If extraterrestrials had a human bait to rid the Earth of people, what would it be?
Thinking about the growing ant problem before it became an indoor ant problem; I had seen some ant bait strips. When reading how they worked, because I wanted something passive that would kill off the hive and work without my active involvement, the instructions said to place it where the ants would find it, they will eat it and poison themselves, plus take some back to the hive and poison them and the queen thus killing the hive off. I was thinking if extraterrestrials were able to observe us undetected as I was undetected to the ants, and introduce some poison to mankind that would be readily accepted without suspicion, and carried around from community to community infecting each one, what would the extraterrestrials use? It has to be something humans would want and use/eat, undetectable as a toxin or agent of death, be communicable enough to reach infect anyone coming near. What could the extraterrestrials use to assure we doom ourselves?
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44 Answers
^ How would they deliver the toxin through watching a porn site, and how would they make sure everyone would watch the infected porn, or those who watched it will get others to watch it too, and thus be poisoned?
Chocolate or thinking back to an earlier question I read, pizza. Apparently it’s irresistible to some people.
I am changing my answer to religion. GA.
Infect antibacterial soap.
A pathogen that incubates for a couple of weeks, in a solution that one applies to currency would be very effective. And spread onto the grab rails of rides at large theme parks. Applied to the buttons on water fountains in large, international airports. There are so many possibilities.
@canidmajor has the right approach. A highly contagious virus with a lengthy incubation period should do the trick
Pizza. Really good pizza.
@Earthbound_Misfit, @dappled_leaves, @Here2_4
Chocolate or thinking back to an earlier question I read, pizza. Apparently it’s irresistible to some people.
Booze, beer.
Some people will avoid chocolate because they think it will make them fat, came as carbs which is pizza. Some people run from religion like a plague because it will mean there is something greater themselves out there, that won’t work. And you won’t get a recovering alcoholic or those who loath the tast of it, like me, to be infected by that.
@stanleybmanly @canidmajor has the right approach. A highly contagious virus with a lengthy incubation period should do the trick
It will have to be a delivery system that is near infallible, it has to be able to infect many directly and then have those people infect many more on the 2nd and 3rd level, so by the time it starts to work, no one knows where ground zero was or how far it has reached or will reach.
Good question, the details are just to convoluted for me to follow.
Free shit “from da gubbument.”
I am unclear as well. Do you mean, what would the poison be or what would the source be?
Free unlimited internet access.
speaking of Girl Scout Cookies, hit me up in February. my daughter wants a badge.
@Pied_Pfeffer I am unclear as well. Do you mean, what would the poison be or what would the source be?
OK, for clarification, what would the instrument of delivery be? The source or the makeup of the toxin is not much of an importance, such as how it will work to kill off humans but how to make sure every human gets a dose. Like the ant bait, I am not sure the ants care about how it will kill them, and neither do I. What is important is that it will make it back to infect the whole hive. Ants are easy, there are only a few ways you have to figure in which to get them to take the poison (the bait), humans are too diverse, and you can’t use food per se, because not everyone eats the same. You can’t use drugs, booze or other vices because not everyone partakes. Whatever is used it has to be something EVERYONE would use without question, or enough that by the time those who don’t use it figure out something is wrong, they will have been infected by secondary contact. Maybe something like flour, sugar, salt, or something else most people will use and do use but never think about it being a toxin.
@Hypocrisy_Central Thank you for the clarification.
How about poisoning the water? Granted, it might wipe out every living creature on Earth, but it is the common denominator for human survival. Maybe using Ice 9 to poison humans would work.
Political Ideologies.
All three paths to make humans destroy themselves and each other.
If that were our chosen modus operandi, we basically would not have to do anything.
Humans willingly invented all three on their own.
I don’t know what they would use but I would bet it would be advertised using a semi-naked woman.
Maybe something along these lines
I agree with money, and water. However, beer, or booze would also be just as effective as any ant bait. Many ants pas it up, or live through it. so, if you are making a direct comparison, booze/beer would be equally effective.
They might get me with this Chocolate Bacon Pizza…maybe accompanied by beer!
@ragingloli Humans willingly invented all three on their own. Possibly, unless these things were inserted into human societies by ancient aliens posing as gods!
This would be a lot easier if we could get humans to eat their dead, raw and unadulterated.
@Pachy So… curiosity? Well played.
A sexually transmitted virus that ramps up the sex drive and then kills after an incubation period of one year.
Dot tell the extraterrestrials but gold coins are irresistible.
Why not do an all out sweep? Poison air, water, soil, and use mass media to go for the minds. Oh, my mistake, we’ve already covered those areas ourselves.
@rojo I don’t know what they would use but I would bet it would be advertised using a semi-naked woman.
Aside from Tom Ford killing it, not everyone would be on the Net, or have TV, etc. So how would merely looking at an ad with a sexy women in sneakers and nothing else poison someone?
@Here2_4 However, beer, or booze would also be just as effective as any ant bait.
Thinking about it, I would suppose booze would be highly effective if the toxin once germinated in the blood was released through the pours like that beer sweat you smell on drinkers. Anyone who smelled the booze on a person would be doomed by second-hand infection. Not quite sure how they will third-hand infect anyone if they did not drink themselves.
@flutherother A sexually transmitted virus that ramps up the sex drive and then kills after an incubation period of one year.
I could bet my dollars to anyone’s donuts, that would work like a charm and most humans will happily bite on that and die with a smile even if death came in a horrible way.
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