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LuckyGuy's avatar

Is AmeriMark Easy Living Membership a total scam?

Asked by LuckyGuy (43889points) October 4th, 2014

About 1 month ago I ordered something from the AmeriMark Catalog for my disabled SIL, who does not have a credit card or computer access.
Two weeks later I received a phone call from a non-native English speaker offering a service that wou be charged to my credit card. Of course I refused several times and made it quite clear I did not need the service; I do not want the service; and do not want anyone charging my credit card for anything. And do not call me again. However. today I received a notice that I had signed up for AmeriMark Easy Living Program and my credit card will be charged $3.99 in 4 days and $24.99 per month thereafter.
Wiothin 5 minutes of opening the letter I called AMEX and told them about the scam and to stop the fraudulent charges. I also reported the scam to a couple of websites.
But out of curiosity I was wondering what the “service” actually provides. Are there people out there who use this service? All I can find are complaints. Many, many complaints.
Does the Ameriark Easy Living Program provide a shred of useful service or is it the total scam it appears to be?

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4 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

The state of Iowa apparently thought so: here

LuckyGuy's avatar

I, too, have been looking around and see that there are many complaints about this place. BUT, the Better Business Bureau rates them A+ because they respond quickly to resolve complaints. It ignores the fact that so many people needed to complain.
After reading some of the complaints I was shocked to see that people had been paying $24.99 per month for 2 years before recognizing the fraudulent charges.

jca's avatar

I am just curious what they company says it does for members? Or do they not even try to promote their services, they just take money (membership fee)?

LuckyGuy's avatar

I have tried to find the list of services they provide on line but don’t see it listed. That also makes it look like a full scam. I saw many complaints about them and their tactics.
When someone complains they give the money back immediately but I’m guessing a lot of people don’t notice Amerimark is taking money from their credit card account for this scam.

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