General Question

Lunar_Landscape's avatar

Do you always relate to those your age?

Asked by Lunar_Landscape (304points) October 20th, 2014

And if not, in what ways do you not relate?

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16 Answers

talljasperman's avatar

Adults seem like children. It’s so weird older people are adults and me as a child. School messed me up.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I have always hung out with a bit older crowd than myself even as an adult,all my close friends are about 10 years older than I am.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

I’m in my 30’s, I associate with everyone.

Kairi's avatar

I get along better with older people and younger people closer to me in age.

Dutchess_III's avatar

No. I relate to any age. The biggest factor is what kind of person they are.

On another Q&A website I made great friends with a user named Balmung. We had SO MUCH FUN!!!!!
Then I found out he was only 16! He is younger than my youngest child. We’re still good friends, though. I think he’s 23 or 24 now.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

I relate to people. I don’t really care how old or young people are. I’m more interested in who they are.

Here2_4's avatar

I hate everybody, regardless of age or any other grouping.

Here2_4's avatar

Okay, I don’t hate anybody. Some people really tick me off sometimes. Liars really turn me cold fast. I can’t stand to be around people who have no compassion for others.
Those things have nothing to do with age, so I just have no age restrictions I can think of on my friendships. I enjoy people of all ages, so long as that individual is a good person to know by their own merits.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

It’s all in their attitude. If you’re a positive, upbeat, considerate, honest person, I’ll relate to you fast. If you’re a whiny, complaining, negative person, go away. Age doesn’t matter, it’s outlook and attitude.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Age doesn’t matter to me. I know which age I can talk about certain thinhs. A person of my age can understand one thing and an older person can understand another.

People at my age only rely on people at the same age. But I find myself hanging out with teachers sometimes. Adults can be more understanding and empathetic.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I suppose I have more points of reference with those of my own age, but my situation is peculiar in that the range of folks that roll through here with whom I’m compelled to interact is enormous. The grandsons and their pals, my kids, and their friends, my relatives and their kids. And then there are the wife’s girlfriends, who all behave as though they were18. The damned house needs a turnstile, and the grocery bill around here would sustain Oxfam. I’m going upstairs this minute to grump at whoever’s turn it is to eat me out of house and home. The wife and her girlfriends have taken to guzzling my wine. The wife has them convinced that I’m no threat and merely a stray pet adopted by the youngest grandson. Last week, when the cackling was particularly loud, I went upstairs to discover a doggie dish with my name on it holding a couple of tablespoons of wine, and placed on the kitchen counter! No respect!

rojo's avatar

No. Goddam fuddyduddys!

trailsillustrated's avatar

Haha no! Thankfully I live in a suburb where the elevator and Muzak is deep house!

Pixidust's avatar

No way! People my age go off to college and learn so much and come back still with no sense. I might not be great in school but I have more sense than most of them.

dxs's avatar

No. It really has to do with the person’s personality. Many people at my school at immature and inconsiderate.

youngisthan's avatar

I am 25 now and i get along well with age group of mine and also with people who are in there 30s or 40s but elder than that have different opinions and views. Can’t even get along with today teenage generation many of them are very weird.

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