Social Question

longgone's avatar

Do you feel books influencing you?

Asked by longgone (19874points) October 7th, 2014

I do, frequently. The parenting books I read make me much more agreeable, for example. When I’ve read a lot of A. S. Neill, I am less likely to get angry and more successful at understanding others.

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8 Answers

DipanshiK's avatar

Books definately influience you. They aid you in understanding the small details about life. Self help, motivational books helped me a lot in conquering what I believed I could never achieve.

JLeslie's avatar

I rarely read a book.

I think reading, listening to others, watching TV shows, movies, anything and everything can change my perspective on the world, and my reaction to the world.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh yes. Little House on the Prairie, Sacajawea.

rojo's avatar

Some surely do. They give new or different perspectives, ideas, plans, directions, conceptions, theories and attitudes. They also make me sit still for extended periods of time to read and absorb the information, kind of like meditation, and this is relaxing and gives me a rosier outlook on life.

Others just piss me off.

KNOWITALL's avatar

PRobably the greatest influences. I read everything about everything to gain multiple perspectives.

El_Cadejo's avatar

For sure. I often find myself thinking as the main character would when I’m in the middle of a book that I’m really enjoying. This could be a good or bad thing depending on what I’m reading :P

ibstubro's avatar

My chief form of entertainment after the internet is reading.

I read slowly, and nearly everything I read makes an impression on me. I just finished the biography of Warren Beatty. I realized that I’ve never seen one of his movies, I’m politically a near opposite, but I’d like the guy.

longgone's avatar

Thanks! GAs!

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