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OpryLeigh's avatar

At a time when you felt all hope was lost, what helped you through?

Asked by OpryLeigh (25310points) October 20th, 2014 from iPhone

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20 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar


And reading some good books – escape reading – to get my mind off of whatever the issue was.

talljasperman's avatar

Aish Assured income for the severely disabled. Also my mom let me stay at her apartment for 17 years. Answerbag and Fluther.

OpryLeigh's avatar

At the moment, the only things that soothes me is watching old programmes that I loved as a child like Fraggle Rock.

janbb's avatar

Talking to friends and joining a walking group.

flutherother's avatar

The few people who are closest to me.

Adagio's avatar

Close friends I could talk with, after that, only the passing of time, though not such a comforting thought in the heat of things, time really is a wonderful healer.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Lots and lots of ammo.

Pachy's avatar

Gutted it out and generally came out wiser on the other side.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Distraction, it can be anything: a sleep, a game, a trip outside… And my tendency to seek for help as much as possible.

filmfann's avatar

My faith and Paxel.

rojo's avatar

Glenfiddich 18.

trailsillustrated's avatar

Sounds weird, but the kindness of strangers.. I’m trying to pay it back .

Winter_Pariah's avatar

Love, but that was a stupid move at the time and I sometimes kick myself for not grasping onto a goal that’d have been a bit more concrete since I almost fell right back into that spot of despair when my friends and my significant other all turned away.

On the bright side, the experience taught me that hope has just as much potential for destruction as it does for construction and that hope really is the first step on the road to despair. And so I learned to stop hope from ever arising again within me. And now that pit of despair is a million miles away.

Also I learned who my friends really are.

Inspired_2write's avatar

Realizing that while at that period in ones life seems hopless.. that things will change and give you hope again.
Sometimes at periods in our lives we are strengthened through our trials and tribulations.
Realizing this and understanding helps overcome and become stronger.

fluthernutter's avatar

Good friends. Helped me more than I thought I needed. More help than I knew to ask for.

Katz22's avatar

Knowing that I am a strong and tough person has helped me through many tough times. I am not a person who whines or feels sorry for myself. I have inner strength, determination, and moxie. I know myself.

Misspegasister28's avatar

Sleep, food, driving around and blasting my music, watching my favorite shows, drawing and writing…

rojo's avatar

This may sound facetious but I am being honest here; this song What would Willie Do has pulled me out of a funk more than once.

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