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pleiades's avatar

What is your home work station like?

Asked by pleiades (6622points) September 19th, 2014

Care to take a photo? Or maybe use images from online as well? I need ideas for my work station which I’ll mainly be using for editing stuff on my laptop and playing music through a midi

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5 Answers

johnpowell's avatar


and yes.. The empty TP roll was used for what you think.

JLeslie's avatar

I don’t have a photo, but the best set up I had was years ago when I had an L shaped desk where one side of it was up against a wall.

More recently I bought what I felt was nicer furniture and a more attractive and formal office set up, but it isn’t as efficient for me. The new set up has a desk that is free standing and the draw where your seat goes can be used as a drop down for a keyboard. Plus, I have an additional piece of furniture that looks like a wardrobe or closed hutch (I am not sure what to call it) that has several shelves, a file drawer, and one pull out shelf to be used as a place for a keyboard. I can close up the doors and have everything look neat (hidden) if I want.

Since you say work station I assume you want something compact that is up against a wall and that holds everything you need it to hold. I suggest some sort of hutch that has some open shelving and some space that is closed like a cabinet. Assume your paper files will grow and buy something that allows for it. I tend to be more clutter oriented and top of desk, rather than everything down in a file. I like the shelving or closed cabinet not to be right on top of the desk so I have more desk space. Does that make sense?

JLeslie's avatar

I found this website that has lots of ideas. I don’t think I explained well what I was trying to describe.

rexacoracofalipitorius's avatar

2 stacked L-shaped desks. CPU (AMD A10, 8GB, no frills) sits on top next to shelves of spare parts, charging laptops, switch and cat-sunning area.
Bottom desk holds UPS, wastebasket, keyboards, mouse and microphone, jar o’ pens, and papers-currently-being-worked-on, as well as two displays (Dell 19” 4:3 and LG 20” 16:9). System runs Debian Testing with awesome.

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