Social Question

Would you call and report this guy (long details, but a good story)?
The other evening, I got home about 5 pm, and decided to take my dog for a walk to the park. Between my house and the park, there is a creek that runs alongside the street. As we were returning from the park, I noticed a very heavy and active police presence along the creek. I was curious to know what was going on, so I approached an officer, and offered my help. He said, “No, thanks, we’re just looking for someone. Do you live around here?” I then told him I lived a block over, on a street that parallels the creek. He then described the man they were searching for, and said, “If you see him, would you call us?” I said, “Sure!” and continued home.
When I arrived home, the house was empty, so I went to refresh the dog’s water. As I looked out the kitchen window, I saw the man that had just been described to me, sitting in my back yard, casually chatting with my sister-in-law! The only difference from the police description was he was wearing shorts, not black jeans. I went out the back door to investigate, and noticed he had draped his black jeans over my clothesline to dry. I asked him who he was, and what he was doing in my back yard, and he gave me some story about running away from a fight over a girl. I then told him the police were looking for him, and if his story was true, he’d probably do better turning himself in. I further told him he should leave, regardless. He asked me not to report him. I asked him to promise he would turn himself in. He promised, and left. I knew he had no intention of keeping his promise, so I immediately went inside and called 911. Within minutes our normally quiet street was abuzz with police activity. Within 45 minutes, they found him and I saw him in the back of a police car. The officer driving got out, and I recognized him from the park. He told me the subject of the manhunt was driving a car that had been stolen during a home burglary, and was stopped, and fled.
SIL (mother of five) was outraged that I had called in “I am not a snitch, and I don’t want my five children endangered!”
Would you have called in?