Social Question

rojo's avatar

Die unexpectedly or expect to die soon. Which would you prefer if you had the option?

Asked by rojo (24187points) October 8th, 2014

As stated.

I can see arguments for and against both viewpoints.

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25 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

I prefer not knowing. I live each day as if it might be my last, yet I also live with the possibility of being around a long time so I better do what I can to enjoy life now and in the future.

Esedess's avatar

Live like you expect to die soon, even though your death will be unexpected.

Even 130 years is a modest time-span. We will all die relatively soon ultimately; and most of us, unexpectedly.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I’ll take unexpectedly, THANKS.

majorrich's avatar

I am already on borrowed time as my cancer is currently in remission. But I wasn’t expected to last as long as I have. I will tell y’all that having that weight of impending doom hanging over you really starts to burrow under your skin after a while. I wasn’t expected to make it through my son’s high school years, and here I am still with him into his senior year in College! Next I want to see grandbabies! There must be some kind of a plan in the works, or I am to stubborn to lay down my torch. I hope my son understands that I gave him my all, and that is the way to live. Like tomorrow could be the end.

jonsblond's avatar

As I’m sitting here wondering if I should go to the ER for ongoing health issues I’d rather not know when it’s my time. The stress of knowing would probably kill me anyway.

ucme's avatar

Ignorance is bliss

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

I don’t want to know.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Suddenly, swiftly and unexpectedly. No mess no fuss!

Pachy's avatar

I’m with those you vote for unscheduled departure.

LuckyGuy's avatar

( <—- Engineer.)

I’d want to know. That way I could optimize investment and life decisions.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I was going to ask for another option until I came up with a worse way to go. What if every person had an expiration date stamped on their head? Bill comes to drive you in the car pool. Ah Bill, you’re stamped October 8, 2014. Well I was hoping that means at midnight. How about I drive just to be safe.

CWOTUS's avatar

I’m offended that for those of the collective who want to rid the world of humans you have not offered the choice to “die soon, unexpectedly”. What are you, some kind of lifeist bigot?

rojo's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe ^^That reminds me of the old joke: “When I die I want to die quietly and peacefully in my sleep like my grandpa; not screaming in terror like the passengers in the car.”

dxs's avatar

I’m pretty young, so I guess the odds are in favor of me dying the unexpected death.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I have a question for those who say “live like today day is your last.”

Do you empty out your bank account? Do you spend everything you’ve got? Do you overeat or overindulge.
Do you participate in risky activities since there probably will not be negative consequences?

Or are you actually planning for your future. (I hope!)

majorrich's avatar

I try to leave everyone I talk to with a smile. I don’t yell and get angry like I used to. I put my faith right out there for everyone to see. And I have made all arrangements for my wife and son so that they will want for nothing when I’m gone. <—- worth more dead than alive. :)

Coloma's avatar

I’d like short notice, say 2 weeks to a month. Then I would eat, drink, and laze into sweet oblivion, make sure my pets had good homes or give them to my daughter.
I might even try heroin, for sure morphine if it hurts. haha
Really, I could go at any time, I have had a good run, no anxiety about dying just don’t want it to be agonizing.

zenvelo's avatar

@LuckyGuy If I knew I was going to die tomorrow, I certainly wouldn’t do what you describe. Living today as if it were your last is a matter of focusing on what is really important in life. It’s not your job of the car you drive or what you had for dinner. It’s spending time with those closest to you who you cherish, telling people how important they have been in your life.

marinelife's avatar

I have experienced both, and I definitely believe it is better for those who are left if the person knows they are going to die and has time to finish unfinished business and say goodbye.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@zenvelo If I knew today was my last I would not bother to do my taxes (due 10/15). I would not bother to finish the 30 page progress report for my customer.
I’d spend the day very differently than what I am doing now. I might invest 10 minutes of it saying goodbye here and on other social accounts.

I’d spend an hour cleaning up the work bench and tossing unfinished projects so my others are not burdened with the mess.

Bank accounts would be empty and the cash hidden so only my family could find it.
I simply cannot live each day like it is my last. I am too practical.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

My last day… I would say I love you and goodbye to my loved ones but without alarming them. I would then simply go walk in the wilderness taking in this place one last time. I’d probably have a good cigar. When it’s about five hours to ground zero it’s time to inflate several weather balloons and tie them to a camping chair. I’d float up into the clouds sipping a glass of wine and when I’m to the point of oxygen deprivation I’d jump off as the sun sets and free fall in an orange-yellow light. That would be a fitting curtain call.

Katz22's avatar

If I had a choice, which I don’t, I would prefer to die suddenly. I am somewhat on the obsessive side and if I knew that I only had “x” amount of days left, I wouldn’t be able to even enjoy the rest of my life because I would be obsessing about my death.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Either, my last breath here is my start in eternity.

Coloma's avatar

I still don’t understand how I can bury a ton of horseflesh but not a human body on my property? Everything decomposes equally. lol

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