araphel At least it’s a warning for him to stay away from me ~
@Mimishu. Abandoning your friend?
@Araphel A mobster doesn’t need friends ~
@Mimishu well that’s not very kind.
@Mimishu1995 I like garlic and I have a thirst for a steak, very rare. It might be okay if it’s from a bovine. Got my second shot this morning. I took her some muffins for giving up her Sunday morning. She was nice, and just one shot. I wasn’t thrilled to get a healthcare proxy. She said if anything goes wrong, I wont be able to make my decisions. This gets more fun all the time. :)
Yeah, glad to hear everything is alright so far
@Mimishu1995 Thank you. This has been less than fun, but you guys keeping me up, and teasing me has helped. I’ll keep you guys informed as long as you want. This crap is all new to me.
I hope I never get bit by a bat!
The bite wasn’t bad at all. I didn’t even wake up. It’s that first series of shots that was hell. The second shot was okay. Three more to go.
We can now start calling you Batman!
I am surprised the public heath nurse didn’t make you wear a muzzle for whatever the incubation period is.
Keep it going funny guys. You’re lucky I have a good sense of humor about this. :)
I bet you’d look good in tights
Oh thank you funny guys. My ass got pierced more than I ever want. And I get three more. Here’s a nice bird for you.
Hey, since you already have the piercings, have you thought about the various jewelry options you now have? How many people have their butts pierced?
Which reminds me of a joke….........
Why is your ass crack vertical instead of horizontal??
So you don’t go plplplplplplplplp when you go down a slide.
The second shot wasn’t bad, just a bit of a sore arm. No other side affects and the bite marks are almost gone.
Shot number three tomorrow. God this has been a pain in the ass. Literally. I backed out the door and hit the latch bar with my butt, right on the shots. Ow.
Literally, a pain in the ass. Hope you’ve fixed up all bat entry points. I’ve read of a few occasions of bats getting into people’s homes over there now. I’ve never heard of that here, but it could just be I’ve not looked for such stories. Why do bats enter homes? Are they searching for insects? What attracts them? Apart from tasty people like @Adirondackwannabe of course.
Day seven shot is behind me, except I did hurl after it. Probably just me getting worked up about it I guess. Maybe 8 shots in seven days is enough. But the good news is no day 28 shot.
Uggh, I’m having a reaction to this shot. Kind of like the first round. Upset stomach, everything hurts like hell, and chills. This has been a real fun ride. :)
Oh my….let us know when you feel better….be thinking of you.
Oh god, I felt like shit this AM. I wasn’t even functional. I hurt so bad all over and I had to fight not to vomit. It’s easing up though now. That’s weird because I had a reaction to the first and third shot, but not the second. Really makes me look forward to the next one. Not.
Have you asked the doc whether this is a normal reaction to the vaccine?
That shot has all sorts of crappy side effects that are possible and unfortunately not very rare. Headache, nausea, muscle pain, dizziness, and others.
The choice is suffer through, or discontinue the drug course and hope you never had rabbies infection to begin with. If the side effects are bad enough, or God forbid life threatening, the doctor and patient might choose not to do the next shot.
@rojo @JLeslie Is correct. It’s up to 40 percent of people that react to it. I just got it pretty good. I guess I’m just gifted? They’re sending me to the ER for the last shot, in case it goes bad. Our Public Health Dept has been amazing. I have to get the shot, I was definitely exposed to something they feel.
Like shit to be honest. The pain is horrible, nasuous out the ass, and I’ve lost weight I didn’t have to begin with. This has been not nice. One more to go. Last time I made it a block before I got sick. Take really good care of your stomach if you get dealt this hand. And keep painkillers on hand.
It’s just awful you are going through this. :(.
Wish there was something I could do
Geex, I never knew the vaccine was that bad, just heard the shots were painful when they used to inject them in the stomach. The only consolation is that you’re not getting rabies.
Evidently my system is susceptible to allergic reactions. That’s why I have the frigging epipens. But maybe I’ll be able to help someone out some day The reaction rate to this vaccine is fairly high. Up to 40 percent. .
When I get into the same trouble please save me ~
@Mimishu1995 I’ll be there for you. But the pens are kind of mean. :)
@Dutchess_III Don’t worry. I’m tough and there’s only one left. Then I’ll work on recovering and getting the weight back. It’s only if something else hit that I’d be in big trouble.
At least you don’t have rabies. Did you ever figure out how a bat got in your room? Or was that answered and I missed it.
Either through the basement or the ventilation fans in the two bathrooms. But I don’t know why it came in.
That is odd. Bet he was sick.
Oh thanks, that’s so reassuring. :)
I think my link way up above might explain why the bat entered your house. :)
@jonsblond Yeah, it could be looking for a winter home.
Hey..did you ever find it?
Never found a trace, and believe me, I looked.
Wrecked that jam session!
Ouch, the poor bastard. I hope he tolerates the shots better than I am. But a sick side of me is laughing.
When I heard the person yell “It’s a bat!” my first response was
“A cat?”
“No, a bat”
Thank you Monty Python for providing the soundtrack to my life.
Last shot today in the ER. Same reaction, but they gave me a couple of painkillers and some anti-nausea pill. I feel a little crappy but not nearly as bad as shot 1 and 3. I’m so tired of shots. Good news is I don’t need the 28 day shot.
Wait, they didn’t give you Zofran or something similar for the nausea to begin with?
No, and I didn’t know enough to ask for something. I haven’t had this kind of fun before. Hopefully someone else learns from this. What would give me a metallic taste in my mouth?
Crap, I wish I had suggested it to you.
@JLeslie That’s okay. I didn’t know they could do anything for it. Or enough to ask. I hope there isn’t another round, but at least I know now. It would have kept some of my weight on. :)
I thought you had told the doctor you were having side effects. It would have been nice if he had prescribed it a long time ago.
They use it for cancer treatment, vertigo, after surgery, anything that can trigger severe nausea.
I had discussed it with them. We thought it might be the gamma globulin after shot 1. Shot 2 wasn’t bad. Shot 3 was the mean one. That was through Public Health and they consulted with their peeps who decided 4 better be in the ER. This one is a bit rough but not anywhere near 3.
Part of the problem is they just expect you to feel like shit so they have an attitude of you just have to get through it. I’m glad they gave the shot to you in the hospital and I am glad they at least now gave you the antinausea drugs.
Yeah, these are the mild problems? This is one mean bastard of a shot.
Sometimes the medical community pisses me off with their apparent inability to foresee what a patient might need, or their possible assumptions that we automatically know what to ask for.
Yeah, it would have been nice to know what was in store for me. It was the Public Health nurse that gave me the first info on the side affects and then went up to her higher ups after the third shot. I would have tried to manage my diet better. I’m down about 15 pounds. And I’m not sure I can eat tonight or if it will stay down.
Man…when will you be finished with it?
This was the last shot. Now I just follow up with my doctor in a week or so. Hopefully it’s done, but it made for an interesting couple of weeks.
@JLeslie If I remember correctly, the bats inject an anesthetic, which is how you could get bit and not know it.
I stand corrected and feel stupid!
Nausea is horrible. It is also very annoying when a doctor fails to accurately warn you about side effects that will have a negative impact on your life. Glad your last shot is over. You can now write this up as an interesting experience to tell your grandchildren or other young family members about.
How I survived an animal attack and could have had rabies.
Sometimes doctors are loathe to mention side effects, because they feel patients will convince themselves they have every side effect mentioned. Or, worse they will not take the treatment needed.
We see it on fluther, someone will read side effects and be afraid to take a medication. Side effects like may cause liver damage, rash, stomach upset…oh that’s Tylenol.
I’m not saying this about your answer @JLeslie, but if that’s true those doctors are ridiculous and deserve to be struck off.
Side effects can be dangerous. What if @Adirondackwannabe had no idea and took off on a trip and ended up on the side of the road feeling nauseous?
I had one situation where my eyes watered for a month. I couldn’t drive, I couldn’t read. I was pretty much disabled. My doctor hadn’t warned me of that side effect. Thank goodness I had taken time off work.
I’m pretty sure in Australia, doctors are required to tell patients of any side effects. Pharmacists will often go through them when you pick up medication too. “You’re aware this drug can…” so people can’t not know what they’re getting into. They still don’t do it. I had to take a drug recently that killed my libido. It was prescribed by a MALE specialist. Now TMI, but I really like sex. I suddenly lost all interest. I spoke to my own FEMALE doctor who told me this is a common side effect and to stop taking that drug. When I saw him, I told him I’d stopped taking it and why and that it just was not an acceptable side effect for me and to suggest a different drug.
Not wanting to promote a placebo effect is not a good enough reason to avoid giving your patients the information they need.
@Earthbound_Misfit They usually are good about side effects that can cause drowsiness to warn the patient they shouldn’t drive. The pharmacy in America usually hands the patient an information page about the drug, which does list possible side effects, and when a side effect warrants calling the doctor, and what to do if you miss a dose, etc.
Not everyone gets all the side effects of course. Plus, if someone has a bad side effect they should let their doctor know. It might be a rare side effect, one the doctor would not even think to mention.
A lot of doctors don’t even realize how dangerous rash can be. TENS is deadly and I bet many doctors have not even seen a case unless they worked on a burn unit. I actually know someone who survived it. My sister never saw anyone survive who she treated for it. I have never had a doctor mention rash as a serious side effect, but it is always on the information page from the pharmacy.
People are lax though. It’s rare I read the documents attached to medications. I might mean to, but I just get busy.
Doctors make me cranky. I know they’re scientists. I get that. One of mine I swear has Aspergers. Brilliant doctor, hopeless communicator.
Thank goodness for pharmacists hey?
Today I took a bucket with me, because last time I made it a few hundred meters after leaving the place where I got the shot and I had to throw up. If I didn’t make the parking lot, I would have been throwing up in traffic on a narrow street. Warn me better.
@Mimishu1995 Six shots was the first session alone. Three more after that. Yuck.
That’s no good @Adirondackwannabe. I feel for you. I hate vomiting. I think it’s just the pits. I’m glad this is your last shot.
I see flocks (are many bats flying a flock?) of bats flying over my house each night here. I often think of you when I see them!
I had jellies calling me Batman. I hate vomiting or trying to fight it off. Today was easier, but still no picnic. This is a mean vaccine. They don’t clue you in upfront. I’m just sharing it to help someone else down the road.
And rabies would be worse. All that frothing… it’s never a good look :D
@JLeslie The ER doc let me drive home right after they gave me a dose of Ativan. I couldn’t believe it. They told me I might be drowsy, but they didn’t ask if I had a ride.
@Mimishu1995 I got the six shots on the first day, then a shot on day 3, one on day 7 and todays on day 14. I’m done.
@jonsblond I know, they just seem so self absorbed at times, treat the patient and get them out the door. Then it’s someone else problem.
Oh right. You’re done. Now go save the world Batman ~
@jonsblond I don’t know the dose they gave you. Actually, probably not the smallest dose if you were in the hospital. Sounds like you drove home. Did you feel too medicated? People take benzos all the time and drive. Ativan can make people tired though, as opposed to drugs like Xanax that usually just takes the edge off.
@Earthbound_Misfit Of course people are lax. It’s why people do foolish things when it comes to drug taking. They don’t even read dosage information sometimes. I always say if you have a question about a med better to ask a pharmacist than a doctor. Most doctors don’t know shit about side effects. I have so many stories. I have told the, so many times on fluther I won’t bore the jellies with the details again.
Response moderated
@Dutchess_III What is that for? LOL. That happens to be the drug they prescribed me when I found out I was allergic to Morphine.
Just sayin’ you should read all the warnings and stuff! Trouble is, in the pamphlets the font is about half that size.
Most people probably shouldn’t, it freaks them out. LOL. Just kidding, I think people should read the info too. Specifically how to take the medication and what not to take it with.
Just read this thread and I’m so sorry you had to go through this @Adirondackwannabe. I’m glad it’s now over for you and you have survived.
It sucked big time, but it’s behind me. If I can help anyone else it’ll be worth a bit of it.
Behind you, shots in butt, tee hee. Sorry, couldn’t resist.
Oh I so want to give that back to you. It’s okay, :) I can’t imagine six shots in my arm. But when my butt hit the bar it hurt.
Sorry I pinched your butt where you got shot. :(
I can’t believe this. Just found a dead bat on the window sill above my bed. Called animal control because I wanted it tested for rabies. Well, it’s been dead for weeks, so they probably can’t test it. Plus he said, it’s a fruit bat so it wasn’t likely to come in contact with something rabid. Plus, if it HAD been rabid, it would have been flying around acting crazy…..
He said he’d take it to the vet on the off chance they could test it….. :( :( :(
Ugh, that blows. Bats now creep me out.
I’m not sure if fruit bats in the US are infected, but as I’ve said up there somewhere, they carry the Australian lyssavirus here. I therefore wouldn’t assume because it’s a fruit bat, it’s safe. I’ve done a quick Google search, but I can’t find out if your fruit bats also carry this (or a similar) virus. There’s a European strain too.
Bats seem to get into your houses a lot over there.
@Adirondackwannabe They didn’t creep you out previously? When they fly they do constant dives, like circling up and down. Has always freaked me out.
@JLeslie They didn’t creep me out. I used to worry about White Nose Syndrome. But after this I don’t want to see one anywhere. On the plus side, my weight is coming back a bit. I’m still physically weak. Losing 15 pounds in two weeks takes a lot out of you.
I need to lose 15 pounds.
@JLeslie I’m guessing hubby would disagree. Don’t think we want thin twiggy women. And believe me, this isn’t a fun way to do it. :)
No, he wants me to lose 20. 20 would be too thin.
He hasn’t bought into the model crap has he?
I think he just wants me to look as I did when we got married. I want to weigh less also. He always has been a “typical” guy when it comes to weight and a girls figure. It doesn’t need to be perfect, but overweight is a turn off.
Hey, I like a little extra, as compared to skinny. Does he look like he did when you got married?
Older women really look bad when they get as skinny as we were in high school, college and our early 20’s. When I came out of the hospital in 2012 I was at 135, down 10 pounds, and I didn’t like the way it looked. That’s actually 10 to 20 pounds more than I weighed when I was younger. I looked awesome at 110 to 120 (at 5’8) back in the day. Now, not so much. 120 I’d look like a cadaver!
@Adirondackwannabe Yes. I think he looks better. As far as weight he is within ten pounds of his weight when we were dating, which would be like 5–6 pounds for me.
WTF! How did I MISS this?
Dude, so sorry, wow, what a crazy, random thing to happen!
Hey, stuff happens. Hope someone can learn from it.
^^^ Yeah, he’s a hydrophobia carrier now. Foaming at the mouth and convulsions, man, what a lover. lololol
Oh keep up the stuff funny people. I have a notebook full of you guys that have laughed at my expense. Laughs. :)
@Adirondackwannabe we say “You have a seat on the plane.”
It is the same kind of thing but the way we word it, or look at it, is if there was a plane that was going to crash with no survivors,and you could determine who was onboard, who would you want to be on it.
The bat might have had Ebola. You ever think of that? No. You only think of yourself.
It sounds like it could be petechie usually caused by low blood platelets, the proper name is Thrombocytopenia, if you’re concerned then seek medical advice…doubt it’s bats :)
It was a confirmed bat bite.
OP wrote on Sept. 2014;
“The bad news is I now know what a pincushion feels like. At least six rabiesshots. 1 vaccine and 5 or 6 of an immune booster. Both arms and both cheeks of my butt twice. He took one look at the marks and said that’s a bat bite. I’ll need to follow up with public health for the follow up shots, days 3,7,14,& 28. But much better than the alternative. Next I’ll go after that little bastard that bit me.”
@Safie If it wasn’t a bat I’ve been through 7 months of crap for nothing. :)
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