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Kardamom's avatar

What could I eat that won't make me gag?

Asked by Kardamom (33617points) September 20th, 2014

Right now I’m sick. I’m usually the one who never gets sick, but finally, after it being so hot here for almost a year, with no let up, the weather turned cool, but only several hours into the deliciously cool weather, I turned up with a sore throat, achy muscles, exhaustion and a runny nose.

I stayed home from work yesterday, and am missing a birthday party today, feeling miserable and sorry for myself.

I knew I should eat something, despite my lack of appetite. Last night I tried to eat some instant macaroni and cheese, which is usually comfort food for me. It tasted metallic. Late this morning I tried to eat some leftover Chinese food, which is usually a yummy treat. It also tasted of chemicals and was way too sweet. I ditched the Chinese food and opted for a piece of buttered toast. It too, tasted off.

Any ideas (must be vegetarian) for something I could eat that won’t be totally disgusting?

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24 Answers

janbb's avatar

Vegetable broth with some pasta in it?

pleiades's avatar

People usually opt for chicken broth based soups because they’re typically above normal salty and you can taste it and enjoy yourself a bit. Personally I love clear based broths soups won – ton and I usually try and pile on the pepper if I can’t breathe through my nose. The pepper and heat from the soup clear my nasal passages for some reason.

LuckyGuy's avatar

When nausea strikes I go with the BRAT diet:
Bananas, rice, apple sauce, and toast. It works.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Well boiled rice

downtide's avatar

When I’m feeling nauseous I turn to two ingredients. Ginger and peppermint. Not usually in the same dish, that would be weird. Ginger in particular is not only good at settling a queasy stomach, its also an appetite stimulant.

longgone's avatar

Potato cream soup is a non-nauseating comfort food to me. Feel better soon :/

tinyfaery's avatar

Eggs. Oatmeal. Toast. I also find ice cream easy to digest.

Here2_4's avatar

Water, with a little lemon squeezed in, and dry crackers. Stay away from dairy completely.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Here2_4 GA. Dairy is not good when your stomach is upset.
@Kardamom I’m going to try macaroni and tomatoes in a bit. My stomach is giving me major league grief. I’ll let you know if it works. It sounds wacked but it’s good. This one is Mexican tomatoes with lime juice and cilantro. I add pepper and hot sauce, but I’ll go easy today.

JLeslie's avatar

Matzah ball soup. You don’t need to eat a lot. A few to several hundred calories is fine for a couple of days. Just keep hydrated, take a vitamin pill. It sounds like you might have a fever, if so take three ibuprofen and the fever should go down and your appetite should come back a little.

Buttonstc's avatar

I know this might sound a bit strange, but Watermelon never fails me.

It’s mild enough to not be rejected by a queasy stomach, contains just enough solids to give you a start, and it balances out all your electrolytes and contains the antioxidant, Glutathione.

I usually don’t do this but I just buy a container of pre-cut pieces in the refrigerated section of the grocery store because I’m just not up to wrestling with a whole big Watermelon when I’m sick.

After that, some rice cooked in tomato juice for when you start craving something more savory.

Or just start drinking plain tomato juice until your hunger perks up.

gailcalled's avatar

Possibly a scrambled egg.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Kardamom The tomatoes had green chilies. Hot chilies. But they settled my stomach. Go figure.

talljasperman's avatar

Boost or Ensure if you can drink milk. I would go for ginger ale and Pepto Bismal.

ibstubro's avatar

Cooked rice in hot Chix broth is brilliant, for me. Float some oyster or Goldfish crackers for crunch/texture.

I also agree with the scrambled egg and oatmeal advice above (not combined!)

Tomato juice (as mentioned) or V8 (that salt mentioned) is nutritious, and although dairy was poo-pooed, a milkshake might do you good.

jca's avatar

When I’m sick, scrambled eggs do it.

Otherwise, nothing is appealing and I’ll just make sure to stay hydrated.

kess's avatar

Do not fight against your body…

If you think you must eat, eat fresh fruits otherwise do not bother.

Appetite loss is a healing mechanism use by the body.

JLeslie's avatar

Is the OP nauseous? I didn’t get that impression. It isn’t listed in her symptoms, except for loss of appetite and food not being appealing. If the OP is throwing up everything she eats, or was, I am hoping it still isn’t the case, my advice would be don’t eat for at least 12 hours and let your stomach rest.

jca's avatar

I wasn’t hearing that the OP is nauseous. I’m just getting that food is unappealing to her because she is sick, and some of it has a metallic taste.

Kardamom's avatar

No I’m not nauseous. Everything just tastes bad or off to me. Luckily, this morning, I feel much better. Not hungry yet, but am going to see if anything tastes right later. I’ve been making sure to drink lots of fluids. I chose cranberry juice, but even that tasted weird. I think the worst of it has passed. Thanks everybody : )

Kardamom's avatar

Good news. This virus only lasted 3 days. We went to Ihop this morning for breakfast and everything tasted normal. Eggs, hashbrowns and toast. I had a slightly lessened appetite, but everything was quite tasty. I think I’m back to normal. Yay! Thanks everybody : )

ibstubro's avatar

Good news @Kardamom!

But IHOP? Really?

Kardamom's avatar

@ibstubro I didn’t choose the restaurant : )

ibstubro's avatar

Oh, okay. :)

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