General Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

Was Oscar Pistorius' sentence too light?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33715points) October 22nd, 2014

South African runner and confessed killer Oscar Pistorius was sentenced to five years for killing his girlfriend. Newspaper accounts here say that he may actually only spend ten months in jail.

This seems awfully short for a murder. A similar offense in the US would likely be longer.

Is Pistorius getting away lightly?

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17 Answers

CWOTUS's avatar

Yeah, there’s no question that he should have to serve at least as much time as OJ Simpson and Robert Blake. Oh, wait…

ragingloli's avatar

He was convicted of culpable homicide, not murder.

filmfann's avatar

He was found Not Guilty of Murder, but guilty of Culpable Homicide, which appears to be similar to Manslaughter. In the US, Manslaughter can get you around 8 years, according to my extensive watching of Law & Order.
How he got that, and not murder amazes me. He put on his prostetic legs, and shot her through the bathroom door 4 times. Doesn’t seem like something a moments rage would do.

ucme's avatar

Of course it was, but it was always going to happen, a jury would have seen justice done.

gailcalled's avatar

@filmfann:He shot her before he put on his prosthetic legs. Timeline

Pachy's avatar

Yes, based on what I heard through the media and from the judge’s comnents and decidiobs. I was impressed by the judge’s attempt to be fair.

marinelife's avatar

If he gets out after 10 months, it will be.

Pachy's avatar

Just re-read my comment and realized I worded it incorrectly. I do NOT think it was too light. I think it was fair.

I feel the judge said the right things and made the right decisions.

filmfann's avatar

@gailcalled. The agle of thebullet holes in th door indicated he was standing.

flutherother's avatar

I thought he got off very lightly. His defence didn’t make sense to me.

BeenThereSaidThat's avatar

He will only spend ten months of that five year sentence in prison and a modified time on house arrest. does that seem fair to you? Sounds more like the South African version of OJ Simpson.

ragingloli's avatar

at least he was not acquitted, like zimmerman

ibstubro's avatar

Thanks for posting this question, I had not heard the outcome (NPR is having pledge drive week). Yes, it does seem awfully light to me, but I didn’t follow the case that closely.

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LostInParadise's avatar

There was reasonable doubt in the case. South African cities have high crime rates. That said, it does seem that celebrities rarely get convicted of crimes. I remember what a sensation it was when Martha Stewart was forced to spend a few months in an upscale prison for her insider trading conviction.

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