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ucme's avatar

What's a film you once liked, but now feel has lost its appeal?

Asked by ucme (50052points) September 9th, 2014

Maybe over a number of viewings through the years, or after a lengthy period between watching.

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10 Answers

Dutchess_III's avatar

Towering Inferno.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Gone with the Wind

all of the Die Hard series

Independence Day

Everything with Mel Gibson – ever since he turned out to be a drunken anti-semite, I cannot lower myself to watch his stuff

Anything with Liz Taylor after she was 25.

Here2_4's avatar

Most everything I liked from the eighties, except ET, and Gremlins.

bluish's avatar

Most Woody Allen movies. I went through the Woody phase a couple years ago. I still like Scoop, Match Point, Midnight in Paris, Whatever Works, Vicky Christina Barchelona and Annie Hall. Anything else seems all eh to me now.

filmfann's avatar

Live and Let Die

fluthernutter's avatar

Lost In Translation.
After awhile Scarlett Johansson starting getting on my nerves. Gave away the DVD.

Also the same as @elbanditoroso when it comes to Mel Gibson.

bea2345's avatar

Independence Day. Too many times I am stuck with versions that try to downplay Will Smith’s performance by editing.

rockfan's avatar

Forrest Gump and Remember the Titans

ucme's avatar

Curly Wurly & a bag of Monster Munch.

Adagio's avatar

@elbanditoroso Re: Liz Taylor after 25, would that include “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf”?

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