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talljasperman's avatar

Have you ever been in the brig?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) October 18th, 2014

Was it uncomfortable or was it just serving time.

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9 Answers

Adagio's avatar

What is “the brig”? I’m unfamiliar with the term.

gailcalled's avatar

A naval term…a prison, esp. on a warship.

Adagio's avatar

Thanks @gailcalled. Then I can say now with all honesty that I have never been in the brig.

Darth_Algar's avatar

As I have never served on a seafaring vessel I have never been in the brig.

ucme's avatar

I dated a girl named Briggs (Paula) one time & we shagged, so I guess you could say yeah, i’ve been in the Briggs.

jerv's avatar

Brig inmates sleep 2200–0600 every day.
Regular sailors work 16–22 hours a day when underway, and there’s no guarantee that there time off will be all at once; in fact, it probably won’t.

Brig inmates get 3 meals a day.
Regular sailors often work through one and sleep through another. Many rely on the ship’s store for food.

In-port, regular sailors may have a chance to leave the ship, especially if in-port 72 hours or more while brig inmates, almost by definition, can’t.

There’s upsides and downsides.

Strauss's avatar

@jerv You’ve informed us very well, but you’ve not answered the question.

filmfann's avatar

Nope. No military experience, and I have never been in jail, either.

jerv's avatar

@Yetanotheruser I will neither confirm nor deny ;)

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