Social Question

flutherother's avatar

As you have grown older has your faith in humanity increased or decreased?

Asked by flutherother (35015points) October 10th, 2014

As your knowledge of the human species deepens with time do you believe more in humanity or less?

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19 Answers

Blondesjon's avatar

When I took a look at humanity through my own eyes instead of what the media feeds us I realized that most of humankind is actually pretty decent.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Stayed the same.

talljasperman's avatar

it is the reason that I stay indoors.

syz's avatar

Decreased. People suck.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Decreased dramatically.

zenvelo's avatar

I have more faith in humanity and individuals than ever before. I have much less faith in governments and in non-spiritual religions.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I was going to say decreased, but then saw @zenvelo answer and pretty much agree with what he said.

ucme's avatar

My thoughts echo those of serial car crasher George (“did I mention I was Greek”) Michael
“You gotta have faith fa faith fa faith!”

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

I think people are generally good but sadly, often ignorant and easily led. When I read the comments attached to news stories, I’m often quite dismayed by the inhumane attitudes some people have to those who are less fortunate. I’m also disturbed by how easily some people can be manipulated to believe certain government activities are the best course of action.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Stay the same. I still interact with people like I always did, but with more caution. I have learned that people aren’t always the same as they appear to be, but I still believe in humanity.

ibstubro's avatar

I was a very idealistic youngster, so my faith in humanity could only decrease. It reached an all time low somewhere in 2000–2008, then I gave up broadcast TV. Since then I’ve had a steady up-tick in my opinion of the people I encounter, but a steady decline in my faith in the human race. We have to get a rein on killing the Earth. We have to modernize or put aside religions. We have to cherish the diversity of the other life on Earth.

marinelife's avatar

Actually, I started out cynical and suspicious and not trusting, but my faith in the basic goodness of most people has actually grown.

Bill1939's avatar

Humanity has become increasingly self centered and focused on materialism at the expense of humanitarianism. The increase in the wealth of a very small minority of people at the expense of the middle-class and the increased suffering of the poor has exacerbated the feeling that we are becoming more regressive.

It is not surprising that a conservative political perspective is increasing, given the natural tendency for people finding it more difficult to maintain their lifestyle, if not simply to survive, and to wish that they could return to the life they imagine existed when they were children. This tendency is played upon by those seeking greater political and economic power.

However, my observations of children and young adults has dispelled some of my fear for the future of mankind. Unless their budding altruism is repressed, they will find ways to reverse the current philosophy that greed is good and will mitigate suffering.

BeenThereSaidThat's avatar

Decreased. I grew up in an Era where people watched out for each other. You knew your neighbors and all of you were pretty much in the same economic level. Mom stayed home, Dad went to work, the kids went to school and then played outside (unsupervised) until dinner time when Dad got home. we lived within our means and what the heck was a Credit Card?

Now people don’t even know their neighbors names and neighborhoods are divided into types. Poor, lower middle class, upper middle class and wealthy. Most just care about keeping what they have. Young people care about one thing. Getting the latest cell phone and the most expensive sneaker.

muppetish's avatar

It fluctuates. As an instructor, I really, really want to believe that things will get better and that I can actively contribute to its getting better. Sometimes, the world makes it difficult to continue believing that, but other times it presents me wonderful fuel.

dxs's avatar

I’ve only just learned about humanity’s flaws, so it has decreased.

cazzie's avatar

People suck. I want my island.

LornaLove's avatar

Decreased. People did care more, if you were injured people stopped to help. Neighbors were more friendly and helpful, even friendships were different. I do know though, there are groups and individuals that try and make a difference. I do believe too as @Bill1939 said that, it is all about survival now.

ibstubro's avatar

I live at the intersection of 2 major roads, @LornaLove, and I stop and ask people all the time, “Everything all right?” It appears to annoy nearly as many as appreciate it. The Cell Phone Age.

Doesn’t stop me though. The ones I help make it worthwhile. When it’s really hot and they’re just sitting there waiting on a tow (I’m in the sticks, too), I’ve even run home and brought them bottles of cold water.

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