Who would win?
Asked by
Here2_4 (
October 9th, 2014
This is a little competition game.
Pit any two contenders together, then name the competition.
The next player names who they think would win. Then, they post another competition for the next player.
Here is an example:
Who would win: Obama, or Putin? Arm wrestling.
next player
Who would win: Hillary Clinton, Hillary Duff? Eating hot dogs in two minutes.
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95 Answers
Which car would attract more women The Trans-am from Smokie and the Bandit Or the General Lee from the Dukes of hazard?
The Trans Am.
WWW: Miley Cyrus, or Lady Gaga? Climbing Mt. Everest?
Lady Gaga.
Who would win?
Son Goku, or Monkey D. Luffy? Death Battle.
Both of them would die.
Johnny Depp or Jon Stewart? Talk most like a pirate.
Johnny Depp.
Baby or 90s alt-rock star? Screaming contest.
The baby that will be at the table adjacent to ours, the next time we eat out.
Donald Duck or Yosemite Sam, in a debate about Disney vs. Warner Bros.?
Yosemite Sam, he has the gun
Bambi vs Godzilla. First computer movie I watched in college.
If I recall, at the end of the credits, didn’t the lizard simply step on the fawn with one huge foot?
Elmer Fudd, Porky Pig or Sarah Palin in a public speaking contest?
Tom from MySpace and Mitt Romney in a wrestling match.
Batman vs. Charles Xavier in Chess.
Colt or smith&wessen for a better 357magnum?
Smith & wessen.
WWW? Tom or Jerry? Death match?
the cat
hot pants or hot chocolate?
Hot Chocolate, hand down.
Marvin the Martian
My Favorite Martian
The Art of Getting Flustered
WWW Bill Gates or Bill Clinton in a “whip it out” size matters war?
WWW Ronald McDonald, or the Burger King, in a Latin dace contest?
Neither, Dairy Queen, she’s more of a bitch. She moves better, unless one of the guys doesn’t wrap his whopper.
A snake or a mongoose? Real life.
As in, they have to live human lives? The snake would become a lawyer, so my bet’s on the snake.
Adirondackwannabe or Here2_4 in a rap battle.
@Here2_4 Tom Hanks, he has training in this. Ha, think I wouldn’t cave to you? You’d win. I’m tough but I’m easy.
Pit Bull or Eminem in a knife fight?
They’d die together.
Your mom or your first grade teacher in a political debate?
None. they’d die of boredom and take us with them.
Scrambled or fried?
Your mom or your teacher? Persuading you to do anything?
Harper (Canadian) Obama (US) as a stand up comic?
Neither, Biden hands down, Or any of the GOP’ers.. Usain Bolt or Barney Rubble?
Night guys, this has been a lot of fun, but sleep calls. Tomorrow.:)
Jousting: Jesus on a Velociraptor or Ironman on a unicorn?
Jesus on a velociraptor.
Air guitar contest: Wayne and Garth or Bill and Ted?
Bill and Ted
Who would be the first to have sex with Archie, Betty or Veronica?
I forget. Was that a sandwich shoppe, or a malt shoppe?
WWW Catsup, or a pickle slice? Sliding down a wall.
Neither slide down walls.
Yamucha or Jar Jar Binks. Being utterly useless.
@SavoirFaire, for sure!
(@ragingloli doesn’t have legs, he only has tentacles ~)
Mike Tyson or Chuck Norris, death match?
Chuck Norris cannot be killed.
mud wrestling: Hillary Clinton or Sarah Palin?
Does not matter. Everyone else loses.
(ketchup is a liquid and either flows or drips down the wall. pickle slice adheres to the wall, then dries out and falls down.)
The Pope or Jimmy Savile? Getting away with molesting kids.
the winner is the “Church”. THE Pope——tough to hang the charge on the current guy, but there are 265 others.
Pithy insults: Oscar Wilde or Gore Vidal?
Oscar Wilde
Laurence Olivier or Kenneth Branagh; Playing Hamlet
My money’s on Olivier, but I haven’t seen Branagh. He must be amazing if you’d pit him against Olivier.
Mark Twain or Henry David Thoreau
Your option. I was going to say fighting, but a debate would be awesome.
I would say Mark Twain if the contest was for most nattily dressed.
Okay but were breaking the game
Mark Twain or Henry David Thoreau. Mellowness Duel.
Cate Blanchett or Kate Hudson? Dancing with the stars.
From what I just finished reading, Cate took some ballet lessons when she was a child; was a dancing extra in Crabs; and did some of her own dancing in Benjamin Button.
However, based on this and other reports I browsed, I’d say Kate Hudson.
Bristol Palin or Malala Yousafzai? Nobel Peace Prize. ;-)
lol really?
Malala hands down.
Bryan Cranston vs Clint Eastwood, stare down.
Clint. Not to take away from Bryan, a fine actor, but the Clint stare is without challenge.
WWW Pepsi, or Coke? Taste test.
For me Coke
Root beer or Mountaindue?
Inducing vomit? draw.
Ebola chan or Bird Flu kun? Being adorable.
Gonna have to go with Ebola chan as I’ve never heard of Bird Flu kun.
Putin or Teddy Roosevelt? Who beats a grizzly bear into submission first.
Teddy. Putin is a bully but Teddy was the real deal.
Jeb Bush or Chris Christie? COP nominee
Chris. If he can keep NYers out of Jersey, maybe he can strengthen other borders as well!
Penguin, or goose? Cutest avatar.
Darth Vader or Jesus? Being fictional.
Plot Twist, they are the same person.
Family feud: Scientologists vs Mormons
Mormons. They have all sorts of answers. Scientologists have all sorts of secrets.
WWW Betty White, or Dick Van Dyke? Staying talented and awesome forever.
Anyone who has both dick and dyke in his name is awesome forever.
Germany or the colonies. Engineering.
Are we discussing engineering the death of millions or just engineering as a profession??
the Tasmanian Devil
Best Temper Tantrum
Wait, wait – aren’t they one and the same?
@janbb: No, no. Taz is furry. Loli is into furries.
TAZ. I’ve seen his tantrums. I’ve not witnessed one from @ragingloli
WWW bunny rabbit, squirrel? Bloodfight.
I laughed so hard at that link I sprayed Hawaiian Punch, and choked and sputtered.
Thanks for the great laugh, @ragingloli! I am glad you are still sending me cute fuzzy pictures.
South Korea.
WWW a grudge match between Edward Scissorhands and Freddy Kruger?
No one, because I know neither :p
WWW? Al Capone or Vito Corleon? Ruling the world?
Neither. The world would not put up with it. Elliot Ness would be called upon to defeat them.
WWW Edward Scissorhands, or Freddy Krueger? Making kabobs.
Freddy fer sure.
Driving through pee soup fog, or a snow blizzard?
If the competition is disabling a vehicle or driver, I would say blizzard. That includes winds, which can force a car in new directions no matter how good the driver is.
WWW – @Here2_4 , @ibstubro , or @Coloma? Forgetting to include the second portion of a response on WWW, WYR or TJBM.
Well, @Here2_4 seems to be in the lead right now!
Second best James Bond (first place is already taken): Pierce Brosnan vs. Daniel Craig.
Pierce, I know most people hate him but he’s the James Bond I grew up with . Golden Eye and such.
Loki or the Joker. Cruel Jokes.
I always think of The Joker as lovable, because I grew up watching re-runs of the TV show.
WWW a political debate, Sarah Palin or Dan Quayle?
Sarah, because once she opens her mouth, Dan would just stand there aghast.
WWW Halloween scare a real werewolf, a real zombie, or Honey Boo Boo?
Honey Boo Boo,hands down.
Driving in a bad winter storm, or listen to an hour long Sarah Palin speech?
The storm all the way.
being evil: the pope, or palpatine?
WWW being first to be consumed until gone at a picnic: brownies, or mac & cheese?
brownies, also why would you bring macdonalds crap to a picnic?
www, the Borg, or the Dominion?
@ragingloli , mac & cheese is macaroni, not Mc Donald’s. Sorry.
The Borg. All Dominion planets will be assimilated.
Fictional sports: Quidditch (Harry Potter) vs. Wizard Squash (Discworld).
WWW Larry the cable guy, or Ray Romano? Best Santa Claus.
Ill go with Romano. Larry looks like he would only deliver presents to white kids.
WWW. Ninja Turtles vs Ryu Hayabusa+Strider Hiryu+Scorpion+Raiden, death battle
Looks like we’re having turtle soup for dinner tonight!
Converting humans to their side: zombies vs. vampires.
Vampires. At least vampires are more human-like.
Chicken or duck? Making a good dinner?
Mickey Dolenz Justin Bieber, or Paul McCartney in a teeny bopper poll?
Paul McCartney. He is still active, and vital, and the Beatles are seeing resurgence with even the very young.
WWW for fighting a cold; Nyquil, chicken soup or vitamin C?
If you want to sleep it off, Nyquil hands down!
WWW – winter or summer?
Summer would win.
This seasonal depressive knows that Winter Kills. Literally. Apologies to Yazoo.
Speaking of Yazoo WWW?
Elecronica masters Erasure or Yello?
Trump, for sure, without even mussing his own.
WWW Tom Cruise or a pack of seven year olds, couch jumping.
Pack of 7 year olds – Tom’s past 50.
WWW Putin or Trump making shit up so that re-ality conforms to me-ality.
Boy, that would be close! But Putin already has a country in his “me-ality”, so there’s not really any more smack-down except for smack-talk.
WWW Sara Palin or Barbara Boxer.
You didn’t supply me with what they are trying to win at, so I will supply that. If I walked into a room where both women were waiting, which one would tick me off enough to slap her face first, Sara would win by far. In fact, I would welcome that opportunity now. Nobody that stupid should talk so loud or so much.
WWW Hillary, or The Donald, mud wrestling? I take this moment to form a mental image, and giggle.
Depends on what method of cheating each chose. I’m not giving any odds on that.
WWW Sean Hannity or Glen Beck in a contest to make W appear to have been a supremely intelligent and effective president..
They would both win and lose.
WWW, the immovable object, or the irresistable force?
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