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Kardamom's avatar

What do you do when you find out a favorite show has been cancelled?

Asked by Kardamom (33617points) September 20th, 2014

Specifically, one that you were binge watching on Netflix.

We were watching the Murdoch Mysteries on Netflix, only to find out that there were six seasons of the show, but Netflix only carried three of them. We ended up subscribing to Amazon Prime, just so we could watch the other three seasons. Season 7 has been filmed and apparently shown in Canada, where it’s made, already, but we’re anxiously awaiting it’s arrival here in the U.S.

In the meantime, we started watching Copper, a crime drama set in the post Civil War era of New York City. We were riveted. Turns out that the show was abruptly cancelled after only two seasons. Arrrrgggghhhh!

With another show that we watched, Inspector George Gently, we didn’t know that we were watching the middle of the series. We watched several seasons, then it abruptly ended, then we discovered that there were more seasons before and after the ones we had watched.

It’s very frustrating.

Sorry this is more of a rant than a question, but share your thoughts with me.

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19 Answers

stanleybmanly's avatar

The answer is to be grateful that there is so much quality programming around to fill the void left by the great series that have shut down. I can’t believe the trove of discoveries I’ve made at Neflix.

Pachy's avatar

I do what you did… Rant a little and then move on. If only losing a favorite TV show could be one’s greatest loss in life.

Kardamom's avatar

You are both so right!

SecondHandStoke's avatar

At least take satisfaction in the fact that it’s being canceled is proof that it was good.

hug_of_war's avatar

I don’t fret. I enjoy it for what it was. It’s the TV circle of life

downtide's avatar

Watch and re-watch the ones they did make. Then write lots of fanfiction.

longgone's avatar

Get hooked to the next one, and thank the Gods of TV for creating so many gems!

When it’s too hard, I save one episode to watch later on. That way, I can make sure the show doesn’t really end until I’m ready :]

elbanditoroso's avatar

Turn the channel. There is absolutely nothing on TV that is indispensable.

I find myself watching MUCH less TV than ever, and I can’t stand watching on a computer screen.

Books work for me.

tinyfaery's avatar

Find something similar or completely different. There is so much TV out there now.

I’m still bitter Buffy is off the air. You are not alone.

JLeslie's avatar

Say a few times how I cannot believe they cancelled X show. It was so good. They didn’t give it a chance.

I notice it’s missing. Spend a little time (very little, but I still do it) fantasy wishing it was still on. I love watching TV shows with my husband that we are both totally into. It’s like comfort food. It reminds me of watching TV with my sister when we were little or the whole family.

Blondesjon's avatar

I grin and bear it only because the writers and producers of the show have no say in whether the show they work on together gets to stick around or not.

I save all of my venom and hate for a series that gets the luxury of a final season and season finale episode, but only produces and ending that is a pale shadow of what the show really is.

i’m talking to you dexter. fucking shame on you and any other show that goes out with a whimper. right, lost?

Kardamom's avatar

@downtide I have watched one particularly romantic episode of the Murdoch Mysteries over and over again. I haven’t written any fan fiction, but my brain in daydream mode, is a plethora of fanfiction : P

Buttonstc's avatar


You are so right about Dexter. I was so livid. It was imcomprehensible to me how he could have left his son to be raised by a coldhearted bitch like that. It made absolutely no sense. It was so totally out of character for him.

But at least I had the finale of Breaking Bad to see the right way to end a much loved series.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Hope that link works for you in the states, it has all the Murdoch seasons on it and we are eagerly waiting for this years season, it is a great show.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

We Canucks can turn out some pretty good stuff every so often eh?

ibstubro's avatar

Cancel your subscription and watch only show re-runs.

Honestly, there are hundreds of shows out there that you missed that are fantastic, and available on DVD or for free/pennies on-line.

6 Feet Under had the BEST ending.

livelaughlove21's avatar

The same thing I do when a show I like ends for any reason. Move on.

Or, in the case of Queer as Folk, re-watch the episodes a million times and indulge in quality fan fiction from time to time.

SecondHandStoke's avatar

The Riches with Eddie Fucking Izzard.

So much potential.

No finale. Just never came back.

dappled_leaves's avatar

@tinyfaery “I’m still bitter Buffy is off the air.”

Too right.

My response is usually to rewatch the series. And look around for other things to fill the void. What else can one do?

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