How much did you pay for gas, October 2014+?
Asked by
ibstubro (
October 3rd, 2014
I filled up last night for $3.02.9 in the central Midwest, US.
Amazing. I can’t wait for it to fall below $3.
Democrats. Gotta luv them. “Global warming is gonna fry us all, so let’s ramp up oil production so high that it’s the most economical energy source!
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97 Answers
Last night $3.49.9. Welcome to NYS.
We pay $1.28 a liter and that works out to about $4.73 for your US gallon but we Canadians love taking it up the ass from the big oil companies, plus our fuel is higher taxed than yours as well so we love getting from the government as well.
2.89 here in TN on fridays at the local grocery with fuel points.
You Canucks get decent health care from the state, though, aye? @SQUEEKY2
Points, schmoints, @ARE_you_kidding_me. You can get your gas for free if you spend enough on overpriced groceries! :)
$3.39 in my area of North Atlanta, GA.
Found a cheap (for Seattle) station; only $3.95/gallon.
I see that, @elbanditoroso.
It’s actually $3.14 here, but one station owner always charges 10¢ or more less because there is no quick-stop there, @Here2_4, so you’re winning. :)
Damn! That’s high, @jerv! Is the tax there especially high?
Oakland California, on 10/1/14, I paid $3.859 at a Shell station. Would have been $3.769 at an Arco 4 miles away that I passed about ten minutes later.
Smart people would likely use this a lot.
I seldom consult it, but my internet is not mobile, and my destination is seldom planned.
10/03/14 paid $3.14/gal. Average in area is @3..42/gal
$3.03 two days ago central Texas. Welcome to an election year.
$3.16 in western IL. The price has been dropping almost daily for the past week or two.
The lowest I’ve seen here in the city (SF) is 3.53.
I paid $2.919 for regular the other day. Diesel is still up in the $3.40s.
$3.159 today in NE Ohio. Last week I saw $3.099.
$3.28 in Orlando yesterday. $3.09 in South Carolina today. Last week, it was $2.99 here in SC…for a day.
@ibstubro I’m not sure about the tax on gas specifically, but Seattle has had among the highest (if not the highest) gas prices in the US. However, King and Snohomish counties have 9.5% sales tax, and our tax on liquor is 20.5% + $3.7708/liter, which makes our booze cost nearly double what it does elsewhere. Maybe this also has something to do with it?
There are some places where you can get gas for prices closer to the national average… but those are “members only” places like Costco.
How’d you manage the difference, @Yetanotheruser?
Nice, @rojo. Is that steady or steadily dropping?
Western IL. here, @jonsblond, and it was down to $3.11.9 at Walmart today. Steady drop here, as well.
Not nearly as bad as I would have thought, @stanleybmanly. With city taxes and city formula.
Where at, @hearkat? :)
Thanks, @chyna.
In the same town, @tedibear? Or how far away?
Under $3 is my mark, @livelaughlove21. Doing a bit of traveling, are we?
I suspect, @jerv, that you have not had any recent recruitment calls from either the Seattle or Washington state tourism boards?
@ibstubro There are plenty of great things about the Seattle area…. but affordability isn’t one of them.
I haven’t filled up yet this month, but petrol here is currently 137.9 c/L for E10, and 155.9 c/L for 98 RON.
@jerv I agree. Seattle suffers the same fate as San Francisco for the same reason. It’s another place that when I first saw it, I wondered why everyone didn’t choose to live there. And sho’nuff
@ibstobro The neighborhood Safeway has discounts on gas based on the amount I spend on groceries each month.
@ibstubro has been holding for the last few weeks.
Just to be clear (NSA), the gas price has been holding, not @ibstubro. I do not know what he has been doing
@Yetanotheruser We have that too, but that only applies to one fill-up. If you only go through a tank a month, then that adds up. However, it generally takes me a month’s worth of shopping to get just $1 off of three days worth of gas. Yes, I go through a 10-gallon tank about every three days! My wife and I simply don’t eat enough to justify buying enough groceries for those fuel points to really be worthwhile for the amount of gas I go through.
Sorry, @Stu – in NJ (where we typically have lower prices and we aren’t allowed to pump our own gas). They opened a Costco 2 miles from me, and I figured the savings in gas (~$0.05–0.09 less/gallon) will more than pay for the $55 annual membership, since my commute was 45 miles each way and I filled my 17-gallon tank at least once per week. It’s a shame they don’t have diesel for my fiancé‘s car – he commutes 55 miles each way and he fills his 14-gallon tank twice per week.
Not allowed to pump your own gas! I haven’t seen a full service station in decades.
I paid $3.65 a gallon the day before yesterday at a Valero here in the NorCal foothills.
Not having to pump my own gas comes in handy when the weather is shitty or when I’m dressed nicely.
$3.25 this morning in Destin, $3.09 at lunchtime in Birmingham, $3.15 later in Chattanooga
@ibstubro – Same town. Where I work, 40 miles from home, gas is generally 5 to 10 cents cheaper than where I live.
About 1.54 per litre I have no idea how much that would be in gallons usd. It changes everyday. I hate pumping petrol.
@hearkat: I’m a Costco premium member – $100 annually but then you get 2% cash back. In August of every year I get usually between $65 and $85 back, which lessens the original $100 outlay to less than what regular members pay for their membership.
If you’re spending at least $50 a week for gas alone at Costco, (plus I’m assuming other purchases), you should look into it.
One year I was going to cancel the Premium membership and do the $50 regular membership, and then I looked into it and realized that what I pay now is making my annual fee cheaper than it would be if I did it the “regular” way.
@jca – No, we don’t spend anywhere near that much, since nearly all our food is purchased directly from the farmers. My commute is about to be reduced significantly, too. Thanks for the thought, though.
Well, I saw gas for only $3.69 for the 87-octane that I can’t run in my finicky Corolla.
@jca The local Costco here often has lines that would make a fill-up take an extra 30–45 minutes. As I only get ~4–5 hours sleep a night during my workweek, it’s not worth losing an hour’s sleep mid-week (I need to refuel Wednesdays). I’d rather pay an extra 5–10 cents a gallon to be awake enough to commute without falling asleep at 70 mph on I-5.
I didn’t realise 87 RON was a thing. The lowest sold here is 91. Can many cars there run 87?
87 is regular and 92 is premium here. Altitude is about 1000ft. You must be at sea level. I remember filling up on 85 near Denver years ago.
@ARE_you_kidding_me Yeah I’m in Australia – the whole continent is low and flat. E10 91 RON is regular, then we have 95 and 98 as two stages of premium. Not all service stations offer all options though. I sometimes struggle to find 98 in small towns, which can be a problem seeing as that’s all I put in my car.
$2.99 in San Marcos, Tx. Then saw it for $2.96 just outside of New Braunfels.
@FireMadeFlesh The research octane number apparently is different for the states where we use the anti-knock index. A little Googling shows that 87 octane (AKI) here is about 92 RON.
Makes sense kidding me. I wondered if we were talk apples and oranges. We use the R+P/2 for the octane here. R is research, P is performance, and they’re averaged.
In New Jersey we are mostly near sea level. My 2006 VW V6 runs just fine on regular 87 octane, which is what I paid $2.919 for.
Sadly, none of the three ‘85–87 Corollas I’ve owned ran well on 87 octane. The first would sound like a coffee can full of BBs unless I retarded the ignition to the point where it made too little power to hit 50mph on level ground or even think of climbing a hill, but it ran good on 93. My second could and current one can run on 87 so long as I stay(ed) off of the interstate, but need(ed) 92-octane to do flow-of-traffic on I-5. Modern cars with their OBDII computers can adjust fuel mixture and ignition timing automatically, but old carb-and-distributor cars are a bit less forgiving, especially those in cars with low power/weight ratios.
$2.97.9 last night. SWEET! I thought under $3 was long gone.
I doubt we’ll get under $3.50. :(
I might be at $2.93.9 now, based on the sign without actually looking at the pump.
No more than $2.95.9.
@ibstubro Bite me! :p
Yes, I’m a little jealous…
I wonder if it has anything to do with This article about “proven” oil reserves vs “Oil in the ground”
NPR claims it’s all the USA Fracking.
Check this out, taken on my way to work this morning.
Ours was $2.92 yesterday. I really hope this lasts longer than a month.
I can’t believe I’m paying more for a gallon of milk than I do for a gallon of gas.
@jonsblond Where the hell are you buying milk? It’s at least $3 per gallon here.
I can get a gallon of milk at Walmart for $3.50. It costs $3.99 to $4.25 at all the other stores.
@jonsblond I read your response wrong. I thought you said, “I can’t believe I’m paying more for a gallon of gas than I do for a gallon of milk.” My mistake!
This week? Asking price, no discount? $2.74!
And my milk drinking friends claim Aldi’s milk last longer/keeps better.
I won’t drink Aldi milk. It tastes weird to me. We go through a gallon in two days with my sons home, so we don’t need to worry about it sitting for too long.
@ibstubro Ever think why does Aldi mikl last longer?
I almost added a caveat about how long milk lasts at your house, @jonsblond, then didn’t.
I’m not a milk user, @Adirondackwannabe, but give us the grizzly..
10/17/14 Drove to Colorado Springs yesterday and saw $2.949/gal.
I should’ve filled up when I answered this question. It’s all gone up by 20c/L since.
Paid $2.85/gal in Del Rio Friday. Saturday passed a place in San Antonio called MLK Mart advertising $2.66!
What are THEY setting us up for?
Was a wash required, @rojo? That’s a frequent hook in certain areas of the Midwest.
@ibstubro Not sure, I was doing 75 mph on I-10 when I passed the sign. The low numbers caught my eye, I wasn’t looking for gas at the time.
And, when I asked what are they setting us up for, I mean the oil and gas industry, not MLK mart. I think this is a precursor to much higher prices or possibly more concessions for fracking rights. Look what we can do with gas prices if you let us get more oil using questionable extraction techniques and no, we won’t tell you what we are injecting into your environment, that is proprietary information.
$2.24 here. That’s down almost $1 from when I first answered two months ago.
We are down to $1.05 a liter now.
12/10 – Well, @jonsblond I live in Texas and we have plenty of gas and are drilling, refining and selling more and more and more so the lowest price I have found yesterday was $2.42/gal. Hey! Wait! unfortunately it looks like we are sending it elsewhere.
@rojo Just like they want to do with the Keystone XL Pipeline: Ship Canadian oil through the US to sell it to the world!
I paid $2.769/gal for mid grade (89 octane). It regular (87 octane) was $2.619
12/10 – Most places near me are now selling for around $3. I filled up across the street for $3.15/gallon (92-octane).
I paid $2.599 for premium 93 octane on 12/12/14. I didn’t notice what regular was; now that I’ve got a turbo, I’m back to using premium.
$2.02 a gallon. St. Louis burbs. $2.07 with a 5¢ discount for cash.
1–6-15, still around $2.49 for 87-octane.
1–4-15 Memphis, Tn $1.88/gal
1–6-15 Bryan, TX $1.98/gal man, I’ll bet if we had the Keystone pipeline going through here in Texas, sending all that oil overseas, we could beat Tennessee prices!
Tonight E10 91 RON is 109.9 c/L. There have been reports of some outlets dropping below $1/L in other parts of my city. I haven’t seen it this cheap in 8–9 years!
Oh! The wailing and gnashing of teeth about how this is going to tank the global economy has already started I see: New Republic, Washington Post,
1–8-15 St. Louis, Mo, $1.68.
I personally think it is a conspiracy to globally apply the worst possible sanction on Russia, @rojo.
@ibstubro With the added bonus that it hurts Iran and Venezuela. This graph is also enlightening.
I think it’s ironic that it was George W. Bush warned us of the US’s addiction to oil!
Last night, rural Midwest?
1–9-15, $1.59.
Still almost a dollar lower than Seattle :p
I wish someone would come out with the crap-shoot of ‘forever-gallons’. A gas card where you pre-buy gallons of gas at a set price.
I’m not much of a gambler by nature, but I’d have to bet on $1.59 a gallon gas.
I saw a low price of $1.349/gal yesterday in the Denver area.
Anyone think it’ll drop down to a dollar before it’s all over?
I doubt the under $1, but then again, I doubted under $2.
I think the world is too unstable for gas to drop under $1 a gallon.
“The World’s Policeman”, aka the United States, is tired and partisan.
Since my first post on this thread, it’s dropped heaps! I said 155.9 c/L for 98 RON earlier, and now last night I paid 129.9. I managed to fill the tank for less than $70!
Down to $1.55 a gallon and holding steady. It’s a local price war. I’d say every station in town is losing money but for one.
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