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talljasperman's avatar

What is your favorite Ozzy video?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) September 24th, 2014

Preferably one that is on YouTube. Mine is let me hear you scream.

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6 Answers

cookieman's avatar

I was never a big Ozzy Fan (more of a Zeppelin kid), but I did like Crazy Train.

ibstubro's avatar

This one is pretty sweet.


Darth_Algar's avatar

The live one where he doesn’t appear to even know what fucking planet he’s on, and just stands there and holds a water hose on a topless fat chick for an hour. That’s a stellar performance.

jerv's avatar

Stayin Alive just because of the absurdity of Ozzy doing that cover.

crissy14's avatar

Not sure about a video but, my favorite song of his is, “I just want you.”

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