What you can get from eye contact?Is it more than sparkle?
Lets make some conversatione.I talk and you talk.We are looking in to eyes eachather and in the same time we keep a conversation withuot breaking an contact.You don t know that one and that one don t know you.Could you make it double of it self?
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138 Answers
OK, I will admit that I have already had a few beers. But does that make sense for anyone else?
I wish I’d had a few, now. No. :^(
note to moderators: Please don’t delete this question. I have a feeling it can lead somewhere interesting.
The asker doesn’t speak English, but fluther is very good for him, because it has gotten remarkably better in the last 15 minutes!!!
Jp, its only 1:30! I’m way ahead of you.
looks like the lyrics to an animal collective song, haha
I love this site. I laugh out loud more often since I joined the collective
@tinyfaery – same here. and the chat room conversations we have are also very entertaining
PnL: Yes, Queenie, everyone has lots of fun in there. Sincerely, Princess.
If your eyes come in contact with my eyes, do we risk contracting more than sparkle?
BTW, love Pathfinder’s profile where s/he describes him/herself as “unattainableness”.
<—- Just confused, clearly not drunk enough.
How about the finder of path discloses his native tongue? That might answer the mystery of the chain of yanking.
How are you going to stare into anyone’s eyes?? Is there some new internet capability I am not aware of?
@ seesul – he/she told me his/her native tongue is Czech.
There’s no law against FUI (Fluthering Under the Influence), is there?
If so, please don’t report me (or jp).
I’m not going to get pink eye from this question am I?
@dragonflyfaith ha ha!! no, but maybe a migraine!
We should probably just share hugs and pretend like this didn’t happen.
@scamp Good I don’t want my husband to get the wrong idea.
@PnL thanks. Perhaps that would be helpful in the profile. Still appears mysterious. The response must be slow or huge.
I can understand everything except “Can you make it double of it self?”
@ susanc – same here. maybe pathfinder could rephrase the last sentence of the Q?
Maybe he’s referring to a mirror image? A double of itself? Like, can you see yourself in their eyes? Weird..
My next guess has something to do with cloning.. and I don’t think that’s correct at all.
Let’s set the record for most Internet hugs shared in an hour. (((((All)))))
Yeah, the “Can you make it double of it self” was my WTF moment too.
@Seesul yeah, but how do you do a stare down on the net????
Maybe pathfinder meant “Make it a double”...
Scamp: Duh, you look at the screen til it blinks, or the power goes out. You’re bound to lose first. ;-)
@ Allie – your explanation for “making a double” makes the most sense to me. That just might be it. Good work detective!
Well, while pathfinder is doubling of it self in the response he’s crafting, here’s my guess:
oh wait, he disappeared -
oh wait, he’s back -
well, my guess would be, he’s wondering if some kind of
hyperspace greater-than-the-sum-of-two-parts infinity
effect happens as the two sets of eyes mirror and re-mirror,
so that both parties attain nirvana. Or sex?
susanc: He’s checking his dictionary..
Or infinite internet group hugging?
(((((((((((((((all on this thread))))))))))
Allie, I refuse to lose to my computer. I’ll throw it out the window before that happens.
Thanks for explaining that to me Allie!! ha ha!!
allie ha ha
or his “how to pretend to speak the english you were born with” textbook
ding ding ding!! susanc wins the thread!!!
I do? why, scampy? tell me why.
@scamp: double iSight?
Clue in tagline: hypnose.
@susanc because the post before mine made me laugh so hard!!
@Seesul oh, now I see!! Good one!!
What happened? I wanted to know where the question was going.
it is difficul becouse thrustness and the aboard betwin is language.
How can you not love (and thrust) a person who writes this?
why does a person who writes this have to be on the level to be appreciated?
@tiny, we can’t answer the question because we don’t
understand it yet. We are thrusting that
pathfinder will show us the way.
This part gets me too :
Places I’ve lived:
united kingdom
Isn’t the UK an english-speaking country?
scamp: that was the part that struck me as strange too.
@Eambos: from this side of the pond, maybe not, from their side of the pond, we certainly aren’t.
It just looks like someone talking literal notes for Yacov Smirnoff to me.
from a story I wrote about a month ago. I thought it might be fitting:
This human emotion transfers from one being to another, duplicates yet remains constant. The sorrow of the world is the sorrow of one, the joy of one is the joy of the world.
Thus it was that as she sat across from me at the table telling me these things, as my eyes locked on hers, we communicated, not with words vibrating through air—no ether was needed, oneness was achieved and the things she said were the things I thought, one unbroken circular flow, one consciousness. Her emotion was my emotion, duplicated yet constant. Her story became my story, I felt her suffering, and later I was able to compare her suffering to that of my own.
You are a very eloquent writer for one who indulges often in the cannabis.
the cannabis might have something to do with the writing.
ooo pete i like !!! i never knew about your writing talent. i want to read more. you should post your stories somewhere :)
@Eambos , Wacky weed does seem to bring out the artist in some people! When I smoked I was able to paint some pretty good landscapes.
Sooo…. I got lost in this thread like 1,000,000,000,000 times. I dunno if I’ve ever been so confused before. Hmmm. Its all so interesting though. I’ve gotta get this figured out now.
Pathfinder! Were are you? Will you ever explain this question?
(I love how he/she spelled public.. =publik)
Let’s be fair, folks. Jaký tebe pocínovat brát dle dírka dotyk? Is ono více než jiskra?.....could tebe dotáhnout to daleko duplikát samo od sebe?
(Pete, keep your day job. mˇt trvale tvůj čas námezdní.)
So now I fell like a first grader who was given a note by his teacher to take to another teacher only the note is written in cursive. I always hated when they did that. I’m so out of the loop right now.
ahah! hopefully gail is going to translate now!
I translated parts of his questions into Czech, since that is allegedly his first language.
“What can you get from eye contact? Is it more than sparkle?....Could you make it double of it self?”
(“Keep your day job”, also in Czech.)
NO words for pathfinder, sadly.
Wait, so you were talking to “petethepothead”.. Not pathfinder?
Since I am speaking in tongues, like everyone else here, I can talk to two people at the same time. (Shall I translate that into Czech? Just ask nicely.)
@gail: i don’t have any plans to quit my day job, i know my writing style is on the sappy side. no need to publikly mock my writing style though.
@pathfinder: where’s the conversatione? I talk, we all talk, but when do you talk?
Better be careful, folks. This is turning into the cake question.
I am sooo out of the loop. But, nothing new there.
Pete: I tell all the wonderful writers I know not to quit their day jobs.
well in that case, thank you kindly.
About 100 people in the world make a decent living from writing fiction, I would wager.
So here’s something I find funny. When I first saw this question, I thought it was about contact lenses. Then I thought everyone was as confused as me. Then it went to trying to translate which some how led to wrighting, which went to languages and now back to wrighting. I’m still so dang lost. I wish pathfinder would just come clear this up.
Randy!!! When I first saw the question too, I also thought it was about contact lenses as well! [don’t ponder it too much]
Path finder has probably gone thru several new aliases by now.
so what’s the definitive answer?
What you can get from eye contact?
Is it more than sparkle?
or better yet: what’s the definitive question?
We shall never know pete…
The explaination is.That your body stood on one place and you yust walk away.I get yust the face but the eye is like the internet if I am in converzatione .This happened to me many times.I founed diffrencies among those realityes.I have spot yust small detail when jamp in to another dimensione.If I get the conversatione I yust let anything go and than exist only me and the persone infront of me or the box around.
Ok. My translation. There are times when you are with someone (romantically I assume), and you are having a conversation, staring intently into each other’s eyes, and all of a sudden its like you two are the only people in the room. There is a deep connection based on eye contact alone. I’m not sure what the actual question is though.
The original question might have been, does this happen to you guys as well? oh no, wait – “could you make it double it self”.
I think that means, This happens to me when I look in your eyes. Does it happen to you? Will you still love me tomorrow?
I got it! He’s asking, basically (I think) what we get, if anything, from making eye contact with someone, even if we don’t know them. Sort of like asking if you get more out of a conversation with a person if your making eye contact. The double still throws me off too though.
I get all that too but the actual
question: could you make it double of itself??
pathfinder, what do you mean double?
The mystery sentence. Maybe it’s a typo?
the whole thing’s a typo.
Yep, Randy and TheHaight, that was my first thought as well, but then I got in trouble for the painting kitten question and just thought it was my smoke filled eyes playing tricks on me. Maybe our smoke blew towards Randy’s direction TH.
Actually Seesul, when I first read that question, I aslo read painting kitten. I chuckled then busted out laughing when I saw I wasn’t the only one.
“The explaination is.That your body stood on one place and you yust walk away.I get yust the face but the eye is like the internet if I am in converzatione .This happened to me many times.I founed diffrencies among those realityes.I have spot yust small detail when jamp in to another dimensione.If I get the conversatione I yust let anything go and than exist only me and the persone infront of me or the box around.”
I believe he is saying that sometimes when he is talking to people online on the computer, even though you aren’t looking at each other physically (thus you get “yust the face”), you get so involved with talking to them and you feel you are in another “dimensione”. The other dimension being the world wide web. And he gets so involved, that he forgets about everything else except that only he and the person “in the box” exist.
Since he talks about actual eye contact in the question, perhaps he is referring to webcams? And the “double of itself” could imply “could you recreate the situation with someone else?”
Sooo maybe he is just marveling the wonders of the internet and how it can bring perfect strangers together and is asking whether we think the same and feel the same way. Am I on the right track at all pathfinder?
I keep re-reading the narrative above, and my head hurts.
I think he is wondering if, upon first meeting someone, we communicate more through our inital (sustained) eye-contact than we do with our initial casual conversation. That is a pretty astute observation, and a valid point of discussion!
It appears that our Pathfinder may be a philosopher, albeit an incoherent one.
haha i bet we are all overanalyzing the question and he really means something simple like “do you all want some ice cream?” . to which my answer is “yes please!”
I think that the question is very basic, and it just means “Is a conversation more intimate if you make eye contact?” He added a lot of unnecessary extras, which threw us off, but that is my interpretation.
two scoops, sprinkles please. pardon? oh, chocolate, of course! double dutch.
one scoop chocolate and one scoop strawberry for me.
soft serve vanilla with chocolate sprinkles, please
I’ll take some Ben & Jerry’s Mint Chocolate Chunk, por favor.
See, I told you this was an undercover attempt to beat out the cake question!
(or just the first jailbroken 3G iPhone taking over the world with intuitive spelling)
Anyone here notice that one of your legs is now longer than the other?
(Coconut. 3G getting some bad reviews0.
Great, make the pregnant lady want ice cream
Better yet, coconut with dark chocolate topping. Or is that my new nickname?
3G going through Cabbage Patch Syndrome.
Quick! Someone find a cure for longer-legged, sparkley eye, painted kitty disorder. Czech in the mail.
Wow Seesul, that response is all over the place. Haha. =)
I didn’t get a lot of sleep last night. I think it shows. As my Gramma would have said: “punchy and a bit tetched”.
the “E’s” weren’t mine, my iPhone is possessed
hahahahah thanks for the laughs seesul!
how about Breyers Peach Ice Cream?
What the hell is wrong with all of you?
I just like ice cream!
@lefteh Well yesterday it seemed to be booze but today I think it’s a sugar high from all the ice cream being passed around.
Someone pass the caramel please.
A little hot fudge please!
I swear to you all, it WAS the phone, not moi, that put in those EEE’s and for the life of me, I couldn’t correct it.
I am now laughing so hard at the other possessions that I am crying.
watch out lefteh, it is contagious
In eyes is real time internet.It is something what you can t touch on but you can t turned it for your benefit any ways.When I was working in one job I was making joke,,Would you like to be immortal.
@path; you are good but not quite convincing. Or, as they say in Czech…
Tebe ar ve skutečnosti mandlovat of ono.
I don’t want to be immortal if one of my legs is now shorter than the other.
reality czech
as a matter of fact, he is full of what? So the finder of the path has sparkly contact lenses so the proverbial brown eyes will show not beneath them?
I don’t thnk he is full of it. He’s a quart low!! After all, so much has recently been spewed here.
If I look at his avatar too long it’s like he’s looking into my soul. It burns! Wait…maybe I am getting pink from this question…
finder of path’s answer from another question, might give some answers:
“i write in a clues.Thanks for explainatione and help.I should handle that.I yust nead concentrate myself maybe switch rest of my brain on.Yes this is my gap.I will fill it up”
I think we would all benefit if he switched the rest of his brain on.
“Yes this is my gap.I will fill it up”
you’re right, scamp. He is a quart low!
The clarity of hindsight, or one last desperate try:
You are standing in a public place talking with someone you don’t even know. You lock eyes. Suddenly everything except the conversazione, the contact, disappears. The locked eyes are the only reality. You could walk away, but the contact is so intense you cannot attend to anything else and you would stay locked in it. And the question is, can this happen to both people at once?
It’s – happening – to – me – right – now.
Can – not – look – away – from – this – question.
Hypnoze. Publik. Sparkle. Aaaaaaaahhhhh
It’s great when you are perfectly sober of all drugs and alcohol and yet have trouble reading a question on Fluther.
The submitter’s profile bio says it all: “i thing that i am half animal,unattainableness,free”
They all lost that sparkle.
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