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ragingloli's avatar

Could "ISIS" be a spy agency concocted large scale false flag operation?

Asked by ragingloli (52359points) September 26th, 2014

I find it highly suspicious that they are now suddenly popping up everywhere.

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11 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

They have been around a while. If anything, it would be a false flag by the Assad regime, to show Assad as “reasonable.” And they are selling oil to Assad.

But it is awfully big to be a concoction. And it is out of anyone’s control if it is, they are on their own path.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

It’s the media’s new war machine rallying flag. ISIS is taking full advantage and it’s making them stronger. No conspiracy or false flag needed.

shadowboxer's avatar

I wouldn’t put their current activities in the false flag category because real people are dying horrendous deaths and this militant group is exercising bragging rights and taking full credit for the atrocities even going as far as making gruesome videos.

I understand that the false flag maneuvers operate on creating Order Out of Chaos and one faction needs to elevate a Boogy Man or tyrannical organization to promote fear to push their own agenda. However in my opinion this group is as real as Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda.

On the other hand I’m closely looking at the Ebola virus outbreak as a form of genocide but that would be a different conspiracy theory.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Could be. But I’d prefer a shred of evidence before I would believe it.

More likely, it’s blown up in importance by the US Republican neo-cons and the Military Industrial Complex (thanks, Dwight) needing more profit.

Eggie's avatar

They are real….they are very real.

ucme's avatar


basstrom188's avatar

If they are a “false flag” operation the Saudis are the most likely culprits. Instability in the Middle East always jacks up crude oil prices.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

In recent past wars, much talk surrounded who the leadership was, and where the funding came from.

I’ve heard no talk, NONE, about who is ISIS leadership, or where their funding comes from. I can’t believe we went over and killed everything to death, then killed it again, then humiliated the survivors… AND SOMEHOW this mystery villain ISIS arises out of nowhere, well funded, educated, and well armed?.?.? Where are the weapons coming from?

It’s like some villain out of an 80’s Roger Moore Bond movie.

Paradox25's avatar

An anti-conspiracy theorist suggesting a possible conspiracy on such a level that would require a very high level of clever maneuvering? No way :) I tend to be sceptical, but yet also maintain a mindset that almost anything’s possible, so I’m actually open to the possibility that what the OP is suggesting might actually have some truth to it, though I’m still sceptical without more evidence. I can’t help it when looking at the past Vietnam and Iraq scenarios, and the requisites leading up to those conflicts.

I think the reality is much more simple, but just as grim though. Hyper-masculine authoritarian cultures will always breed aggressive subhumans who’ll attempt to conquer others along their way of thinking and living. The religion card is just an added bonus, but secular authoritarians can be just as bad. So what if ISIS somehow magically gets annihilated (which I don’t think is likely anyways)? ISIS will simply be replaced with an even more extreme group, because these types of hyper-masculine authoritarian cultures breed this violent nonsense. Skip to Algeria.

ObjectivityIsExtinct's avatar

(First, I appreciate your Q and everyones answers on here – adds to the brain bank.)

Oh, They were there, but the publics need to know about them was not price effective yet. When it was time for us to know, it was because private militarist, corporations, science and wartime investors needed an enemy to drive their stock and profit in a time when (look back at it) the leaders of countries were calling and signing down military spending. War, even from the clouds is a big big business!

I DO NOT mean this in a huffy way, but hit the library and find books that mentioned Al-qaeda long before Clinton even fluttered their name.
In fact, most classes (few as they were) on terrorism spoke of home grown attacks and the Slippery Slope of listing specific ethnicities and groups as such.

ISIS or ISIL or IS can be a lot of things…most importantly extremely rich, well backed, well trained, and stocked to the till with weaponry and barbarism. False flag or not, their flag cuts through the hearts of Muslims, Christians, Atheists, the guilty and innocent alike.
For some, they say they are Muslims, yes extreme, fighting for their right to a state that beholds the values of their beliefs (look into history and the barbarism of all religions and how they laid stake to land, money, and judgment baaed off it). (okay, lil bias – Choctaw/Cherokee here)

Many would say, the are extremist bent on revenge and greed with no real religion, except for the one the misquote to fool their cult like disciples.

Many recruits have found to be several things; disenfranchised with justice and policies of their countries and churches/mosques, lost in their families, lost in their communities, and many have found to be mentally ill. Worse, so many are just very young and very naive to the truth of terrorism!!!

Conspiracy theories run rampant with ISIS, but lets be clear about them…they, as in science are theories – open to interpretation, research and hypothesis once founded by some form/scrap of truth. Conspiracy is a true act (9/11 a conspiracy to perform terrorist attacks on Americans.)
Many foil hats do glimmer into the night, but just remember our phone calls, email, text, web-cams, and more being spied on was a nut job discussion only weeks before Snowden said boo!

I say…be objective and real with yourself in what you believe, but get your info from many sources/from both sides of the opinion isle. Then form your own thoughts, protect your own families..
AND< in the end hope ISIS and it’s ultimate goal of terror is demolished not just by policy, diplomacy, and military moves, but by the shear act of those who see their ugliness…fighting back through refusals to lay down values and be terrorized by rhetoric and propaganda.. For those – and their are so many – ISIS victims, by heart truly bleeds.

Oh, and give deep hugs to soldiers who have been at the doors of ISIS before they were ISIS. (Look into the VICE videos on YT from the first few years of the Syrian civil war, and other documentaries and you can just see how the formation begins to happen.And research Iraq, al-qaeda, Syria and the formation of ISIS.) And, to hear the other sides look into public records, such as those that show the CIA/FBI admitting to playing Bin Laden in a confession video and a beheading production sent out to the public in 2010.

And just one more nugget of thought…they came into an area of Iraq in handfuls just to free prisoners and were then shocked themselves when the military ran and the citizens, tired of war, caved. ISIS are the new “it” terror group in town for those who support western demise and a new Islamic Caliphate, and $$$ filters in with converts and much more. When they begin to fall apart and factions fight for control…the head will be cut off…....and a new shiny terror group will emerge.
Love your life, your family, your freedoms, and don’t let terror guide you – and your life will be a lost battle to ISIS and the likes.

Oh, I go on to much…sorry insomnia and discussion can be my friend and others enemy LOL.

All in all, be OBJECTIVE for yourself more than anything. And, be advised for those who don’t take the time to learn beyond catch phrases, propaganda, and stubbornness to advance what’s know. I love to know, especially all the things I “know wrongly”!
Peace2U and keep ? everything – that seems to be today’s rule of life.

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