Social Question

filmfann's avatar

Do you know any homosexual men who are germaphobes?

Asked by filmfann (52597points) October 20th, 2014

I am reading the new Andy Kaufman related book, which says he was both a germaphobe and bisexual. They seem to be conflicting to me, but I don’t know.
If someone is, do they take special care to clean themselves, more than the average gay man?

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24 Answers

Mimishu1995's avatar

Err… why do being bisexual and germaphobe seem conflicting to you? The sexual orientation and the obsession with cleanliness doesn’t seem so related to me.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Does this have to do with some of the early scares about AIDS – when people knew that the ID in AIDS meant IMMUNE DEFICIENCY – but at that point they didn’t know WHICH infections that body would have difficulty shaking off?

I don’t know any people with this particular angst, but it might well be a historically-based habit.

Uberwench's avatar

Straight sex isn’t any cleaner than gay sex, you know. Especially if you’re doing it right!

Oh, wait… is this some sort of weird fear about butt stuff? Are you thinking that gay sex is “dirty” because you think all gay men have anal sex all the time? Because plenty of straight folks (and gay girls!) do butt stuff. And plenty of gay men don’t. There are no specifically gay practices or specifically straight practices. The only thing that makes a sex act gay or straight is who’s doing it.

dappled_leaves's avatar

Um, I think you’ve been watching too much Seinfeld. If you’re trying to determine whether there’s a link between cleanliness and homosexuality, personal anecdotes are probably the worst way to go about it.

filmfann's avatar

Perhaps I phrased this poorly. My curiosity is regarding anyone who has anal sex and is a germaphobe.

filmfann's avatar

and I don’t watch Seinfeld, which is more repulsive to me than bestiality.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I do know such a person and he’s one of the deliberately funniest men who ever lived. I’m not kidding. It’s ironic, because he’s a chronic germaphobe, but anyone with a heart condition or unable to tolerate physical exertion should not be in the same room with him. You could literally laugh yourself to death. The routines he’s devised just to avoid shaking hands are enough to leave you rolling on the floor. We once made the mistake of inviting him to a dinner party to prove to 6 of our skeptical friends that he was impossible to be around without laughing yourself sick. The result was that we wound up packing all the food to go, because all attempts at even drinking with him in the room resulted in fits of choking. In a fit of laughter, a sudden vision popped into my head. It was the thought of mouthfuls of food being expelled through a roomful of noses, and me being left to clean it up. I forced him somehow into the bathroom while lying that the room had been all but irradiated prior to his arrival, The guests were speedily dismissed with their care packages.

Pandora's avatar

Wouldn’t it just depend on the extent of germaphobia or a gay, straight or bisexual person. My mom is a germaphobe and yet she somehow managed to give birth to 5 children and can go outside and touch doors or hold onto railings. She could also kiss a babies cheek even if the kid when through a lot of people being kissed and hugged and yet she could not kiss an adult on the cheek because they carry more germs in her eyes. As if a babies cheek can repel germs. She also washes her vegetables and fruits with water and soap. Even the ones that are going to be boiled or steamed.

My daughter went out on a date once with a guy who had to wait for doors to be opened for him and would not touch a railing and could not touch a persons hand, much less kiss and yet he was a dentist. There is no rhyme or reason for germaphobes.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Sex is just germy, period.

dappled_leaves's avatar

@filmfann Possibly the main reason your question is being misread is that most gay men do not have anal sex.

Maybe you should re-word it.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Ok, wait…. “Some men who have sex with men, however, believe that being a receptive partner during anal sex questions their masculinity.”

dappled_leaves's avatar

@Dutchess_III Why wait?

Looks like all the sterotypes are making an appearance on this one.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I don’t know “why wait.” It just kind of struck me as…IDK!

filmfann's avatar

@dappled_leaves Every gay man who has spoken to me about their sexual practices has included anal intercourse as part of what they do. This link is at odds with what I have been told, and I honestly don’t know who to believe.

dappled_leaves's avatar

Always choose data over personal anecdotes. Your sample size is comparatively very tiny.

jaytkay's avatar

Straight or gay, if you’re having sex without swapping germs, you’re doing it wrong.

livelaughlove21's avatar

@dappled_leaves Your source says “many,” not “most.” I’m going to go out on s limb and say the statement that most gay men do not engage in anal sex is false.

Also, anal sex is not exclusive to homosexuals. Straight folks do it too.

filmfann's avatar

Indeed, your source says many, not most. Perhaps someone should ask that question.

dappled_leaves's avatar

It’s true, the Wikipedia doesn’t quote the numbers; I thought it did. The Journal of Sexual Medicine study which it cites found that 37.2% of gay men had had anal sex. The study was done in the US.

livelaughlove21's avatar

@dappled_leaves I’m not finding that on their reference list for some reason but, again, I call BS. I’d like to know how old the study is, how it was conducted, and if it’s ever been replicated. I only did a quick search, but I couldn’t find such a claim elsewhere.

dappled_leaves's avatar

@livelaughlove21 Really not my problem if you can’t use teh google. I found the study from the Wikipedia article I linked, and it is referenced frequently in the literature. Call all the BS you want.

livelaughlove21's avatar

I can use Google just fine, but it’s not as easy to do such a search on my phone, since my employers probably wouldn’t appreciate me looking such things up. Your snark is appreciated, by the way.

”...and most men (79.9%) identified as homosexual. The most commonly reported behavior was kissing a partner on the mouth (74.5%), followed by oral sex (72.7%), and partnered masturbation (68.4%). Anal intercourse occurred among less than half of participants (37.2%) and was most common among men ages 18–24 (42.7%).”

You take this to mean that only 37% of gay men engage in anal sex? Well, it’s not my problem if you can’t accurately interpret teh research.

Even if that’s what the results mean, which it’s not, one lonely survey is not enough evidence to conclude that most gay men do not engage in anal sex.

filmfann's avatar

79.9% of men are homosexual? That number seems a little off.

livelaughlove21's avatar

@filmfann 79.9% of men in the study identified as homosexual.

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