Social Question

talljasperman's avatar

How can I sell myself on dates?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) October 7th, 2014

I would like to consider being a stay a home dad. I don’t have a drivers license and I have a part time job as a spokesman for mental illness. How do I find a woman that would put up with me?

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3 Answers

AshlynM's avatar

Just be yourself, don’t be someone you’re not. Tell them something you’re passionate about in life.

JLeslie's avatar

All you can do is be yourself. There is a match for everyone out there. You have many assets. You’re smart, funny, caring, I can tell all of that just from knowing you online.

I think it is difficult for men to have a goal of being a stay at home dad. I would suggest if you like working with kids you should pursue a job at a camp or school, but I am aware you have some meantal health issues, so I don’t know if that is an obstacle to getting hired in that sort of job. If it was summer camp it would be just for a couple of months and if you dislike it you just have to stick it out a short time.

stanleybmanly's avatar

It’s doable. And there are actually women out there looking for you. The problem is, you’re not likely to meet them, because you’re not traveling in their circle. There are plenty of high earning ambitious career driven women conflicted by the urge for motherhood, I’ve actually heard high octane women confess to their dream of finding a loving “house husband” capable of suppressing the ego issues involved with traditional stereotypes. Your odds increase of course if you’re in a place where such creatures abound. But be advised that pursuing gals endowed with lots of horsepower is not for the timid.

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