Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

Have you ever seen a woman respond positively to gross sexual harassment?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) September 11th, 2014

A spin off from a previous question. I have never, personally, seen a woman respond positively to things like, “Boy your titties got a nice bounce when you walk!” (while walking through the K-state campus) or, “You have a nice ass, girl!” (while walking into a store,) or getting pinched, or felt up unexpectedly (happened a couple of times in crowded situations, such as a bar or dance floor. But it’s my own fault. Shouldn’t have been in a bar or on a dance floor. I was just asking for it.)

We women talk among ourselves, and have never heard a woman say she liked it.

Examples of compliments that are nice would be, “You have pretty eyes!” or “I really like your smile!“or “You sure look nice in that dress!” These are things you can respond to with a sincere “Why thank you!” and not be left feeling like a degraded piece of meat.

Have you ever seen or known a woman who respond positively to the gross sexual harassment I listed first?

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62 Answers

Coloma's avatar

No. That’s a good way for a guy to get decked by me. haha
I had some bum address me as ” Hey honey” the other day in a parking lot and I just kept driving. If he hadn’t been someone of a questionable nature and a regular Joe I would have told him in no uncertain terms, ” Do NOT address me as “honey”...PAL!” lol

LuckyGuy's avatar

I don’t think it ever works. That’s why those losers are sitting with other guys instead of walking with a caring woman.

@Coloma The waitresses at Waffle House call me “Hon” all the time I like it. That Southern accent sounds so exotic. :-)

livelaughlove21's avatar

I don’t get comments like that, and neither does anyone else I know, no matter how pretty. People don’t do shit like that in my area (Columbia, SC) as they do in bigger cities. Politeness is regarded highly here in the Bible Belt. I mean, it’s fake politeness, but politeness nonetheless. I’ve gotten some creepy stares, but those are easily ignored.

If I did get a comment like that, I’d probably roll my eyes or, if they keep going after my look of death, tell them to go fuck themselves. However, I’m not sure I’d be disgusted or outraged by it. Stupid boys saying stupid things. I’d just brush it off.

But no, I wouldn’t like it.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Logical impossibility.

If it is harassment, then it isn’t responded positively. Otherwise it wouldn’t be harassment.

You are choosing a loaded word to make a point. I agree with your point, but you are asking it wrong.

Your question should read

“Do you know any women who respond positively to calls and shouts from men who they do not know?

That would be asking the question in a fair, honest, and prejudicial way.

And I’ll be the answer- while still overwhelming “no”, would be different. And probably more accurate.

Prejudicial questions don’t get accurate answers.

Dutchess_III's avatar

“Do you know any women who respond positively to sexually charged, lewd, and gross calls and shouts, and inappropriate grabbing and fondling from men who they do not know?” If that isn’t harassment, I don’t know what is.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@elbanditoroso The examples I gave are actually things that have happened to me. I didn’t make it all up.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@Dutchess_III – not questioning that. I question the slanted way you asked the question.

If you want an honest answer, as opposed to making a rant, you have to ask an honest question.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

First I will premise ”gross sexual harassment” is by enlarge, a systemic, sustained situation. However, simply getting a suggestive or sexual comment, I have, on very small occasion, heard a woman with a witty comeback or praise for such. When I was a very young man, I was in SF for some training thing with the business I was working at, and we were out on the street during break. We saw this this older woman (she was to us at the time but maybe in reality mid 30s) walk by in a skirt above the knee but not a mini, and heels, she definitely looked like a business woman, and one of the guys standing in our group let out a loud wolf whistle. She broke stride as if startled. Then when she realized where it came from she said ”Thank you!”, and strutted off with a large grin on her face. I am sure the thought that she still had _”it”
_ carried her the rest of the day.

Dutchess_III's avatar

i would not categorize a wolf whistle as gross sexual harassment.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

So nice tits isn’t going to get me laid? Damn.

Dutchess_III's avatar

LOL! NO!!! But apparently some men really seem to think it will.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Lol, I always get a nice smile to beautiful eyes, or amazing smile.

Coloma's avatar

@LuckyGuy When a waitress calls you “hon” it’s a term of endearment, when some crusty bum solicits you for money as you drive by with “Hey honey” it’s aggressive, inappropriate and demeaning. Now…f someone wants to tell me I have great legs, by all means. lol

Coloma's avatar

I compliment men on their shirts a lot, with ” Nice shirt!” or ” I like your shirt!”
Just once I’d love to say ” Nice package!” Or maybe ” Boxers or briefs?” lol ;-p

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Coloma You can ask me that anytime. Today is boxer briefs.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

How about I just check out the ladies selection of things.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Oh god, that stuff is hot. I love lingerie.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

“We women talk among ourselves, and have never heard a woman say she liked it.”

What some people say, is not always how they truly feel.

Right now, there are no shortage of children watching their single mothers get dolled up to go out to the bars and find them a new weekend daddy. What you call harassment, they call invitation.

gorillapaws's avatar

I’ve got a friend who actually pulls this off. He’s got a way with trashy women, and he’s good-looking.

He won’t just come right out and say “Nice tits!” But I have seen him walk up to a couple of women at a bar and say: “Would you like to come back to my place and watch some adult videos with me? I’ve got “Midget Blowjobs 12,” “Black and Bouncy 3” and [some other made-up ridiculous title].” They started laughing. “If you don’t like those we could try: [more ridiculous titles]” This was followed by more laughter and one asked him “What’s your name?” After an hour or two, my friend took one of the women home.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@Coloma – does the woman lying next to the guy in the picture come with the new boxers?

ucme's avatar

Whenever I look at a smart set of tits I always get a knowing smile, helps to be an adorable hunk-a-spunk I guess.
In fact, the only grief I get is a slap from the wife, she got eyes in the back of her head that woman & no mistake.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@RealEyesRealizeRealLies so, what kind of woman would get all dolled up to go to the bar to get her kids a new weekend daddy? For some reason I’ve always thought you were a female, but now I realize you’re male. Only a male would make such a comment.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

”...what kind of woman…”

I’m not about to psychoanalyze that woman. I’m unqualified. But I won’t deny she exists, regardless of my gender.

Dutchess_III's avatar

No doubt. But, you posted it in such a way that it was insulting. What about the men who let themselves get picked up so cheaply?

Men can be so ridiculous. “I want sex!!!”
Woman, “OK!”
Men, “You slut.”

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Acknowledging the truth is not an insult. Perceiving it as such, might be.

dappled_leaves's avatar

@RealEyesRealizeRealLies What is the “truth” in the word slut? That a woman has sex? That a woman enjoys sex? Nothing wrong with either of those things, so why does slut have a negative connotation? The word slut is a judgment, it is not about stating facts.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

I didn’t use the word “slut”. You’ll have to ask whoever did how they came to that.

dappled_leaves's avatar

My mistake. I thought you were responding to the comment directly above yours. You were not?

Dutchess_III's avatar

I used the word slut. The context that I used it in happens all the time. Man begs for sex, woman gives in, woman is now a slut. It is so convoluted and…and…and….I can’t even find the word. “Wrong” just doesn’t get it.

Haleth's avatar

@Dutchess_III Hypocritical, maybe?

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

@dappled_leaves “I thought you were responding to the comment directly above yours. You were not?”

Certainly was. But not in the manner you suggest. I don’t know what you mean about “truth” in “slut”. Ya lost me there, cause that wasn’t anywhere close to what I’m talking about.

The truth I speak of, is that there are women right now getting ready for the sexy fest at the bars, for whatever reason. That’s the truth. No harm in acknowledging the truth. I’ll leave it up to others to decide “what kind of woman” does that, and what labels you cast upon her.

Really uncomfortable here discovering how anything I say is so readily twisted around and somehow accused against me. Psychoanalysts call that gaslighting. Not cool.

dappled_leaves's avatar

@RealEyesRealizeRealLiesThe truth I speak of, is that there are women right now getting ready for the sexy fest at the bars, for whatever reason. That’s the truth. No harm in acknowledging the truth. I’ll leave it up to others to decide “what kind of woman” does that, and what labels you cast upon her.”

Uh… so you aren’t judging women who do that? Because it sure sounds like you are. No gaslighting required.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

@dappled_leaves ” you aren’t judging women who do that? Because it sure sounds like you are.”

What exact words were “judging”? I believe I said, “for whatever reason”. That’s not a judgement. That’s an acknowledgement of truth. Will you deny that truth?

dappled_leaves's avatar

@RealEyesRealizeRealLies Keep spinning it any way you want. Your words are here for anyone to read, and they are pretty clear.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Answer my question. What exact words were “judging”? Backup your accusation or retract the statement. Yes, my words are “clear”, as long as others don’t muddle them up by casting foggy perceptions upon them, like spells.

Answer my question. What exact words were “judging”?

dappled_leaves's avatar

@RealEyesRealizeRealLies Why do you keep asking the same question repeatedly, when it has been answered? I answered it when you first asked it, and I answered it again, by highlighting your own words, above. Stop pretending that you are not capable of interpreting my words. It is tiresome, and I will not respond to this again.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

What exact words are judgmental in my comment you refer to? What part of anything that I said do you disagree with?

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

@dappled_leaves “Stop pretending that you are not capable of interpreting my words.”

My interpretation is fine. I completely understand what you are saying for the very words you are using, without re-interpreting to mean something else. Not a courtesy offered to me by others on this thread.

Someone else uses the “S” word, and I get accused of judgment. Laughable, but expected. For it doesn’t take much hard won experiential insight to know how some people can be.

Here’s another truth you can reinterpret however you wish to use it against me… It’s no big deal. We’re just being human. And that’s ok. Women are supposed to have a short fuse when it comes to perceived threat. Consider it an evolutionary survival strategy. Consider it an alarm to the tribe that there may be a threat in our midst. Ancient women had to deal with a lot of snakes in the tent you know. There is no blame to be cast upon an evolutionary strategy that has allowed our species to come together here and discuss it intelligently.

Men have other learned strategies. Investigation being one of them. We don’t want our most loyal comrades becoming the victim of false or misinterpreted accusations. Our sons and brothers can be killed for such things. The kingdom falls if we don’t investigate. Consider it an evolutionary strategy that also work for the species, and will continue to do so. Like it or not, nature doesn’t care if you do. She doesn’t have a suggestion box to file a complaint with. Somehow it seems to all work out, no matter how we feel about it.

Knowing that, sheds any reason for grudge, or judgment. But it gives every reason for acknowledging the reality of truth without those impairments.

Dutchess_III's avatar

OK, “Sexy fest” is judgmental. “Weekend daddy” is judgmental. But only against the woman. No word on the men who let themselves be used like that.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

^ No word on the men who let themselves be used like that.
<cough, cough> Pussywhipped <cough, cough:>

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

“there are women right now getting ready for the sexy fest at the bars”

What in the world is judgmental about that? If I said, sluts or whores, then than would be judgmental. And I don’t deny that there are men getting ready for the same thing. If I said meat market instead of sexy fest, what difference does it make? We all know it exists. Acknowledging it exists is not a judgment. It’s a statement of fact. Facts are not judgements. Judgements are made after the facts have been established.

Who am I to care if folks want to go out for the specific purpose of getting some? That’s just a statement about reality, about facts. But when we put labels upon people who do it, that is a judgment.

Here’s one… there are women right now getting ready for the ice cream fest at the parlor. Is that a judgment, or a statement of fact? The judgment comes when somebody calls them fat slobs.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Right now there are women getting ready for the Trekky fest at the convention center. It’s not a judgement until someone calls them nerds.

Right now there are women getting ready for the job fest at the university. It’s not a judgment until someone calls them ambitious.

Statement of fact is not judgment. Judgment only comes after the facts are established.

@Dutchess_III “No word on the men who let themselves be used like that.”

Used like what? Weekend daddy? Is that bad? I think there are organizations which set out to provide the same thing to children without them.

Dutchess_III's avatar


Dutchess_III's avatar

Any woman, with children, who plans on bringing random men home every weekend….I just don’t even know what to say about that.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Can you acknowledge that it occurs? Can you admit that such events take place? You don’t have to say anything “about” it… because that would be judging it. But can you at least admit that it really does happen? That’s not a judgment. That’s just acknowledging reality for what it is.

Dutchess_III's avatar

What I’m saying is I can’t imagine what kind of mother would do that. What a horrible example to set for your kids. What horrible danger to put your kids in.

However, it would appear you have the experience to vouch for the fact that it does happen. I’m just saying I’ve never known any mother who did that. Guess we moved in different circles.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

I can vouch for it happening from both sides. Fresh out of high school, weekend girlfriend that I met at a strip club, we’d go back to her place. Her young son was there, up 2am watching cartoons.

Twenty years later, I stayed home with my own son. Had to endure his mother bringing back strangers from the bars. I slept in my son’s room with him, while she entertained the guest in her room.

That’s all a long time ago in a galaxy far far away now. Might be the reasons why I’m so interested in this subject.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yes, I assumed you had first hand experience @RealEyesRealizeRealLies.

Brie's avatar

I watched a girl the other day get smacked on the rear by a teenage boy and she just laughed.
I happen to know a girl that’s like her “older sister” and told her what I saw, just casually, not trying to “snitch”, and the girl confronted her and she denied it saying she’d never let a boy do that to her.

I just wonder why she’d lie to people when she knows and I know how she actually reacted.

Just as a note, I’ve had a guy that I didn’t know pretend like he was going to grab my ass ( I don’t know if ass is considered a reportable word on here), and I almost turned around and smacked him. I just think it’s really rude.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@Dutchess_III Any woman, with children, who plans on bringing random men home every weekend….I just don’t even know what to say about that.
Welcome to the modern world of relationships, this not your grandparents courting anymore?

What horrible danger to put your kids in.
She believes she is making good choices, non-dangerous ones, and she has ”needs” just like a man, and like a man she is not handling it with a battery operated cylindrical device.

@Brie _I watched a girl the other day get smacked on the rear by a teenage boy and she just laughed. _
Of course she will lie about it, as you can see from many comments to these threads, a woman is not supposed to like that, it dehumanizes her. The real fact is some gals love the attention and it might even affirm what they hope; that they DO have a sexy ass, and thus are ”boinkable”. In this sex laden society where you have to get your freak on if no one thinks you are ”boinkable” it is because you are some cretin, ghoul, troll, or worse.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Then “she” is an idiot, @Hypocrisy_Central. Women were doing the same thing in my grandparent’s day and in all the generations before them. They had idiots back then, too. It’s not “enlightenment” that causes women to behave that way. It’s a lack of self esteem, self respect and it’s total selfishness to put what ever “needs” they may have to get laid, ahead of their children’s best interest. Are those the kind of women you pick up every weekend?

@Brie Women tend to laugh or giggle when they’re nervous or uncomfortable.

jca's avatar

@Hypocrisy_Central: If the girl who got smacked on the rear was a young girl (teen or pre-teen), her response of laughing may be because she didn’t know that was inappropriate behavior on the boy’s part. She may have thought it was cute, or that he was showing affection.

Dutchess_III's avatar might have made her uncomfortable, so she giggled.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Or….she had no idea how to respond. So she giggled.

Coloma's avatar

I really hate the term “pussywhipped” only a man could come up with that. Gah!

Dutchess_III's avatar

I always thought pussy whipped meant he’d lost his manhood and she made all the decisions. I’ve never heard it used to refer to men who want pussy from anyone they can get.

jca's avatar

I agree with @Dutchess_III‘s idea of what pussy whipped means.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@Dutchess_III Are those the kind of women you pick up every weekend?
No……women with kids I avoided like the plague; if there are kids and no father in the house that means a baby-daddy, and I had no time to deal with her, kids who don’t want to listen because ”you ain’t my daddy”, and some knucklehead father who if he acted the part would not be threatened I am displacing him in his children’s heart, where if he had some act right in the 1st place, he would still be in his kid’s lives.

@jca I agree with @Dutchess_III‘s idea of what pussy whipped means.
That might be more of an official definition, but it is also a unofficial name for a sprung horndog.

Coloma's avatar


I agree, but it is still derogatory.. If the guys too weak to make decisions mutually then it’s his problem if he has a take charge kinda woman. haha

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

^ If the guys too weak to make decisions mutually then it’s his problem if he has a take charge kinda woman.
It is as mutual at it is going to get; he agrees to what she says, and she makes sure he has the minimum sex to keep him happy, while making him think she is putting that “wild thang” on him.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I agree. It has to be mutual. Not one or the other. OK, so how, exactly, did we veer into pussywhipped? Thanks @Coloma! Errr..who ever brought it up!

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