Meta Question

Mimishu1995's avatar

Is that a white wolf heading to the 10K mansion over there?

Asked by Mimishu1995 (23824points) October 22nd, 2014

Let’s congratulate @seekingwolf for her achivement of reaching the 10K mansion! The mansion has got a new wise resident today!

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30 Answers

Mimishu1995's avatar

Congratulation! I sometimes see you posting on Fluther and I have to say your posts are very well-written and thoughtful. Although I may disagree with you, I acknowledge that you almost always have some good point.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Wolf whistles all the way! Is the mansion seeking a wolf? Well, now we have one. Congrats!

Buttonstc's avatar

Good for you. I always look forward to reading your posts.

Congrats and welcome to the mansion.

nebule's avatar

Congratulations!!! Woooohoooooo :) xxx

chyna's avatar


janbb's avatar

Mazel Tov!

tedibear's avatar


Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Hey congrats big time! Want to hear something wild. I was thinking get out of that hole of a city you live in and recalling your comment about seeing the stars. And the opening notes of Astronomy, BOC start. Let me see if I can find a version of it. :)
Here it is.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Congrats on the 10k! I am defrosting a turkey carcass for your cousins, in your honor.
Thanks for being here!

picante's avatar

A big, howling congratulations to you! I hope wolves like champagne, because I’ve brought plenty.

syz's avatar


Here2_4's avatar


marinelife's avatar

Wolves have been introduced to the mansion. Great!

dxs's avatar

Congrats! Welcome to the mansion. I’ll play some fanfare on the Yamaha baby grand.

filmfann's avatar

Congo Rats to the Wise White Wolf! WTG!

longgone's avatar

Yay! Congrats. :)

Here2_4's avatar

What timing! I just realized there is a wolf party just in time for Halloween. It should be a costume party!
dxs, you can be the Rubik’s cube!
I think I will wear the red one, with wings.

chyna's avatar

<——Coming to Halloween party as a poodle!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@chyna Okay, now we can do Woofstock at the mansion.

tinyfaery's avatar

Congrats! It’s about time. ;)

flutherother's avatar

10Kongratulations @seekingwolf

Coloma's avatar

Please except this freshly killed Caribou as a celebratory gift.

mazingerz88's avatar

CONGRATS Whitewolf-!

Seaofclouds's avatar


Coloma's avatar

OMG..I can’t believe I wrote except insiead of ACCEPT…lol

FireMadeFlesh's avatar

Well, I’m a bit late here. But hey, congratulations on the 10K!!

jca's avatar

(Hooowwwwwwwwwwwwwl!) Congrats SeekingWolf! Welcome to the Mansion! We need a wolf here, as we already have cats, penguins, geese, a Kat, and other furry friends!

rojo's avatar

Congrats, wolf! Sorry it took me so long to notice!

wildpotato's avatar


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