Why do I still have this stupid feeling?
I recently declined friendship with someone after more than 2 years. It was a toxic relationship – well, at least according to some people around me. I don’t feel very comfortable being with her either. But strangely, as we officially decline our friendship, I still feel very emotional. I have a feeling of “it can’t be happening. Why do we have to leave?”, something like I still don’t want to let her go.
She posted a status on Facebook, saying that she just wanted to be a friend in its true meaning, but I couldn’t get on with me because “we are so different”. She also seemed to imply that it was all my fault. She might just want to be friendly with me like she said. But sometimes her action seemed to point out that she wanted something other than friendship. At least other people frown upon her action. With all that in mind, I don’t know why I still feel so stupidly emotional. I know it is stupid and I want to get rid of it, but I can’t.
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7 Answers
Be careful for your own sake.
Her statement of wanting _ to be a friend in its true meaning_ is belied by any implication from her that it is “your fault.” True friendship supports and cares for the other person without judgment.
It’s hard to accept a failed romantic relationship, no matter how amicably you part. And it is emotional. The tried and true way of getting past it, though, is to not continue it. That means not initiating any communication, and only responding to her communication with a polite and non-blaming response that does not further the conversation. Maybe in 6 months or a year or two, you might realize you are in a position to be friends with her, without any expectation of anything beyond thta friendship.
Any relationship, friends, family, lovers, even leaving your favorite products sometimes can feel like it was your fault. When something doesn’t work out, most of us blame ourselves, at least. in part. What you need to do is:
* Let yourself be imperfect. Mistakes happen, and when you make one, accept that is was a mistake, accept that there will be more sometime, and move on.
* Don’t believe yourself to be a god. Things happen. Sometimes the things are good, sometimes not. Not all things are within your control. You are human, and unable to control all things, only some things. Let some mistakes and unfortunate occurrences be someone or something else’s fault.
* Know that some don’t have the maturity to just move on. Accept that there will be people in your life who need to grow some. Don’t judge them or resent them, just hope that they will eventually grow, and learn.
Do something you can control, something good. Find something productive and pleasing which will put you back in charge. Let agony shrink in your rear view mirror. Pat yourself on the back for not looking like a fool posting something mean online.
Deep down inside, you want a relationship, just not with this one person. So you feel bad about the relationship loss part of it.
Time will cause the feelings to fade. Hang in there.
@zenvelo You’re right. I guess my emotional feeling partly came from that Facebook status too. Thanks for pointing out that she contradicted herself.
@Here2_4 Thanks for the advice. That is a very detailed post for me. I’ll try to do what you suggest.
@kritiper I think you’ve nailed it. I like to make friends. I guess I’m sad because I lose a relationship, not because I want her to be with me.
@everyone Thanks for all your answers. You have lifted my mood. Now I feel more determined to let it all go and find another better friend.
It’s not easy letting go of a friend that isn’t good for us…but you are worth it x
I think you maybe feel a little guilt that you refused to be her friend, but you have to go with your gut feeling it is seldom wrong and there is good reason why you don’t want her friendship, this is what you need to remind yourself of every time that nagging feeling comes around, it’s often difficult to let go of someone that we have spent a long time with but if they are not embracing or accepting you, your flaws or who you are as a person then there will always be a problem with them pointing out your bad points…People are known by the company they keep if you feel for what ever reason this person is not the type of friend you want in your life that in it’self is enough not to have them in your life…sometimes we have to let go of people if they are Poisoning us with their toxicity it’s for the betterment of your own peace of mind.
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