General Question

janbb's avatar

Any advantage to Medicare Advantage plans over Medicare?

Asked by janbb (63393points) October 9th, 2014

I’m not there yet but I can see there from here. My doctor said straight Medicare plus Medicare Supplement is the best way to go. My Ex just bought a Medicare Advantage plan. I haven’t discussed why he chose that with him.

Interested especially in hearing from people with direct experience.

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10 Answers

gailcalled's avatar

I use the AARP Plan F supplement and straight Medicare. It has been fine. I have not paid anything out-of-pocket except $10 co-pay for some post-surgery drugs and $25 at the opthamologist’s (and I have run up some whopping bills during the past few years.) At the moment I take no Rx drugs so I don’t pay much attention to the Medicare D portion, for drugs.

janbb's avatar

Thanks Gail. My doctor was saying it is really good. Can’t wait since I have very high deductibles on the plan I’m on now.

gailcalled's avatar

My more analytical Wellesley classmates and those with MD. husbands did the research for the supplemental policies. The AARP F was the winner. The monthly fees are competitive.

Strauss's avatar

Ditto for me. AARP F is what I’ve had for a year now. Haven’t needed it for anything major yet, fortunately, but I think it’s the best bang for the buck.

Buttonstc's avatar

What exactly is Medicare Advantage? Is it a brand of Mecicare supplemental insurance or something else?

janbb's avatar

It’s private insurance that is then reimbursed by Medicare is my understanding. I’m not sure why it exists. The other thing – Medicare Supplement – pays for things that Medicare doesn’t/

Strauss's avatar

@Buttonstc as @janbb stated, Medicare Advantage is blanket term to describe any PPO or HMO that serves as a substitute for Medicare. Original Medicare payments are processed through the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (“CMS”), but Medicare Advantage is procesed by the commercial insurance companies and HMO and PPO corporations who offer the programs. They do receive compensation from the federal government.

Buttonstc's avatar

Thanks for clarifying.

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