Social Question

rojo's avatar

What is your greatest fear right now?

Asked by rojo (24182points) October 3rd, 2014

I have just learned that besides ebola, fracking, ISIS, corporate control, economic collapse, solar flares, gamma rays, global warming, shrinking water supplies, illegal aliens, space aliens, asteroids, meteoroids, flesh eating fungoids and hemorroids, now I have to worry about Big Sodomy! When will it end!
pun intended
What is your greatest concern?

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50 Answers

syz's avatar

That the pendulum of societal tendencies is already swinging away from a more liberal social attitude to a conservative one (i.e., the assholes are winning).

Mimishu1995's avatar

That I may not make it through the test attack.

ucme's avatar

Pigeons, I remain convinced there’s little men inside doing the macarena as they walk by.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Not being able to please the great fluther mods, with a perfectly worded question.

janbb's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 If that’s your greatest fear, you are darn lucky!

I would say contracting a degenerative physical or mental disease and not being able to take care of myself.

BeenThereSaidThat's avatar

My greatest fear is that trolls will eventually take over the internet.

Here2_4's avatar

Do these slacks make me look fat?

I don’t fear the big things. I vote for people who say they can deal with the big things, and hope that they will. My fears lean more toward will the furnace kick on when the weather is holding on the cold side, and will heart to heart talks with my car keep it out of the shop.

Mariah's avatar

My body is misbehaving big time. Symptoms that have been under control for years are rearing their heads again. I’m really worried that one of my medications is losing its efficacy and I don’t have a game plan for what to do when that happens.

There are things out there that are scarier than this, but this is the one that is closest and most threatening to me right now.

hominid's avatar

Like @Mariah, my body is calling it quits on me, so this is my greatest concern. But I wouldn’t call it a fear necessarily. I can see it easily becoming one, and in a sense maybe that is my greatest fear: allowing fear to distract me from my life.

hearkat's avatar

My health. A friend’s husband died suddenly of a massive heart attack last weekend. He was a year older than me and hadn’t reached the half-century mark yet. At the wake last night, there was a funeral of a 21-year-old who had died suddenly of a brain aneurism.

Sudden death is worse for the survivors than the person who experiences it. In my case, my body is attacking itself, which causes me pain and will eventually be debilitating. Becoming physically dependent on my loved ones is a burden I don’t want them to face. Recent research has shown promise, so my fear is that the disease will be too far gone before science finds effective treatment.

jonsblond's avatar

My greatest fear is finding out that my health problems are due to problems with my heart. A current ct scan showed abnormalities and I won’t know for sure until I have an echocardiogram. Hearing that my heart and ascending aorta are enlarged is frightening.

(hugs to all with scary health problems)

ibstubro's avatar

The homosexual movement is insatiable and unappeasable. Like a fire, it won’t stop after consuming half the log.
Pun intended? Freudian slip?

My greatest fear is that I will someday be kidnapped and surgically turned into a walus.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I’m most afraid of questions like this because they remind me of all the things I need to be concerned about. Dementia from all my concussions would be bad enough, but then there’s also the dreaded walrus thing and all the other stuff. Oh crap, this is answer number 13. One more thing to add to the list.

Here2_4's avatar

Okay, the walrus thing must be preserved on a list somewhere. It is becoming part of the decor.

Coloma's avatar

Growing older and having my financial future hanging in the balance after the economy atomized me between 2010 and 2013. I was on on the trickle down side of things and boy, when the trickle hit it was a shit storm of epic proportions. I am, just now, slightly settled again after 18 months of chaos. One day at a time.

Ebola and everything else is not worth getting hysterical over. it is what it is, no big surprise that our world is full of psychopathic politicians, corporations, that the planet is being raped and pillaged of resources, that pollution and GMO farming and factory farming and child abuse, crime, war and at 9 billion or so human organisms, well, maybe Ebola is a good thing, thin the herd of Lemmings here. lol
That’s why I live in the hills on a 10 acre ranchette and don’t follow the media. If we’re really lucky a renegade black hole will just suck us all into oblivion, hopefully while I am sleeping. lol

janbb's avatar

@Coloma That’s one helluva a “lol.”

downtide's avatar

Right wing politicians eroding human rights in the UK. Human rights are there to protect the individual from the State. If the State can veto them whenever it wants, as Cameron proposes, they cease to be rights.

rojo's avatar

Walrus mutations can be averted by chanting “Coo Coo Ca Choo” over and over during the day.

Disclaimer – Not responsible for the odd looks you will get walking down the sidewalk or any subsequent incarcerations

ibstubro's avatar


I can return to a gelatinous state, momentarily.

jonsblond's avatar

Walrus gathering is over here.

dxs's avatar

Personally, one that goes though my mind almost every second of every day is the fear of being judged on my physical appearance.

ibstubro's avatar

Yes, but how many have been surgically enhanced @jonsblond?!?


Dutchess_III's avatar

My retirement.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Health issues in general, insecurity and not knowing what tomorrow will bring.

Blondesjon's avatar


hug_of_war's avatar

That I will never again find someone who accepts me as I am, flaws and all. Someone who wants me in their life and who I am not always the initiator. I’m not talking about romance, only a friend. I have lost that forever with a very special person and the empty space in my heart hurts so much I can’t even conceive of lasting another hour.

Coloma's avatar


You mean marijuana…heh, never will happen, how green is my valley. lol

janbb's avatar

@hug_of_war Sending a hug.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

That some moron driver will take me out this winter,that and never being able to please the great fluther mods with a perfectly worded question.

ibstubro's avatar

If you’d like to run your questions by me before posting, I’m good with that, @SQUEEKY2. I feel your pain. I’m on a roll of about 5 asked without a kick-back.

anniereborn's avatar

not having enough money to pay for everything we need this month.

yankeetooter's avatar

Not ever finding someone. ..friend or otherwise.

yankeetooter's avatar

Yeah. ..but in the past two, very stressful days, someone I’ve known and worked with for a bit now has shown that when things are bad he cares enough to make sure I’m alright. That has meant a lot to me.

ibstubro's avatar

Great news, @yankeetooter.

Serious disability.

I love life, but I’m not one to cling to it. I think I’d rather be shot than be home-bound.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Having to go out with the morons on our first dump of snow.

rojo's avatar

OMG! I am so terrified of what will happen to America now that someone (read Obama) has done something to get the issue of our immigration policy off of TDC!

We are all gonna die in a horrible terrorist inspired ebola massacre caused by illegal ISIS aliens sneaking across our defenseless Canadian borders in droves (which I believe is a commie made 4×4 truck) and not be able to defend ourselves because all our guns have been confiscated and we can’t get out of the Barkalounger because we would miss the latest episode of “Dancing with Whoever wants to be a Dumbass Big Brother” (or whatever the latest reality show is now) which was set to air but was pre-empted by Fox News to bring us the latest whacko guesses and innuendos regarding the White House Kenyan Muslim Diaperload Scandal and will be back on as soon as Megyn Kelly finishes her latest diatribe!

Coloma's avatar

@rojo LMAO!!!...standing ovation!

anniereborn's avatar

That I am gonna die before my cats do and they will have nowhere to go.

Coloma's avatar

@anniereborn Awww…I worry about that too but my good friends love my cats and they know each other well so hopefully if I outlive them they will be cared for by their godparents. haha

anniereborn's avatar

@Coloma I come from a family of animal lovers, but all that’s left of my family besides me are 5 siblings. I know that seems like a lot, but they are already full up on animals.
I don’t have any illnesses or anything and I am still relatively young, I just worry. I don’t want them ending up in a shelter. One is shy and the other is somewhat aggresive. If they did actually end up being adopted they may get sent back. Regardless I think they would be totally lost without me.

rojo's avatar

At least if you die at home the cats will have food for a while. see there is an upside to everything

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

You could take out a life insurance policy and use it to fund a trust for the cats. I saw a trust set up for a dog once.

Blondesjon's avatar

My greatest fear is having a greatest fear.

Coloma's avatar

Peeing my saddle when I gallop horses these days.
Fucking pounds the piss out of me anymore. Time for diapers in the saddle. lol

rojo's avatar

@Coloma can we explore that “Pounding the piss out of me” part a little further?

Coloma's avatar

@rojo LOL…well… lets just say one should not drink much ( water, beer, lemonade, especially beer ) before a rousing gallop, the uphill thrust factor has blunt trauma bladder impact. haha
Terminal thrust velocity of 1,200 lbs. of pumping, musclebound, horsepower is an assault to ones urinary tract. :-p

rojo's avatar

….And Now!
On stage!
Performing their latest Platinum hit “Terminal Thrust Velocity!”
The Greatest Death Metal Band ever….......


and the crowd goes wild

Coloma's avatar

^^^, bladder.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

My fear right now is that my injury will take a long time to heal.

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