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talljasperman's avatar

Do you know anyone who was never grounded as a child?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) October 8th, 2014

I was never grounded and I rarely had a curfew and I turned out ok. What about you?

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8 Answers

hominid's avatar

Yes. Me (and my kids).

LuckyGuy's avatar

I was never grounded. My Mom was diagnosed with breast cancer when my brother and I were kids. That left my Dad more than a bit overwhelmed. He was working, taking care of a (terminally) sick wife, and 2 boys.
It would have been so easy for us to screw around and misbehave but we knew he needed all the help and cooperation he could get. We simply behaved without him asking. I truly believe that is one of the reasons we did so well in school. And why I’m as successful as I am today.

(Thanks Mom and Dad!)

ucme's avatar

Me, my brothers & my kids.
Being grounded is fucking lame anyway, most kids bedrooms are like technology centres, they’re not going to mind too much.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Not much, but I did have modified times that my son had to be home during the summer because of his grades in the last semester of the last year. He thought he could come home with a couple of bad grades on the last report of the year, and get away with it! NOPE!

longgone's avatar

My sisters and myself.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I got grounded one time but I damn sure deserved it! I had just gotten my drivers license. We lived on a dirt road, and the end of a cul de sac out in the country. One day I was driving my Mom’s Vega around and around, throwing the car into slides around the cul de sac. I’d start from the top of the road. I was just flying!
Well, one pass I saw my Mom in the yard jumping up and down frantically. So I pulled into the drive way and said, “What’s wrong?”
She let me have it with both barrels, then grounded me from the car for a month. (It was harder on them than it was on me though! Kids with new licenses will jump at any reason to drive, and that includes running errands to the store for Mom and Dad!)

anniereborn's avatar

I don’t remember ever being grounded. The most fun I had was with extra curricular activities, which I would not have been grounded from. So there really was no point.
Laughably for awhile I had a curfew thrown at my when I was 19 and still living at home
(going to community college), after coming home really late one night. But my curfew was like 2AM and didn’t last long.

Buttonstc's avatar

No. I never was grounded or even had a curfew. I cant ever recall hearing any kind of comment (good or bad) abput my grades.

That’s not necessarily always a good thing.

There’s a difference between benign neglect and just plain neglect, period.

I think the primary thing that saved me from a wasted life was the fact that I spent the first two grades of school in a boarding school where they taught reading the old fashioned way. Phonics.

Thus I became a lifelong reader early on and spent most of my early years with my nose in books.

An interesting side effect of being a voracious reader is that most school subjects (except Math) rely so heavily upon reading comprehension that one ends up automatically good at a whole bunch of subjects.

Therefore, I didn’t end up
hating school or having to be disciplined into doing well.

So, basically, reading saved me from the potential of a horrendously misspent youth :)

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