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rojo's avatar

Question regarding washers/o-rings/teflon shaft seals on a multiport valve? (details inside)

Asked by rojo (24187points) September 29th, 2014

Flutherites I need some expertise. I am trying to rebuild a multiport valve for a pool. Here is a diagram of the valve. The question I have regards Part 8, the o-ring and teflon shaft seal? The diagram is not clear as to which order these two parts go in. Whichever is on top will be in contact with the top of the valve so I am thinking the shaft seal should be on top but then again, maybe I want a good o-ring seal against the top. So, I am asking for someones advice who is more familiar with this sort of setup.
Which goes on first, after the spring washer, the o-ring or the teflon seal?
The o-ring I have has cratered, so was not in position but lying in pieces in the valve.

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1 Answer

kritiper's avatar

With what I know of automatic transmission repair, I’ll say the Teflon seal goes on first, then the O-ring. The Teflon seal it there to protect the O-ring from excessive wear that could be caused by it’s contact with the spring washer.

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