Social Question

talljasperman's avatar

I live alone in my small apartment and I want to know how I can get a hug?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) October 10th, 2014

it has been two years since I’ve had a hug.

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13 Answers

syz's avatar

Cuddlr (Also, get off of Fluther, get off the computer, get out of your apartment, and interact in the real world.)

talljasperman's avatar

@syz I sat outside in the sun for a few minutes. I feel better.

janbb's avatar

Yes, you really need to get out and be with people to get hugs. it is self-evident. Join a support group or interest group, make friends and you will get hugs.

ucme's avatar

If you really live on your apartment, then you might get a hug from a bird, or perhaps a feral cat.

snowberry's avatar

Get out in society if you want a hug.

But other than that, go get a massage. It’ll feel like a hug in many ways, and it’s good for you. It’s not the same thing at all, but it can help.

Barring that, wrap a towel around your back, grab the ends in front of you, and squeeze them together- Hug yourself. It works.

imnottellingu's avatar

Sometimes when I am lonely I hug myself. Also you could hug a T.V. right when someone on the screen is going to hug a different person on the program.

dangerouslysmart's avatar

Just go hug random people you see and say I just wanted to give you a hug.

janbb's avatar

^^ No, don’t.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Get one of these.

Go to one of these.

And do what these folks did.

AshlynM's avatar

Maybe get a dog? I wouldn’t recommend just hugging strangers on the street. You don’t know where they’ve been.

Adagio's avatar

Or a cat, if you like cats that is, they don’t exactly hug but cats can be very affectionate.

As for human hugs, you certainly won’t get one of those from a computer, only “there in the flesh” people can do that, can you increase your contact with others in some way?

There are bona fide massage therapists who will come to your home to massage, I have been partaking of a weekly massage in such a way for 15 years. It feels wonderful but I somehow suspect it’s not quite what you are meaning when you say “hug”.

ibstubro's avatar

Volunteer at a senior citizen’s home.

Non-threatening and loving people. Many of those people have gone longer without a hug than you have. You’re large and non-threatening, @talljasperman. You might find a new home if you bond. Residence + pay if you qualify.

I have a feeling you’d be great in a retirement home.

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