General Question

talljasperman's avatar

Can you name exercises that are enjoyable?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) October 4th, 2014

Without any equipment or gym. Preferably indoors.

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14 Answers

hersilence's avatar

Stripping aerobics.

livelaughlove21's avatar

HIIT. Try for free videos. They’re fantastic.

I’d also recommend resistance training. Even if you don’t have equipment, you can always do push-ups, squats, lunges, etc. Fitness Blender can help with that too.

pleiades's avatar

Honestly Yoga. If you can find a class I highly recommend it. It’s like religion and exercise in one!

LDRSHIP's avatar

No equipment at all. I would have to say push up and sit up. There are so many variations you can do.

Yoga is nice and again many forms of it or similar.

However, should you deicde to ponder outside, a park when I lived back in FL had a nice loop to it and as you run it there was pull, dip bars, bench with feet holders, monkey bars, and other various things off the loop.

I like chin ups and pull ups personally. If I could do what these guys do and the ripped/shredded part would be nice bonus.

This channel is pretty awesome. BarStarzz on YouTube.

A video of an old guy in pretty shape than me I am sure.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

mountain biking, hiking, backpacking, screwing, climbing….

KNOWITALL's avatar

DAncing, walking the dogs, picking up litter, laughing, bball, hunting, yard work…

Haleth's avatar

The very best kind of exercise is going for a long walk by yourself, outside.

JLeslie's avatar

Enjoyment is completely subjective.

I love to dance so for me my favorites are zumba and I also used to do ballet. If my husband took me out on the weekends to the clubs I wiuld count that too, but in our old age we rarely do that.

I also enjoy water aerobics and swimming laps.

Walking in beautiful surroundings is included also, but I prefer the other two I mentioned.

gailcalled's avatar

For me they are yoga, walking and swimming.

give_seek's avatar

Zumba DVDs.

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