Here is how the question has changed for me down through the years. When I was very little, I wanted to be a cat, because they had claws, and cool whiskers, and could purr. You can’t beat that. Following that, I wanted to be a horse. They are beautiful, and fast, and have such freedom. Thinking about that now, I know I could never be a horse. They spend most of their time with their heads down. There is several hours of chewing each day. There is lots of gas passing. People want to be on your back a lot. It seems too much like working in an office cubicle.
For a little while, I wanted to be a skunk, because nothing would pick on me. I think I put that to the test for a little while during my teens. It was lonely.
As a pre teen, I got a little more sophisticated. I wanted to be a dolphin. Now that idea rocked. I had heard of music with whale sounds in it, and marine mammals were suddenly of great interest. Hating water in my nose, and thinking of playing where I poop soon changed my mind from that.
Elephant seemed cool for a while. I forget how old I was. They are smart, tough, and led by females. Three years to have a baby cooled me off of that one.
Black panther, puma, firefly, butterfly, owl, many things were interesting over the years.
Somewhere I grew up, and I didn’t think about those things any more.
Along came my kids, and it became a fun, harmless topic we could talk about. I started thinking those silly things again.
Otters seemed to have a pretty interesting life. They play a lot, and swim. I would rather not beat rocks on my stomach, but maybe if I were an otter, it wouldn’t bother me.
I thought purple martins have a pretty cool life. The females get courted by a very proud male which has built a lovely home all by himself, and painted it pretty with berry juice. How could you pass up a guy like that? In my spare time, I would get to fly.
Flight seems like freedom, and it is great exercise, so I think I would enjoy being a bird of some sort. There are many to choose from, and I guess purple martins aren’t the only one’s with a male building a fabulous home and strutting proudly while potential mates look it over. Some birds mate for life, and that would be comforting to live with. There are some very fancy birds. It might be fun to have a mate that is prettier than me. Birds of paradise seem very interesting. Here are some nice examples. There is dancing, beauty, and flight. I think I would like to be a bird. If not a bird of paradise, then something similar, with dancing, and beauty, and nice weather, and flight. Or, a bird that can talk, so I could still express myself.
Sometimes daydreaming is a nice, peaceful escape. Now I have to get back to work.