Social Question

Mimishu1995's avatar

What have you discovered about yourself recently?

Asked by Mimishu1995 (23807points) September 16th, 2014

I have discovered that I’m too self-critical and a bit of a perfectionist. When I do something I often aim for the very best and my head is full of things like “what if I screw up this part?”, “This doesn’t seem right at all, have to change”, “Still not perfect, have to change more”... Before a school project I often get stressful because of these thoughts.

But I never consider myself having these trails. I always think it’s the right thing to do until my partner speaks out loud that I have these trails.

What have you discovered about yourself recently? And how?

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10 Answers

janbb's avatar

That I’m really competent at solving life’s problems.

ucme's avatar

When my tummy is tickled, one of my legs flashes up & down, much like that of a dog.

dxs's avatar

I think I’m too fickle. Not with relationships, just in general.

gailcalled's avatar

That I also am a good problem solver and able to make good decisions about my life.

(trait not trail—)

elbanditoroso's avatar

I keep track of whether I wake up lying on my left side or my right side. I started counting about a year ago. Don’t ask me why.

I almost always BEGIN sleeping on my back, so that is a controlled variable.

What I have learned is that I wake up around 60% of the time, on looking left, and the remainder to the right.

The deeper question is: WHY?

jonsblond's avatar

My sense of adventure tends to get me lost, but I always find my way back home. I used to panic when I became lost, but I’ve learned to enjoy the adventure.

flutherother's avatar

@elbanditoroso I read once that the stomach drains to the left and so we are generally more comfortable lying on that side.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@flutherother – didn’t know that, I suppose that I ought to record what I eat and try and correlate it to which side I wake up on.

BeenThereSaidThat's avatar

I have less and less patience with people who talk like they are experts on topics when they really don’t know what the Hell they are talking about. Most think if they “read it on the internet” it must be true.

prairierose's avatar

Recently, I have learned that I am real stingy about giving positive feedback to others, both at work and at home. I need to work on being more appreciative of what others do for me and then acknowledging it, by telling them.

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