General Question

talljasperman's avatar

Have you ever seen someone with spiritual gifts?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) October 18th, 2014

Or spiritual powers listed in the Christian bible?

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18 Answers

Darth_Algar's avatar

No. Though I have seen plenty of charlatans and hucksters who have claimed to have such gifts.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

When I eat the right combination of foods I can clear out a room at least as well as Moses parted the red sea.

kritiper's avatar

Nope. If there are any who claim to be, they’re touched in the head!

Smitha's avatar

There are many people in India who claim to have spiritual powers, but at one point or the other most of them turn out to be fake.The ignorant followers of these people are the ones who help them to propsper in our society and later on these so called spiritually gifted people become rich and conduct other antisocial activities.

FireMadeFlesh's avatar

No, although I have spoken to many people that I trust who believe they have seen supernatural phenomena. I believe their accounts, although I do not believe their explanation for the events to be accurate.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I have one customer who claims she can “talk” to animals and know exactly what they are thinking. She makes a lot of money out of it, especially in the horsey world. The reason I find this difficult to believe is because if she really could communicate with the animals, why does she come to me to help her train her dogs? She certainly has zero knowledge of canine body language and quite often she will tell me her dog is thinking one thing and it’s body language will be saying something completely different. Now, I can’t say with 100% certainty that what we currently think we know about dog body language is correct, I still believe we have a lot to learn in that field but just the way this person handles her dogs tells me that there isn’t much real communication going on.

zenvelo's avatar

People who claim to have such powers don’t.

I have met people who seemed to me to have a connection to the cosmos, but who never ever claim any such connection. To truly have such spiritual grounding requires deep and abiding humility.

ragingloli's avatar

Lots of frauds, conmen and hucksters though. Mentally ill people, too.

LostInParadise's avatar

For those of us not familiar with the specific powers that you mention, could you briefly list them?

jca's avatar

I try to be open minded but have found that, like @ragingloli said, a lot of these people are not only frauds and/or tend to be mentally ill.

kevbo's avatar

It’s probably worthwhile to understand the subject matter before pontificating, since most of the gifts and all of the fruits are rather mundane phenomena tied to ordinary Christian religious roles/functions and the ability to simply be a good person (as Christianity defines it).

From Wikipedia, at least, they are also “for Christianity by Christianity” so it is a bit nonseniscal to apply them to non-Christians.

Casting a wider net for stories of the strange and unexplained I’ve experienced and witnessed some dealings with helpful and harmful spirits that have aided and leeched off people, respectively, as well as people who can take dictation from spirit sources.

canidmajor's avatar

Good on you @kevbo for actually reading the details!

SavoirFaire's avatar

I have never seen anyone with spiritual powers in the sense of supernatural abilities. As for for the more mundane abilities that some people refer to as “spiritual gifts” (like kindness or mercy), I have certainly seen them. But they seem less like spiritual gifts to me than human virtues that some religions have found it worthwhile to emphasize.

@kevbo In fairness to the other respondents: (1) the question was edited to add in the reference to the Bible (the original version made no reference to Christianity and was very clearly about what most would refer to as “magic” powers), and (2) @talljasperman frequently asks questions about—and claims to have—magical powers that have nothing to do with the more mundane abilities you list. So it seems to me more likely that everyone else has interpreted the question correctly and that @talljasperman is unaware of the mundane meaning of his chosen terms.

That said, interesting point.

kevbo's avatar

@SavoirFaire, thanks. I didn’t realize it was edited, and yeah, there is certainly room for a broader spectrum of answers. A little tunnel vision on my part.

SavoirFaire's avatar

@kevbo It’s cool. I thought your links were really interesting, and your answer makes perfect sense as a response to the edited version. I’m certainly not going to complain about learning something!

rojo's avatar

I have a friend who is a very spiritual person although she has never exhibited any supernatural powers.

But, her presence seems to have a calming influence on us as a group. When she is involved, the world just seems like a more pleasant, accepting place.

Is that spiritual?

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

The fruit of the spirit might just be high charisma and wisdom. Need not be super natural.

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