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Does anybody here know someone personally who has multiple personalities?
I realize it is considered rare, by those who even believe it possible. I wonder if anyone here can claim to know somebody who has been identified as having the condition.
I first heard of it when the book Sybil was getting so much attention, during my childhood. Down through the years, I have heard it mentioned, and now it has a new name, so there must be new cases.
I don’t want links to show me what it is. I get that. I want to know if anybody here knows someone and can explain what it is like to be associated with someone like that. Can you be friends with more than one personality? Do they know, if you are?
Someone was talking about a moody friend the other day, and supposed she was just being a different person. That got me to thinking about the condition in real life terms.
I can imagine this being an orphan forever if I put it in general, so I am going to go social with it. At least then I can hear about a friend of a friend. I just hope there is someone who can share some personal experiences with me.
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