General Question

talljasperman's avatar

How can I find a extra long mattress for someone who is 6 foot 6 inches tall?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) October 22nd, 2014

In Alberta.

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16 Answers

gailcalled's avatar

Call a local mattress store and see whether they make custom mattresses. Are you still in Red Deer? So is Mike’s Mattress Store;

Have a carpenter build you a custom platform on legs to your specs. Then get a custom cut piece of firm 6” thick foam.” (I wrote this in Aug. 2013 in answer to your earlier similar question.)

Darth_Algar's avatar

Call your nearest furniture/bedding store?

talljasperman's avatar

@gailcalled I called them and they said that the biggest that I can get is 80 inches, and I should consider sleeping on the floor. Or getting couch material. Yes I still live in Red Deer.

gailcalled's avatar

what’s an apolstry?

dappled_leaves's avatar

80 inches is just over 6’ 6”. If it’s the difference between sleeping on the floor and sleeping in a bed that barely fits you, wouldn’t you try the bed that barely fits you?

talljasperman's avatar

I have an 80 inch queen right now. I was looking for something longer.

dappled_leaves's avatar

This place makes custom mattresses in Calgary. Call them and ask what they’d charge for the mattress you need.

Here’s another in Calgary.

Any place in Calgary will probably deliver to Red Deer for a fee. Just Google custom mattress Calgary. You’ll find a few you can call for details.

Just be aware that any custom mattress is going to be a lot more expensive than one from a shop floor.

ibstubro's avatar

You would probably be more comfortable with your current mattress on the floor, with no head/foot board to hem you in. You could also then cut egg-crate foam into 1 meter strips and stack them up to the required height.

Remember if you get a custom mattress made, you are going to have to fond you someone to make you sheets as well. Expensive sheets.

dxs's avatar

Get one of those benches that people put at the end of their bed and use it for your feet.

jerv's avatar

California King is 72“x84”. While expensive, it will probably be cheaper than anything custom. Come to think of it, surgically shortening your legs may be cheaper; custom furniture isn’t cheap, while Canadian healthcare is subsidized.

ibstubro's avatar

I’m pretty sure you can buy @jerv‘s Cali King with the mattress as 2 pieces. If you could find a store selling remaindered bedding, you could possibly purchase ½. Or you could put up a sign at the Big and Tall shop looking for someone to split a bed with you.

dxs's avatar

Also, if you sleep on your bed diagonally, it will give you more length.
The dimensions of an average queen-size bed are 54” X 80”.√(54”2 + 80”2) ≈ 96.5” That’s long enough for an 8ft tall person.

Pandora's avatar

@dxs queen is 60×80 , full is 54 wide. But you are right. If they sleep corner to corner than a queen is long enough provided they sleep alone and don’t move much
Of course buying a custom bed could bring problems with sheets and such. You may try buying a storage bench / ottoman that is as long as the bed and that is high enough to reach the mattress and throw a sheet over it at night and rest your feet on it. There are benches that are made to look like a sofa bench so you aren’t resting your feet on hard wood and you can store the sheet for it in the bench during the day.
Here are some ideas.

dappled_leaves's avatar

@Pandora I imagine that if sheets are a problem, he could just buy lengths of fabric at a fabric shop pretty cheaply. They might wear out more quickly if they’re not properly hemmed, but at least it would be better than running out of footage.

fluthernutter's avatar

If your room is long enough, just put two twin beds head to feet. Put it up against a wall and dress it up like a sofa during the day. Even at a 45 degree angle in a corner would buy you another 36” without hefting out big bucks on a custom mattress.

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