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talljasperman's avatar

What is your version of heaven to you?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) September 17th, 2014

For me is a big hug. What about you?

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11 Answers

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Mental/spiritual balance and well-being.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Shall a gnat describe a thousand singing strings of an orchestra to his brethren gnat? They would think him mad, and full of gnat lore.

KNOWITALL's avatar

ALl my pets waiting for me, healthy & happy. My family the same way. Hippie Jesus holding his arms open for a hug. :)

tinyfaery's avatar

No calories, and all we eat is dessert.

Haleth's avatar

I live in a little cottage by the beach. It’s 65 degrees by day; at night it’s clear and cold. My favorite person is there. We read books on the porch all day, and make bonfires at night.

Actually, all this stuff has happened except for the little cottage part. Mentally I’m still kinda half there.

kritiper's avatar

Never having to worry about money.

flutherother's avatar

The planet Earth, on a long summers evening, somewhere in Scotland.

AshLeigh's avatar

Long naps.
Lord of the Rings.
Days spent in my pajamas, writing.
Never having to share my Oreos with anyone.
One of those really good books that stays with you for long after it’s ended.
Those songs that you never get tired of hearing.

ItalianPrincess1217's avatar

A small, secluded little cabin.
Surrounded by nature.
Cool temperatures.
No money.
Living off the land.
Spending my time with people I love.
Reading and writing by the fire.
Exploring, adventuring, and admiring the Earth everyday.

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AshlynM's avatar

No disease, famine, war, killings or hate.

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