Social Question

Strauss's avatar

Would you call and report this guy (long details, but a good story)?

Asked by Strauss (23952points) September 15th, 2014

The other evening, I got home about 5 pm, and decided to take my dog for a walk to the park. Between my house and the park, there is a creek that runs alongside the street. As we were returning from the park, I noticed a very heavy and active police presence along the creek. I was curious to know what was going on, so I approached an officer, and offered my help. He said, “No, thanks, we’re just looking for someone. Do you live around here?” I then told him I lived a block over, on a street that parallels the creek. He then described the man they were searching for, and said, “If you see him, would you call us?” I said, “Sure!” and continued home.

When I arrived home, the house was empty, so I went to refresh the dog’s water. As I looked out the kitchen window, I saw the man that had just been described to me, sitting in my back yard, casually chatting with my sister-in-law! The only difference from the police description was he was wearing shorts, not black jeans. I went out the back door to investigate, and noticed he had draped his black jeans over my clothesline to dry. I asked him who he was, and what he was doing in my back yard, and he gave me some story about running away from a fight over a girl. I then told him the police were looking for him, and if his story was true, he’d probably do better turning himself in. I further told him he should leave, regardless. He asked me not to report him. I asked him to promise he would turn himself in. He promised, and left. I knew he had no intention of keeping his promise, so I immediately went inside and called 911. Within minutes our normally quiet street was abuzz with police activity. Within 45 minutes, they found him and I saw him in the back of a police car. The officer driving got out, and I recognized him from the park. He told me the subject of the manhunt was driving a car that had been stolen during a home burglary, and was stopped, and fled.

SIL (mother of five) was outraged that I had called in “I am not a snitch, and I don’t want my five children endangered!”

Would you have called in?

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5 Answers

Dutchess_III's avatar

It is a good story! I would have called 911 the instant I saw him in the back yard. Gotten back up on the way before I confronted him.

I don’t understand your SIL’s reaction, though.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I would have called too. You did the right thing.
SIL is foolish. Was she hot for him or something?

Strauss's avatar

As some of you may have seen in some of my other posts, SIL, along with her hubby BIl, plus their ten five kids, are staying with us to avoid homelessness. She’s not the sharpest knife in the drawer. They came from a situation where a neighbor was shot for snitching,so she thinks that’s the norm.

Strauss's avatar

Update – Turns out this perp is a juvenile. Got a letter from the DA’s office. He will be charged with: 1. Grand theft (auto) 2. Operation of a vehicle without a license 3. Obstruction of an officer and 4. Criminal trespass (2 counts).

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