Social Question

talljasperman's avatar

If you would score your self what grade would you give yourself?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) October 6th, 2014

Also what do you use to measure your success? Is it money, or peace of mind, or something else?

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7 Answers

rojo's avatar

Well, I would guess slightly to the right of the top of the bell.

Here2_4's avatar

I would give myself a B. I haven’t reached for any amazing achievements, but what I aim for, I do pretty well. The fact that my marriage ended brings my grade down some.

I think success is living within our means. Usually that expression is associated with financial stability, but I am thinking broader than that. I think living within my means involves what I am capable of; intellectually, financially, socially, physically. If I take what is available to me, and make it serve me fairly well, I think that marks success.

Adagio's avatar

For what specifically?

talljasperman's avatar

@Adagio Your choice. From what is important to you. p

Pandora's avatar

Interesting. I guess I value being a decent human being most of all. Although I have an opinion as to where I am in my current development, I think it is not a grade I can adequately quantify. The grade would have to be given by those around me and those who have had some dealings with me.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Right now below zero.

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